Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (13th April 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
76 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 5.6 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 4.4 pounds, so I've lost 1.2 pounds this week. I'm relieved to have a loss on the scales, as I had ended up overeating over Easter - and that continued into the first part of the week, but thankfully I was able to get back on track towards the end, and I've had a better second half of the week.

Enjoyed some walks and also continued doing my core conditioning cardio exercises - only a 25 minute session - but really good. Noticing a difference to my body-shape - which seems to be toning up a bit!

I hope you've had a good week. Please join me and share your experiences. Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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76 Replies

Well done Lowcal. That's great :-) I have lost 3lbs this week - woohoo! Am really pleased that after 2 weeks on the programme I have lost 9 lbs and that I am feeling so much healthier already. Onwards and upwards....

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi MagsMM,

Many thanks. :-)

Great to see you, and Congratulations on losing 3 pounds this week - that's incredible! Really well done. :-)

Wow, losing 9 pounds in 2 weeks is great! Glad to hear you're feeling a lot healthier already.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

djas profile image

well done you for getting back on track and a good weight loss, i don't weigh till tomorrow so i will let you know how i get on then.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to djas

Hi Jh24,

Many thanks. :-)

I'll look forward to seeing you again tomorrow for when you weigh-in. Wishing you luck and hopefully a loss!

Lowcal :-)

SineadC92 profile image

Hi lowcal, I had to weigh myself a day early as I'm away on holiday but as of yesterday I was down 3.5Lbs. I'm thinking this is a bounce back from my 2lbs on last week! Also the weather has been so good I managed to get out walking every day.

Goal for this week is to stay the same and get as much walking as possible.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92,

Congratulations on losing 3.5 pounds, that's really great!!! Great that you managed a walk every day as well - that's such great exercise, and a lovely way to enjoy the good weather.

Hope you have a great holiday with lots more walking and you've set a sensible goal to maintain whilst on holiday.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image

Well done Lowcal, I'm really happy for you :-) Keep up the good work and have a really great week ahead.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Many thanks. :-)

Wishing you a great week ahead as well.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal. I couldn't join you last week as spent whole wknd at my boyfriend's flat where there are no scales, didn't get back to mine til tues eve. I feel its been hard to manage my diet during the past couple of weeks festivities, but I've kept on running and cycIing. Overall, I've stayed the same at 12st1. I didn't feel as if I'd put on weight but was worried about stepping on the scales today. So staying the same is a relief!

Congratulations on losing 1.2 lb this week. You sound positive about your body, feeling the effects of exercising in more ways than just through losing weight. I'm heading out for a run now. Hope to post 11something next week fingers crossed. Have a great week ahead 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Great to see you - I missed you last week! Hope you enjoyed your festive celebrations. Great that you were able to continue with your running and cycling, and Congratulations for maintaining your weight - that's definitely good as it's so easy to put weight on with all the festive meals etc.

Thanks for your encouraging words.

Hope you enjoy today's run, and wishing you a good week ahead.

Yes, here's to you being 11 stone something next week - all being well. :-)

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

I missed you too! Thought of weighing myself wed a.m. and joining your thread couple of days late, but just didn't feel confident enough. Luckily today wasn't as bad as I'd thought! You always have something so positive to say though. Hope you stay positive and have an excellent week 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Oh I wish you'd joined us last Wednesday - there are often some people who miss the Monday weigh-in and then join in a couple of days later, I never mind - because as long as I see the responses I'll get back to people, no matter how many days late they might be! :-)

I am feeling positive at the moment, still have hope that one day in the future I might actually get below 13 stone - it always seems like an elusive figure! I got there in November last year, but my weight went up again - especially during February this year when I had that horrible chest infection.

I think it's great that we have the Summer to look forward to, as there is more chance to lose weight over this period of time.

