Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (11th May 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
67 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 5.0 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 3.0 pounds, so I'm pleased to say I've achieved my goal to lose 2 pounds this week! It's been a while since I lost 2 pounds, so I'm very happy!!! :-)

I have 10 pounds to go to reach my ultimate goal of weighing 12 stone 7 pounds, but my short-term goal is to get into the elusive 12's - so maybe I'll do that by the end of May, all being well.

I'm continuing with my walking, and also doing some core conditioning exercises too, and I am definitely noticing that my body seems to be toning up and getting stronger. So I'm going to continue with those. I'm also going to make some batches of soup this week, so that I can have some easy lunches when I don't feel like cooking. Freezing batches of soup is a really good way to have something to hand on those days when you don't know what to have, and they are very tasty.

It's great that the weather is improving and we've been having some sunnier days - I might even have a run this week…!

I hope you are having a good week, and I hope you'll join me for this Monday weigh-in. If you're new, and want to join in, please do. Everyone is welcome, and there are lots of supportive and friendly people in this community, and who regularly join in this weigh-in. At my heaviest I weighed 18 stone 8 pounds, and I'm feeling so much healthier and fitter at 13 stone 3 pounds. I am 6 feet 1 inch tall. I used to be obese and now I've got a healthy BMI.

I think the NHS website pages are really good - sensible advice that can be incorporated into daily life, and which doesn't feel like a 'diet' - it's a healthy eating plan, which incorporates regular exercise. Exercising regularly really helps, in my experience - there are so many healthy reasons to exercise alongside a healthy eating plan.

I just wanted to share my enthusiasm today, as I'm feeling happy! :-)

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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67 Replies

What a lovely post Lowcal! :-) I am so pleased that you achieved your mini- goal and that you are doing so well overall. Your starting point was very similar to mine so I can understand how hard you have worked and what you have achieved. You are an inspiration - you just sound so happy, hyped and healthy! Keep up the good work, I'm sure that you will achieve your other goals before too long.

This is my week 6 weigh-in (at the end of 6 weeks on the plan) and I have lost 4 lbs bringing my total to 23 lbs - whoop whoop! :-) It would be nice to reach the 2 stone loss by the week 8 weigh-in but I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and we will see what happens.... :-)

Hope it's good news for everyone else with their weigh-ins and I wish you and all the other Lowcal-ers a great day and a good week :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi MagsMM,

Thanks for your encouraging words - I appreciate them! :-)

Congratulations on losing 4 pounds this week, and to achieving a total loss of 23 pounds - that is fantastic! Really well done. :-) You are making great progress.

Wishing you another great week ahead, and good luck with your goal to achieve 2 stone loss by week 8's weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

fibronfedup profile image

Hey well done :) Thats great, and good to read a positive post first thing, motivates me to stay positive and focused. Good luck on reaching your ultimate goal good for you! Have a lovely day. I rechecked my weight this morning and im the same as i was before i went away so really happy :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fibronfedup

Hi Fibronfedup,

Great to see you, and thanks so much for your support. Glad to hear you've got back to your pre-holiday weight again - that's brilliant!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

fibronfedup profile image
fibronfedup in reply to Zest

Hey no problem, its the support i receive on here that keeps me going, so giving it back is my way of paying it forward :)

in reply to fibronfedup

Ha ha fibron, I told you that the 2lbs wouldn't be there long! :-)

fibronfedup profile image
fibronfedup in reply to

lol, i was over the moon when i saw the scales. Aiming for a kick arse week this week :) Have a good week

SineadC92 profile image

Hey lowcal, congrats on losing your 2lb goal. It must be good to have your end goal in sight!

I have lost 4lbs this week which I'm really happy about. The last few weeks have been up and down so I'm hoping this is it evened back out again. The weather hasn't been so great where I live so haven't been out walking as much as I'd like. Hoping it's better this week as I'm aiming for another 2lbs off.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92,

Wow, that's great to hear you've lost 4 pounds this week - glad that your weight has evened out again after being up and down over the last few weeks. Congratulations! :-)

Many thanks for your encouraging words - those 12's always seem elusive for me - I can't quite believe that I might actually get there, but I feel more positive this year about that possibility. I was nearly there at Christmas, but put on a few pounds during February when I had a chest infection and couldn't exercise. At least it's come off again now, and I'm getting there gradually.

