Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (22nd December 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
40 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 2.6 pounds and today I weigh 13 stone 2.4 pounds, so I've lost 0.2 pound. My goal is to maintain over the month of December and re-start my weight loss after Christmas.

It's definitely more challenging now as there are mince pies and other festive foods, and I do like sweet things, so it is tempting to over-indulge, but I'm managing to restrict my intake so far, and not overdo it.

Christmas Day is only 3 days away, and I'd like to wish everyone a really Happy Christmas and hope that everyone has an enjoyable time.

I'll be here next Monday for another weigh-in. I hope you'll join me today and next week to share your progress, as it would be great to have your support. If you're new, and would like to join us, then please do - everyone is welcome. There are supportive and encouraging people who join this post, and we're all on the same weight loss path. We try to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly, and enjoy life.

Merry Christmas!

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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40 Replies
suzybenj profile image

Good Morning - I was not going to check in this morning - feeling too grumpy and not full of happy xmas spirit- did not want to inflict that on all of you.

Anyway here I am - I have managed to just a about stay the same - despite extreme provocation on my part - which included half a Terry's chocolate orange last night.

My main reason for checking in - is yesterday reading some depressing statistics - some of which have been reported here before!!

The average person consumes 8000 calories on xmas day - 8000!!!! - ridiculous!!!!! That same average person also puts on 5 pounds over xmas.

Don't get me wrong I will enjoy xmas (and will try to cheer up - just had some disappointing news which has knocked us sideways). My aim like LC is to maintain - and push myself out the front door to counteract the calorie intake. And my motivation is to make myself post next week - with hopefully at least maintaining.

So not to harp on- don't undo all your hard work peeps- but do ENJOY!!

Happy :-)

PS - There I am actually smiling - I feel better for posting here:-)

in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzibenj thanks for being honest. I am not full of Christmas cheer either. It's not a time of year I particularly like. My husband is a Pastor and it's just one long month of being too busy. It's not helpful having lots of food around either.

Well done for maintaining and not putting on. I will have to try and balance enjoying Christmas but not putting on anymore weight. It would be so easy to just give up now but deep down I don't want too.

Have a good Christmas

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

I am so glad you joined us today - I am glad you feel better for posting as well - I'm sorry to hear you've had some disappointing news, and I really hope you have good support to help you to cope with that.

I'm glad you quoted those statistics regarding the average number of calories consumed at Christmas, and also the average weight gain. I'm going to try to handle Christmas a little differently this year, because I'm going to actually track my calories using the myfitnesspal app, and I am sure that will help me to hopefully not overeat and keep within the reigns of sensibility! I'm happy that I really like vegetables, and will be looking forward to the sprouts, parsnips, carrots, broccoli etc, and will just have a couple of roast potatoes and some meat alongside those lovely veggies. I'll have some dessert, but will only have 'one' portion - and maybe a couple of chocolates, but hopefully that's it...!

The fact I'll be weighing in next Monday as usual will also be good - because I don't want to undo the weight loss I've achieved this year. I've lost 1 stone 2 pounds since 1st January 2014, and I have 9.6 pounds left to lose before I get to my ultimate weight loss goal - to be 12 stone 7 pounds.

Like you said, let's not undo our great progress with the temptations of Christmas. Hopefully we can enjoy it, but not overeat extensively, and we'll feel better for it. I'm hoping to go for a walk on Boxing Day morning feeling fresh and lively, and not hung over with a massive sugar rush or hungover from drinking too much.

Suzybenj, I hope you have a lovely Christmas, and that your disappointing news is something you can move on from in a positive way. Glad you're smiling this morning, and really glad you joined us for this post.

Everyone, have a great Christmas, but hopefully none of us will get anywhere near the 8,000 calorie average intake for Christmas day - we'll hopefully have different statistics to report.

Lowcal :-)

Hi well I have put on 1.5 kg this week and am really disappointed because there is still Christmas and New Year to go and I don't want to undo all the hard work. I really lost the rhythm of the diet being away at my daughters for two weeks and hitting Christmas really isn't helping.

I don't want to put anymore weight on and I may be back at my daughters for the first two weeks of January because her hubby will be back at work and she still won't be able to lift the children after having a C Section. Feeling quite low about it all because it took along time to get into the head space to diet in the first place. Any thoughts on how to handle this would be appreciate.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

Try not to be too hard on yourself for gaining this week - you were at your daughter's and you already knew that was going to be challenging with all the Christmas celebrations, and helping out with your Grandchildren.

I think part of your feelings of disappointment are because you're already anticipating that you might repeat the pattern when you go back to help your daughter out in January, but it doesn't have to be that way. Christmas will be over by then. You can learn from what happened this week, and hopefully put some plan of action together to help you to cope when you see her next time. Maybe planning healthier snacks to eat, or just eating healthy satisfying meals generally, and discussing perhaps removing any more tempting calorific foods from the house. Perhaps speaking to your daughter about how important it is to you to lose weight after Christmas, and getting her on board with supporting you in that.

Also, maybe track what you eat over the Christmas period, so that you can keep an eye on your calories and exercise, and tweak either if they appear to be getting out of control.

Also, you'll be doing quite a bit of running about when you're with your daughter, as I know she can't do that after her C section - so you'll be burning some calories by helping out with the children. It could infact be a really good time period to lose some weight - so try to remind yourself that you can get your head back into a good head space, and that you can lose some weight in the New Year.

Christmas is challenging, and we shouldn't under-estimate it. But we can face it, embrace it, and enjoy it, without giving up.