Here's to an excellent week ahead for us all. :-)

Lowcal :-)

fibronfedup profile image

Hey lowcal, well done thats great, think a few of us struggled after the indulgence of easter, but so glad you are back on track and seeing a difference in your body, its a great feeling isnt it? Keep up the good work, great weather for walking and hope you have another successful week :)

Jenica profile image
Jenica in reply to fibronfedup

Did you have struggle after Easter too Fibronfedup ? I thought it was just me, after lasting 4 days without eating Easter egg I indulged and that was it -afterwards 3 days of being out of control and 4lb gained today when I weighed myself. I am going to cut down to below 600 cals today and weigh tomorrow and maybe be back to what I was last week.

fibronfedup profile image
fibronfedup in reply to Jenica

Yeah i think most of us did, it was with best intentions to have a little chocolate here and there but ended up with quite a bit over a few days, but think that was down to giving up chocolate for the whole of march, but weened myself back off it now so all good. Be careful you dont lower your calories too much as it can force your body into protecting the fat but im sure you will get back on track, a little hard work and determination and we will all meet our goals :)

Jenica profile image
Jenica in reply to fibronfedup

fingers crossed but I'm not living in hope!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fibronfedup

Hi Fibronfedup,

Thanks very much! :-) It does feel good to notice a difference, and definitely inspires me to continue. Thanks for your encouraging words.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

slimjan profile image


Well done on your weght loss this week, that's great. I have lost 1lb this week so down to 12.10, really pleased about that after no weight loss last week.

I have two weeks left now before I go on holiday so will keep up with plenty of walks and healthy eating to hopefully get another couple of pounds off.

Hope everyone has had a good week and good luck for next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to slimjan

Hi Slimjan,


Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week, that's really great. Yes, you've still got time to lose a couple more pounds before your holiday - great incentive to keep going - enjoy your walks.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

vickster5 profile image

Well done Lowcal that is great!

Unfortunately i am feel demoralised, over ate on roasts at Easter and put on few pounds, 2 weeks on still 2lbs more than was 2 weeks ago. Cannot seem to get myself to 2 stone weight loss point!

oh well this site keeps me going so off to the gym i go!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Thanks for your kind words.

So sorry to hear you're feeling demoralised - Easter can be such a challenging time with all those roast dinners and chocolate temptations - don't give up hope, just try to keep as positive as you can and keep focusing on healthy eating and exercise.

Glad this site helps to keep you going - and enjoy your gym session!

Hopefully you'll have a weight loss again really soon. Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

lisajane0401 profile image

Well done on your continued loss. It makes it all worthwhile while you start noticing differences in your body shape not just on the scales!

Disappointing weigh in today, I've put on 1lb. I had quite a few short walks last week and a long walk at the weekend but did have quite a few snacks left over from Easter (home made Rocky Road and cupcakes mainly - I should really stop baking!).

On the positive side, I was really craving a take away this weekend but just had some crisps and peanuts as a treat instead. So good news and bad news to sum up the week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to lisajane0401

Hi LIsajane0401,

Thank you. :-)

Sorry to hear you're disappointed with your weigh-in today - but hopefully that pound will soon be off again - after all you coped really well with that craving you experienced for a take-away on the weekend - and you managed to avoid giving into it. That's really good.

Have you explored baking the Banana Bran Fruit recipe which is in the NHS weight loss pages - I think it's later on in the weeks - maybe around week 9 but I can't remember for certain - but it's really tasty and makes a really good snack - especially as you enjoy baking.

Wishing you a good week ahead. Hopefully now Easter is out of the way, and there are not many left-overs around, that should help us all get back on track again.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal, you've done really well to have lost over 1lb at Easter time! It is also good that you can see the results of your core exercises - sometimes (quite regularly lol) I don't have a loss but still feel better in myself just from having exercised.

I was 16st13&1/2 last week, this week 16st13&1/4 so barely a loss but at least not a gain either.

We went out for drinks and a curry on F so I am lucky to have got off so lightly (no pun intended :) )

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Fitforit75

That "F" should say Friday!!! My phone is ridiculous sometimes - it sent the message before I was ready :)

Hope you all have a great week.

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Thanks for your encouraging words - much appreciated. :-) I agree that exercise does usually result in feeling better, and that's a great thing.