Hope the weather improves for you so you can enjoy some more walking. Good luck with your goal to lose 2 pounds this week.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Dollydream profile image

Good Morning Lowcal and everyone,

Well done with the weight loss Lowcal and MagsMM. This is my my first weigh in since starting last week when I weighed 16st 5 lbs. This morning I weigh 15st 13 lbs - a weight loss of a whopping 6 lbs - I have been restricting my intake to 1400 cals, so I have not starved myself - much of the loss will be fluid but it is a great start and I am ectatic! I already feel a bit lighter and walking is a tad easier. Hope everyone has a great week ahead. Onwards and upwards!

p.s - Lowcal, making soup is one of my goals this week, it's such a tasty way of getting more veg and filling up. I have some chicken stock from the roast yesterday so there is no excuse!

in reply to Dollydream

Well done Dollydream - what a great start! Keep up the good work :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dollydream

Hi Dollydream,

Thank you!

Wow, you've had such a great start - losing 6 pounds in your first week is great! Really well done. It's a great start, and I'm so glad you're feeling good! Noticing that you're walking easier and feeling lighter already is such great feedback too.

Lovely that you have some chicken stock to use for your soup making. I'm hoping to make some spicy sweet potato soup, and also some tomato and lentil soup. Enjoy your soup making and hope you have another positive week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Nic1976 profile image
Nic1976 in reply to Dollydream

Hi Dollydream

What an inspirational post - keep it up and all the best to you on your weight loss journey 😎

Well done you. Week 1 for me: 16st 53/4lb / waist: 45". Ouch. Meet up next Monday in the weight confessional? Great idea! Have a good week. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Hebe,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. You've done the first step - sharing your initial starting weight, so well done for that, and I'll look forward to catching up with you next week - hope you have a great week and that you enjoy it, and that you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Dollydream profile image
Dollydream in reply to

Good luck Hebe, wishing you well for the week and the weigh in next Monday.

crossfaerie profile image

Very well done on everyone's losses/maintaining loss. We had to buy new scales on Thursday, the old ones were so unreliable. So counting from Thursday I have lost 3lbs. I'm unsure what I've lost from the start (3+) weeks ago, but I am starting to feel like my wrists and around my jawline are going down. So very happy!

Best of luck to everyone for the coming week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to crossfaerie

Hi Crossfaerie,

Welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Glad to hear you've got some reliable scales now, that should definitely help! Congratulations for losing 3 pounds since Thursday, that's a great start! It's great that you've noticed differences in your wrists and around your jawline. I take measurements monthly, and it does help to see reductions in the inches - especially when some weeks changes don't always show up on the scales.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Morning - Cracking week for you LC - well done. And thank you for your enthusiasm.

My week in Spain saw a 1.5 gain.....

However the bigger more salutary story is I have gained 8 pounds since xmas - and I am now the same weight as I was two years ago. So this is a day of reckoning - I need to go the other way.

So Day 1 - I will will read those diet pages on the NHS site and go back to basics in meal planning and trying to incorporate exercise. If nothing else - I don't have anything in my wardrobe that fits and i am refusing to buy new clothes!!

Good luck everyone for the forthcoming week. I will keep my fingers crossed for something positive to report next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Great to see you, and I was impressed that you weighed in last week during your holiday in Spain. Sounded like you were having a lovely time. Glad to hear you've only gained 1.5 pounds over the holiday, that is minuscule, and will soon be off again. I know that you've gained 8 pounds since Christmas, but at least you're no heavier then you were 2 years ago, which means you've essentially 'maintained' your weight, which is also an achievement - it can be so easy to put on weight over the years if we don't keep focused.

It sounds like you're taking a focused and determined approach, and it's likely that you'll make some in-roads towards reducing your weight again from today - great idea to re-read the NHS weight loss pages and go back to basics in your meal planning and incorporating exercise. Hopefully you'll be able to fit in those clothes in the near future.

Wishing you a really good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mello17 profile image

Morning, well I managed to lose 1lb. A bit disappointing because I really worked hard last week and counted my calories. Maybe it will be better next week, I am away in the caravan this week, so have not packed anything bad and will walk every day.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mello17

Hi Mello17,

A warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. :-)

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, that's really good. I know you have said you feel a bit disappointed by that, but if you imagine it as a pound of butter on a plate, and think about the fact that you shifted that weight with your diligent hard work last week, then it is definitely an achievement.