Congratulations on your weight loss this week, every loss is something to celebrate in my book! You did well to lose when you had your drinks and curry on Friday - I guessed you meant 'Friday' by your 'F' - you could always 'edit' your post afterwards if ever you write something you want to alter - there's a feature allowing editing, which is useful. It's the drop down button to the right of 'recommend' - it has a menu choice including 'edit' there (just for future reference).

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image

Last week I weighed 11st9lb, today I weigh 11st8lb, so I've lost 1lb this week which takes my total to 1stone 🎉🎉🎉😊

Week 8 starts today and I am thrilled to be sticking to this, feeling proud of myself ... Don't think I've ever lost weight over the school holidays!!!

Well done Lowcal, keep up the good work!

Have a great week everyone ☀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl,

Wow, that's great that you've lost a pound this week - really well done. You've achieved a total of a stone loss now - Congratulations! That's so great! :-)

Like you said, it's an achievement to lose weight over the school holidays.

Thanks for your encouraging words, and I hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Morning Lowcal good job sadly I am on a downward spiral DH in holiday last week and until today am determined to lose 2lb this week and am starting to get into the grove by cutting back for my dry may ...

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Prin

Go do it Prin! X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Thanks. :-)

Your downward spiral should hopefully be at an end now, and you can hopefully get back into the losing streak again - you've had a lot on your plate lately, and I hope you're doing alright. You sound determined to lose 2 pounds this week, and good luck with cutting back on the alcohol in preparation for your Dry May.

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

eeek1110 profile image

Well done! It just shows the plan works and it sure does help having everyone's support. Enjoy you week. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to eeek1110

Hi Eeek1110,

Thank you! :-)

Yes, it definitely helps to have people's support and encouragement.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Morning Lowcal!

Great to hear you've had a loss this morning! And its awesome that you're starting to notice a change in your body shape! Well done! :D

Congrats to everyone else too! Quite a few losses being reported in this morning! :)

Unfortunately I cannot say the same! I have let myself down and I know exactly why. Had quite a few plans last week with family and friends. It didn't really involve meals out, just time spent out of the house that I wasn't able to fit any exercise in all week! I am annoyed with myself. Even knowing I hadn't done any exercise, this didn't stop me from stuffing my face with Easter chocolate!

I have put on 2lbs this week. Bringing me back up to 12st 9lbs... I wish I could rewind. All the hard work over lent is starting to unravel. I need stop before it gets any worse. I have brought my leftover Easter chocolate into work with me this morning to share out between my colleagues. It felt such a waste to throw away but this way, its not going to go onto my hips!

I'm going to try so hard this week. Cutting out the treats and doing as much exercise as I possibly can!

I hope everyone has another good week! Fingers crossed! :)


in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie I have also put on weight and am 12stone 9lb. I have let things slip the last few weeks and we had a holiday last week which didn't help. Not sure I will reach my target of 12stone by July but am planning to be back on track today with diet and exercise. (We did walk last week)

Hope you have a good week.


Artsoru profile image
Artsoru in reply to

Hi Judie!

Thank you for sharing with me! I did look for your post last week but didn't see you! Must have missed you because of your holiday!

I was thinking the same thing when I posted this morning, that I might not reach my goal by July either...

Its a new week so we will both have a fresh start and do all we can to shift these 2lbs. Hopefully next week, we will both see the 12st 7lb mark again.

We can do it! Stay strong this week! :)


in reply to Artsoru

Thanks. Will do my best. I have a caravan to clean today.that might help! It's a lovely day for a walk later too. Have a good week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Thanks for your encouraging words, which are much appreciated.

Sorry to hear you've gained 2 pounds this week, but hopefully that will soon come off again very quickly, now that Easter is out of the way. Your progress over Lent won't unravel as long as you keep on track from now on - so just focus and move forward, and you'll be fine! At least you've got a good plan in terms of distributing the remainder of your chocolate stash - your hips will thank you for that. :-)

Good luck with your goals for this week, and hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Morning Lowcal. Knew you would do it this week, ok a bit of a struggle but you made it. Well done and hope it gives you the incentive to have a great week this week.

I have barely managed half a pound and all due to the fact that I like baking and baked homemade bread.........say no more!!!

I also haven't got back into exercise yet and keep finding excuses not to make an effort. In my village there is a "boot camp" session so went and had a look BUT I need something a little more sedate than that! I must chant a mantra of "exercise is good" each morning!

Well, mind set Lowcal, so will look forward to checking in next week.

Good luck everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Yes, I did make it - thank goodness for that! :-) Thanks for your encouragement.

Congratulations on losing half a pound - especially after baking homemade bread - wow, that's an achievement!

Good luck with getting back into your exercise. Hopefully your mantra will help. You sound like you're getting into the right mind set.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

size12goal profile image

Hi Lowcal, that's a great result, well done. I recently noticed a change in my body shape too - its quite inspiring isn't it?

I'm not weighing in til Tuesday morning my time - I won't hog your space with the reasons why!

Hope you have a great week this week. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to size12goal

Hi Size12goal,

Thanks very much. :-)

Glad to hear you've also noticed a change in your body shape - definitely inspiring.

I'll look out for your weight-loss post on Tuesday, good luck and hope you have a great result.

You'd never hog my space! Feel free to write as much as you want, anytime!

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal

Pleased to hear you have lost weight. I am 12stone 9lb today so over the last few weeks have put on a couple of pounds. Planning to be back on track today and start weight loss again.

It has been good to have a break from it but I am now feeling a little unhealthy from too much sweet stuff. Looking forward to the feel good factor of a healthier diet and walking.

Have a good week.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Judie,

Many thanks. :-)

Glad that you enjoyed your break, and I'm sure the extra pounds you've gained will soon come off again now that you're looking forward to the feel good factor of a healthier diet and walking - you've only gained a couple of pounds over the last few weeks, so that's not very much - and it should soon come off.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Hi lowcal. Great to hear that you have lost weight, this nicer weather makes it easier I find, as you are more likely to go outside and walk and salads become a lot more appealing! I've managed to get back down to my goal weight of 10 stone 7 this week so I am happy. This was probably helped by 3 days in the garden, though 2 of them were just weeding, nothing to raise my heart rate! I still need to be more disciplined about snacks to try and stop this slight yoyoing of weight, but I am getting better. Good luck to everyone this week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Yes, I have eaten some salads for lunches with the warmer weather, and I think that definitely makes a difference. Thanks so much for your encouraging words - much appreciated. :-)

Congratulations to you for getting back down to you goal weight, that is really brilliant! I'm sure the gardening exercise would have helped.

I think it takes time to get into the balance of maintaining your weight, and I'm sure you'll get more skilled at it as time goes on. You're doing really well so far.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mary55 profile image

Hi Lowcal

Congratulations on your loss this week 😊 also it is a lovely feeling when you start to notice the effects of exercise in toning your body. I have gone down from 11 13.6 to 11 12.4 so have also lost 1.2 pounds. Have got out for a walk every day - it has been such glorious weather. I also measure myself every week which is very motivating as even if the scales are being a bit stubborn can still see a difference. Good luck everybody for this week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mary55

Hi Mary55,

Thanks very much. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 1.2 pounds this week - great that you also enjoyed daily walks in the lovely weather. It's great that you are doing those weekly measurements and can see a difference in your body shape.

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

runnerjan profile image

Good morning Lowcal - I hope you are well,

Congratulations on your loss and perhaps more importantly on being able to see the changes in your body shape and fitness levels - it's great when you start to see the effects of something working!

I have been absent for a couple of weeks due to being away from work and in 'holiday mode'. However, I weighed myself this morning and am relatively pleased to report that I have stayed the same (again!) at 11 stones 12 pounds.

I don't know whether it's the longer days and good weather but am feeling quite focused on getting my nutrition under control and losing the weight. My first small goal is to get under 11 stone 7lbs and then take it from there.

I have entered a race to run 10 miles in just under 5 weeks - I have never run that far before and it will be a huge challenge for me so to be a little lighter can only benefit my body when pounding those pavements!!