Sounds like you're prepared in terms of having no unhealthy things in your caravan, and you're planning to walk everyday, so hope you have a really enjoyable time, and good luck for the coming week.

Lowcal :-)

Lindylou19 profile image
Lindylou192lbs in reply to Mello17

Have you ever seen a pound of lard? Think about it , you have lost it, don't put yourself down, healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week, you are more likely to keep it off too😀

vickster5 profile image

Well done lowcal that is great! Enjoy your walk. Also well done everyone else some fantastic losses!

Please to say 0.5 lbs loss for me. Only a little but things have slowed right down to virtually static despite my efforts! Also can see shape changing with exercise. Here is to a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Thank you so much.

Congratulations to you on your 0.5 lb loss this week. Sometimes the weight loss does appear to plateau - but just keep going, and it will rev up again - you're noticing changes in your shape which shows that the exercise and efforts are reaping some rewards.

Like you say, here's to another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image

Morning Lowcal, well done on your 2lb loss, that's fabulous 🌸

I start week 12 of the plan today and have maintained this week at 11st7lb, I'm determined not to be disheartened ...I have stuck to the plan for 11 weeks .... I am now inside my healthy BMI range ... I have lost 2inches from my waist ... Weight loss is not linear ... I am focused and in control!!!

Have a great week everyone! ☀🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl,

Many thanks. :-)

Well done for you for sticking to the plan for the past 11 weeks, and being inside the healthy BMI range, that is inspiring. Losing 2 inches from your waist is also great. Improvements don't always show up on the scales, and you've maintained your weight this week, so I think you're right not to be disheartened - you are making great progress and you've made significant changes - it's all great progress, and should be celebrated!

Most importantly you are focused and in control, which sets you up for a positive week ahead.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Zest

Thanks for your lovely words of encouragement Lowcal 🌈

Willow308 profile image

Well done really pleased for you.

I'm starting today, have a lot to lose, but hopefully when I way in next week there will be less of me.

Have a good week. xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Willow308

Hi Willow308,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks so much for joining us for this Monday weigh-in.

Wishing you a great first week, and look forward to catching up with you at next week's weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

Willow308 profile image
Willow308 in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal for your welcome.

Hopefully this time next week I will be on site carrying a few less pounds.

Have a good few days. xx

catch profile image

Hi lowcal, well done on your 2lb loss, I know how much you wanted it! I had a bit of a shock this morning when I got on the scales to find I had put on 4 pounds! My husband has since told me though that our daughter moved the scales across the bathroom yesterday and he had to put them back. This means that they are probably in a slightly different place and so may be weighing slightly differently, though I may also have put on a bit. I did however measure my waist this morning and have lost a centimeter since I last measured, so I am not too worried. Will choose a location for the scales today, lined up with some floor tiles for easy relocation if moved, and start again I think! I would like to get back down to 10st7 as is is a nice round amount so will try to do that this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Many thanks!

Congratulations on losing a centimetre from your waist - thank goodness you took your measurements so that you could be certain of some reduction - as your daughter's decision to move the bathroom scales definitely seems to have upset the accuracy. Hope you find a suitable location for those scales.

Good luck with your goal to get back to 10 stone 7 pounds - I'm sure you'll be back at that weight really soon.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Hi just to say I have stayed the same weight for a while and have not been trying to lose weight. At the moment I have lost the head space to continue so will be taking a break for a while.

Wishing everybody success in their weight loss.

Will join again when I am ready too.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

Thanks for letting us know that you're taking a break for a while. I think it's sensible to give yourself some head space now and again, and I wish you well, and hope all goes well for you.

Hopefully we'll still be here if and when you decide to join in again, and hope to see you again in the future. You've been a very positive and lovely participant in the past weigh-ins, and thanks so much for all your contributions.

Take care and hope you have a good Summer.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest


Nic1976 profile image

Congratulations Lowcal on achieving a 2lb weight loss you were hoping for!

I didn't realise you were over 6ft tall. I'm guessing you are looking pretty trim at the weight your at - seems like 2015 might be the year you achieve your ultimate weight loss goal.

Last week I weighed 11st12 and this week I weigh 11st11 - I'm so thrilled to be in the 11's!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nic1976

Hi Nic1976,

Thank you so much. :-)

I am thrilled to hear you're into the 11's - that's fantastic!!! Really well done. :-) You've lost another pound this week, and that's really good.

You're making great progress.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

geris profile image

We had Mothers Day here in NZ yesterday. Went out for a meal with son and daughter-in-law. Really enjoyed the meal, and happy to say, I am 1 pound down. Good luck to everyone else who is weighing in today.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to geris

Hi Geris,

Wow, you've done really well to lose a pound when you've just had your Mother's Day Celebrations - really well done! I'm glad you enjoyed your meal with your son and daughter-in-law.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

What fantastic news Lowcal and many congratulations to you. It's been a hard slog for you and walking on sunshine now indeed. Doesn't it give you the motivation to achieve more and smile more. Go for it!

I stayed the same this week but I went to the gym three times last week although I had a couple of bad days. My daughter is a victim of domestic abuse and has a bad week and because I am not near her I worried and ate & ate & worried!

So now my sister is over from the States for a couple of weeks and my husband is still here so really must get my head into gear and crack weight loss next week.

I so hate excuses for bad behaviour lol!!!

Good luck everyone and keep at it.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Thank you so much! :-)

I think you've done well to maintain your weight this week, as it sounds like you've had more stresses to deal with, and stress never helps us to lose weight - it is very challenging. It must be incredibly worrying for you to be so far away from your daughter when she is going through difficulties like that.

I hope you are enjoying the visit from your sister - and it's great that your husband is still around. Well done for getting to the gym three times - that's dedication in itself! Hope you enjoyed those sessions.

Wishing you a good week ahead, and I hope your daughter has a better week too.

Lowcal :-)

col20 profile image

Im just starting 12 wk plan today. I weigh 16 st 10 and need to lose about 6 stone for healthy bmi i think. How long did it take you to get to this weight?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to col20

Hi Col20,

A very warm welcome to you - it's great that you have joined us for this Monday weigh-in, and that you're starting the NHS 12 week plan today. I hope you'll enjoy it and have a great first week.

I was at my heaviest weight about 7 years ago, so it's taken me a while to get there, but I think that because the journey was gradual, it is more likely that I'll keep that excess weight off. My way of life now feels a lot more like a 'lifestyle' than a 'diet' - I don't feel as if I deprive myself of things, and try to eat balanced and healthy meals.

Good luck with your weight loss, and hope to see you at future weigh-ins, if you want to join in.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Lowcal that is wonderful news, well done! You are doing great and to be a healthy bmi is such good news (and my ideal goal!) although I have a long way to go to get to 10 stone 10! The soup idea sounds a good one, must give it a try. At the moment I seem to lunch on pitta bread and turkey with watercress and abit of cranberry to liven it up. I guess it's whatever works for you. I have a very demanding dog who ensures I exercise which I think helps! Anyway have a great week and bravo again!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Juliet,

Many thanks :-)

Your lunch sounds tasty! I had a tuna wrap with salad and coriander dressing today - it was really delicious!

Great that your dog is so enthusiastic for walks - that would definitely help!

Wishing you another great week ahead. I'll look out for your Friday weigh-in, to see how you're doing.

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image

Hi Lowcal and fellow Monday Weigh In members. Well done on losing another 2lbs that's good news indeed, I can hear in your post just how much that means to you. I agree with all you say about the NHS 12 week plan I think it's great. I've just come to the end of week 6 so half way for me. I was really worried about today's weigh in as I was on holiday last week and although I tried my hardest to stay on plan there were one or two days when it didn't quite happen + I didn't feel any different, so it was with trepidation I stepped onto the scales this morning but phew...I managed to lose 3.5lbs last week so wonderful, and even better as that means I have now lost 1 stone!!!! Really happy as it takes me to a third of the way towards my goal, just 2 more stone to lose. I am surprised how much I lost last week as it's more than when I've been home and in total control of shopping and cooking, guess it's just one of those quirky diet facts! Have a great week everybody.

Nic1976 profile image
Nic1976 in reply to Jenever

Well done Jenever - I've completed 1 cycle of 12 weeks and in that time I have lost 22lb. I read in the nhs plan that research shows it takes 36 weeks on average to form a habit so 3 x 12 week plan and we should be sorted for life in diet terms. Do keep going and good luck for the weight loss week ahead 😎

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Thanks for your supportive words and encouragement. Much appreciated :-)

I hope you had a great time on your recent holiday, and may I say how impressed I am that you lost 3.5 pounds after a holiday - that is incredible! Really well done! :-) Even better to hear that you've lost a stone over the past 6 weeks of being on the NHS plan - really great!