I hope you have a great week also - catch up next week :))

Jan x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to runnerjan

Hi Jan,

Great to see you again - hope you enjoyed your holiday - we missed you! Really well done for maintaining your weight over the holidays - that's brilliant! :-)

Great that you've entered a race - 10 miles is a long way!!! Something to work towards, and you've got a few weeks to prepare. I hope you enjoy the training for it.

Thanks for your encouraging words, and here's to another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jenica profile image

Unfortunately because I completely lost it over the past 3 days I have put 4lb on, my own stupidity I know. As yesterday was a really bad day I will reweigh myself tomorrow and hopefully it won't be so bad, just fluid today -hopefully!! Glad to hear weight loss going down for Monday weighing group, keep it up!! Think I'll have to change to Tuesday as weighing day in future.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenica

Hi Jenica,

Sorry to hear you've put some weight on, but like you say - hopefully it'll be mainly fluid, and hopefully your weigh-in on Tuesday will be better. Don't despair, just keep going, and you'll get there. Easter is such a challenging time - I put weight on last week, but was lucky to get that off again this week.

Hope yours comes off really soon.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jenica profile image
Jenica in reply to Zest

So pleased for you getting Easter weight off, fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenica

Yes, fingers crossed for you for tomorrow! :-)

Anna999 profile image

Hi lowcal, Congrats on the loss it's great that you're back on track following easter!

I've had a 2lb loss this week, so I'm really super happy with that, my goal was to hit the stone mark next week but I think that may be a bit hopeful as it's 3lb away, I'd be happy with 1lb next week as I know it slows down after the first couple of weeks! Any gone is fab! I keep imagining what a lb of lard looks like and thinking yup bye bye fat!!

Best of luck with the coming week, we can do this! 🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Anna999

Hi Anna999,

Thanks very much. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week - you've had quite a stressful week to contend with, and that's really good that you were able to lose weight despite that. Well done! Hope this week is going to be a positive one for you, and that you enjoy it.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image

Just completed week 2 of the NHS 12 week diet, I've lost another 2lbs so a total of 6lbs in 2 weeks. I know it's not an earth shattering amount but I have to tell you I am very happy with the result. After losing this small amount I already feel very much better, my aches and pains although still there are less uncomfortable, I'm sleeping better and don't feel so bloated. So although it's only 6lbs the benefits have been many and because of that I'm feeling very positive and looking forward to continuing the diet. For various reasons I don't do any additional exercise but now I've reached week 3 and because I feel so positive and energised I've dusted down the exercise bike and taken the yoga book off the shelf and I WILL use both this week. Hope you all have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Wow, that's great that you've lost 2 pounds this week. Really well done. :-) Losing 6 pounds in 2 weeks is really good. Glad you're happy with your results - they are really great.

It's especially good to hear that you're feeling better in yourself already - having less aches and pains. Also sleeping better and feeling less bloated.

Good luck with the exercise bike and the yoga - hope you enjoy using both of those this week.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Jenever

Really well done- that is very encouraging. 6 pounds is awesome- 1 pound away from half a stone. Whatever you are doing -keep doing it:-)

HRHGaby profile image

Morning Lowcal! I'm happy to see you're back on track after enjoying your Easter holidays! Congrats on your weight loss! I'll weigh-in tomorrow, but I think I'll be reporting a loss too, I've been good! Have a great week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to HRHGaby

Hi HRHGaby,

Many thanks for your encouragement - much appreciated! :-)

Great to hear you think you've had a loss this week - I'll look out for your weigh-in post tomorrow.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Well done Lowcal! This whole Easter thing has been tricky but glad you are back on track. I'm still finding it difficult and Thursday evening my husband has booked a table for dinner so Friday's weigh in will be interesting! However next week back to work and hopefully back on track properly! Have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Juliet,

Thank you so much. :-) I hope you're enjoying your holiday - it's nice that your husband has booked a table for dinner on Thursday - hope you both really enjoy it - hope it doesn't impact too much on your Friday weigh-in. Like you say, whatever happens, you can get back on track again properly once your holiday is over, so enjoy what remains of it. :-)

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Nomoreexcuses profile image

Well done! I've had a similar couple of weeks to you. A mix of Easter and pmt and family staying had me back up to 12 stone but in the last few days I got back on track so down to 11 stone 12. Have a good week 😀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nomoreexcuses

Hi Nomoreexcuses,

So glad to hear you're back below the 12's again - really well done! That must feel really good!!! Well done for getting back on track after the Easter celebrations and spending time with your family. Hope you enjoyed everything.

Thanks for your encouragement.

Here's to another good week ahead! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Nomoreexcuses profile image

Thanks Lowcal. Great when you get past a stone barrier isn't it. Have a great week x

sidcup1 profile image

well done, had to go out really early today for work so no time to respond. i lost one pound so back to 13st 6 lb. pleased but was here a few weeks ago so would really like to stop going up and down and get back to going down slowly but surely. increased exercise and mainly eating sensibly. so heres hoping. hope you have a good week too sidcup 1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sidcup1

Hi Sidcup1,

Thank you. Great to see you, and Congratulations on losing a pound this week, and getting back to your lowest weight. I know it's frustrating to keep going up and down - I've been doing that myself since about November last year, but hopefully with this improved weather we can get back to losing weight more consistently, and reach our ultimate goals.

Good luck, and have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

sidcup1 profile image

thanks for your consistent positive outlook. i agree that the lovely weather helps a lot and encourages us to go out and about . nice to have long light evenings . take care sidcup 1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sidcup1

Thanks, you too xx

Bealmor profile image

Swell done Lowcal! Good work on the cardio too. I'm at 12 stone which is more or less where I started rated a few weeks ago.

Heartened by that with being away etc. 4 months to 50th birthday and a yacht holiday in adriatc so gotta get Tough! Here we go!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bealmor

Hi Bealmor,

Thanks for your encouraging words! :-)

Well done for getting down to 12 stone - that's great progress, and you've still got a few months till your 50th - and that great holiday on the yacht in the Adriatic - wow, something fabulous to look forward to! Exciting! :-)

You're sounding positive and your mantra "Gotta Get Tough" sounds really inspiring.

Have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Wow-you miss a day and get left behind.......had to go back three pages of posts to find you LC-thought you had skipped a week- but there you were after all- with lots of great responses:-)

Well done on yours and everyone's weightloss. I am still struggling to shake off the chest infection -very tired and little motivation for anything. That said I scraped off another pound- so creeping v slowly back to 12stone-4 to go.

I have set myself the target of half a stone by end of April- glad I have just reminded myself of that- two weeks and two pounds per week should be doable.

Ok - will try to get my determined hat on.....

Good luck to you all.:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Glad you found us! :-) Yes, there are lots of great responses - and really pleased to see you - sorry to hear that you're still struggling to shake off your chest infection - they can take a while to go. Try not to let it get you down, hopefully you'll be enjoying great health again very soon.

Congratulations on losing a pound this week - that's really good. You're getting closer to 12 stone, and you've set yourself a good goal.

Hope you feel better really soon, and good luck with this week. Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

gillibrite profile image

Hi Lowcal

So pleased you lost this week. Well done! I have been off it for many, many weeks I'm sorry to say, but I have moved house so there's been a reason! The good news is I haven't gained as of today. Been more focused for a week or so (after lots of convenience food.) So looks like I'm back in the fold and this morning have home-made soup in the fridge ready for my lunch!

Hope you're well and I'm going to log my weight loss from today's measurement. I have a pair of jeans shouting at me. Might leave them on the bed for a few days?

All the best.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gillibrite

Hi Gillibrite,

I'm well thanks, and have been enjoying the nice weather.

Thanks for joining the weigh-in - great to see you! Hope your house move has gone well and you're settling into your new home. Congratulations for maintaining your weight - that's really good after the stress of moving. Great that you've got some home-made soup ready for your lunch. Hope you enjoy it.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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