I'm so glad you are enjoying the plan - and that you're doing so well on it. Really great progress.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

runnerjan profile image

Good afternoon Lowcal,

As usual I'm late to the party but am thrilled to see that you've had a fantastic week and have achieved the 2 pounds loss you have been chasing. Huge pat on the back for you. Your enthusiasm is inspirational and came across in your post beautifully for us all to catch a bit of!

Great that you're keeping up with the exercise and tempted to maybe have a little run? My 10 mile road race is this weekend and I'm starting to get quite nervous and jittery about it - the furthest I've run has been training for this and I managed 8.5 miles so hopefully on the day I'll make the 10 miles. I've only been running (don't be impressed am a slow plodder) for about 18 months and to start with I could jog for maybe 100 metres before I had to walk for a bit. If you'd have told me then that I would be running a 10 mile road race I would have rolled over laughing at the absurdity of it!!

I too have had a pretty good week and have lost 2 pounds taking my weight to 11 stones and 4 pounds. I've got exactly one stone to go before I'm at my goal weight but like you that seems too far away so I am aiming to get into the 10's - haven't been there for a long time.

Have a great week in the early summer sunshine!

Best wishes to all.

Jan x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to runnerjan

Hi Jan,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words - I really appreciate them. :-)

The best of luck for your 10 mile road race this weekend - I can imagine you are feeling a little nervous about it, but the fact you've run 8.5 miles means you're very close to it, and so hopefully on the day, that extra mileage will happen and you'll make it! That will be a great achievement. It was interesting to read about your history to date with running - it's great that you're doing that after 18 months - and it's very inspiring to hear your progress.

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week - that is really great. So you're now going to be losing your final stone to take you to your goal weight - you are sounding positive, and it's really sensible to set yourself goals to reach that - and I hope you reach the 10's very soon.

Wishing you another great week ahead, and best of luck for the weekend big run.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to runnerjan

You will smash it Jan, enjoy and the crowd will spur you on I hope to return to the 10's with you!

runnerjan profile image
runnerjan in reply to Prin

Thanks for message and support Prin - really appreciated. Here's to those elusive 10's!! x

trafford1 profile image

Well done Lowcal on hitting your goal this week of 2 lbs, that makes two of us...YEAH :-) I'm sooo.. pleased for you :-) Soup is a good idea. I just bought some coriander and carrots and a scotch bonnet pepper to spice it up, yum. I hope your soup turns out nice. Again well done and enjoy your run x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thanks very much! Yes, we both made 2 pounds this week - that's sooooo great!!! :-)

I'm going to buy my soup ingredients tomorrow, and hope to make it in the middle of the week - your soup sounds really good, I like the idea of the pepper to spice it up - not sure I'd have chosen a Scotch Bonnet pepper though - you must really like it hot!!! I've never tried one though - maybe I should, it might really fire up my metabolism.

Wishing you another great week.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Zest

Lol your reply has made me giggle. Spicy food can or so they say does help your metabolism. I really love spice and all things nice, especially jerk chicken.

I wish you another great week to Lowcal x

Samryan-19 profile image

Well done on everyone this week, so started on the 13th April I weighed 90.2 kg, the past 2 weeks I haven't been using my fitness pal as my phone has been broken and had not internet access, but have been trying to write everything down. (Have missed quite a lot out) but have stuck under 1700 cals a day. So far I have lost 5kg. I haven't seen any body changes but my partner has told me he can feel a difference when we cuddle. ( don't know if it's him trying to keep me motivated or not) have my phone fixed and returned today so I will carry on using my fitness pal tomorrow. My next goal is 80 kg by the end of June. I am upping my exercise from today to start toneing up. Need to keep focused as my weight haven't moved for the last week. Good luck everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Samryan-19

Hi Samryan-19,

Thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in, and a warm welcome to you! :-)

Sorry to hear you've had some difficulties with your phone - but at least you've still recorded your food intake, and well done for keeping to your calorie limit. Congratulations on losing 5kg so far, that is really brilliant! :-) It's great that your partner has noticed a difference.

Hope you enjoy doing the toning exercises - and I'm sure your weight will move again very soon - just keep positive and focused - hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Anna999 profile image

Hey lowcal,

Well I'm a day late posting again... Lol! 13 hour shift yesterday wiped me out and I've got a cold so feeling sorry for myself!

On a positive note, thanks for you lovely post, and well done for your 2lb loss, that's great! 🎉🎉 You're getting so close to your goal now, so happy for you!

I've lost 1lb this week, which is in the right direction, I'm pleased as have had a meal out and have slipped up on a couple of occasions this past week so it could have been worse! I'd like to aim for a bigger loss this week though, 2lb would be nice! My next big goal is to lose 2 stone(another 10lb), and I'm hoping to do this by the end of week 12! (on week 8now).

I also do this with the frozen soup! Lol! I'm not a big fan of salad so I pretty much eat homemade soup everyday for lunch. And also for dinner if I can't be bothered to cook..! Haha!

Have a good week and good luck with reaching your goal of hitting the 12 stone zone! 🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Anna999

Hi Anna,

Glad you survived your 13 hour shift yesterday!!! Sorry to hear you've got a cold - hope you feel better soon. Take it easy if you can!

Thanks so much for your encouraging words - they are much appreciated.

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week, especially as you also had a meal out and said you'd 'slipped up' on a couple of occasions - you're doing really well and making great progress.

So what flavour soup do you tend to make? I've just bought some sweet potato to make a spicy sweet potato soup - it has butter beans in it too which bulks it up. The spice comes from some fresh root ginger and it is really good.

Good luck on your next goal to lose a stone by week 12 - and to losing 2 pounds this coming week.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Anna999 profile image
Anna999 in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal, looking forward to being able to breathe/hear again lol!

My fave soup is broccoli, just an onion, litre of stock, few tablespoons of white lentils and a whole broccoli, seasoned with salt, pepper and herbs to taste. I used to use a small amount of potato to thicken but I've started using lentils which works really well! I made cauliflower and Leek last week which was OK, but a bit bland so next time I'll try and spice it up a bit. I also like spinach soup, onion, stock, lentils just boil all that lot down together then add 2 bags of spinach for about 2mins and blitz,add a couple tablespoons of yoghurt to make it a bit creamy. Made a bacon and lentil one a while ago that was really yummy. So many I like! Your sweet potato one sounds really good, I'll have to try using ginger to spice it up a bit! 🌸

Prin profile image

Good evening LowCalorie, slimmer of the week award to you well done😀 not a good week for me am 11.3 but on positive notes

1 bought a size 10 jacket - to keep me in check not a tight fit but snug

2. PB on Sunday s 10k 53:07, sadly not a slimmers goody bag - it's posted on c25k

3. Feel stronger and have upped chest weights in body pump to7.5k each side

Hope you are all achiveing York goals and well done loosers😛

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Great to see you!!! Thanks for the 'award' :-)

Glad to hear you have some positive notes - great that you've bought a size 10 jacket - that is great! Wow, you had a brilliant 10K time - really well done. I'll have to check out the post on c25k.

Also, well done with the Body Pump - you are really upping it!

Wishing you a great week ahead. You are probably putting on some muscle with all your toning etc.

Lowcal :-)

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024

Hi Lowcal delayed weighing this week as I thought I had gained but was surprised to find I had lost 1lb. Goes to show don't put off weighing!

Pleased that you reached your mini goal. Every step forward is a bonus.

Good luck everyone for next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Maxiemum

Hi Maxiemum,

Brilliant to hear you've lost a pound, even though you had anticipated a gain. That's great! Congratulations! :-)

Thanks for your encouraging words, and hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

caroboo profile image

I'll join you with Monday weigh in. I started on May 11th and I was 127 kg. I'm not looking at long term goals, just 5kg at a time. Have bought some glass pebbles and intend to put one in a glass vase for each kg lost

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to caroboo

Hi Caroboo,

Thanks for joining us! A very warm welcome to you. I like your idea of putting the glass pebbles in the vase to represent each kilo you lose - that will definitely show you how much weight you've lost, and by symbolic of your achievement.

Here's to lots of pebbles in that vase as time goes on.

Wishing you a great week, and look forward to catching up with you at future weigh-ins.

Lowcal :-)

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