Have a great Christmas.

Lowcal :-)

katedaniels profile image


Every little helps :) Very sensible plan to maintain over Christmas, wishing you a happy healthy holiday.

I have stayed the same. I had some bad news through the week which took me back to comfort eating, turns out that I can get through the minor niggles without turning to food the way I used to but the big niggles still get me. I still managed to keep running, I've done weeks 1 and 2 of week 5, just gearing up for the final run of that week which is 20 minutes, not convinced i'm ready to run for that long yet but going to give that a go tomorrow or Wednesday.

I'm hoping to maintain over Christmas and keep up with the C25K. I'm off work for 10 days so will try harder to avoid the treats and get out and do some exercise while still enjoying the holiday.

Wishing everyone a successful and happy Christmas and New Year, will hopefully see people back here next week reporting some happy stories.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

I am so sorry that you have received some bad news through the week. I hope that you are able to gain some support to help you cope with that. It can be good to talk to someone to gain some other perspectives, or just be reassured that someone is able to listen and hopefully offer reassuring advice. Sometimes, just sharing bad news with someone can make you feel that you're not alone with it.

Well done for keeping up your running, and also for maintaining your weight. Both of those are really great. Good luck with your 20 minute run on Tuesday or Wednesday. I hope you enjoy it and that the weather is kind to you!

I hope you enjoy your 10 day break for Christmas, and that you have a lovely Christmas. Thanks as always for your encouragement. :-)

Look forward to catching up with you again on Monday.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Hi lowcal, well done on the loss, especially at this time of year! I've managed to stay the same this week, which I am quite pleased about as I had a Christmas do and have also had more days over my calorie allowance than under! I am a bit disappointed though, as a loss of one pound would have taken me to 4 stone lost. Nevermind, I'll get there in the end.

This weekend I tried on my size 12 clothes from about 11 years ago and could get into some of them! Talk about happy! I think I need to lose another half stone to be comfortably into all of them and that will be me at target.

This week I plan to be really strict about sticking to my calorie allowance on the days we are at home, so I can relax a bit whilst we are at my in-laws over christmas. I also plan to go running first thing on christmas morning, so will feel as though I have "earned" my dinner!

I hope everybody has a good chritmas, whatever you are doing, and remember it is just one day so it should not undo all the good work you have put in so far, as long as you get straight back on the healthy eating wagon!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Congratulations to you for maintaining your weight this week - that's really good. Especially pleased to hear how happy you were to fit into many of your size 12 clothes - that's really great!

Wow, you've got a great goal for Christmas Day - going running in the morning, that sounds good. Like you say, you'll have definitely 'earned' your dinner doing that.

I can imagine that 'healthy eating wagon' waiting for us all to re-board after Christmas Day, so hopefully we won't weigh it down too much, and we'll be off towards a lighter New Year. :-)

Have a great Christmas!

Lowcal :-)

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to catch

hi catch,

I'm also 1lb away from the 4st loss, I'd really wanted to loose it this week but i've stayed the same, it will be the first thing that goes in the new year :) Hope yours does too.


catch profile image
catch in reply to katedaniels

It is a bit frustrating not to get to 4st isn't it, though after the last week I'm just glad that pound did not invite some friends over to stay!

SineadC92 profile image

Hi there, this is my first week following the 12 week plan and I've lost 2 pounds which I'm really happy about. I decided I don't want to sensor my actual Christmas dinner but I'm going to avoid all the extra sweets and things. Hoping to stay the same next week but we'll see! Hope everyone has a good Christmas!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92,

A warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us to share your first week's weigh-in on the 12 week plan. Congratulations on losing 2 pounds, that's really great! You sound like you've got a good plan in place to help you to cope with the Christmas period, and best of luck with your goal to stay the same next week.

Have a great Christmas.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Morning all, well done Lowcal! I really had to force myself on the scales this morning, as I feel I am in a gaining cycle, it's this thread that keeps me sane and focused, had a good time on holiday last week and now am 10st 10lbs, I have given myself a talking to as that was meant to be my new fighting weight this year so trying not to moan too much loved being around 10 and a half so after Xmas that's my aim for 2015. I am just doing 4 classes this week because of commitments and closure. Even if we all have 4000 calories this christmas it's only half the average! MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone here's hoping for a happy not too festive laden time :)xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Really glad to hear you enjoyed your holiday. Glad you joined us today to weigh-in, so you can keep an eye on things. I think it definitely helps! You only have 3 pounds to lose to get back to your ideal weight, and I think you'll soon shift it once Christmas is out of the way. I am impressed that you're managing to do 4 classes this week, and that you say "I'm just doing.." - I wish I could make 1 class, but somehow I never get to the gym to do that. I do like walking though, and I picked up my kettlebell once or twice last week - didn't do much with it, but I am ever keen and hope I'll do a proper work-out with it soon!

That's good to consider that 4,000 calories is half the average. I will try not to go over that amount! I might even try to set 3,500 as the max, because I suspect there will be things I forget to count, and that way I might be under 4,000.... That makes sense to me, but maybe not to anyone reading this...

Have a great Christmas!!!

Lowcal :-)

harleychick profile image

Last week i weighed 182.2 now i weigh 179.6.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to harleychick

Hi Harleychick,

Thanks for joining us, and Congratulations on your weight loss - that's really great. Hope you're having a good week, and wishing you a Happy Christmas.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Hi Lowcal and everyone. I think everyone is doing a marvellous job as this really is the most difficult time of the year and so many temptations. I'm finding it particularly difficult as both my elderly parents are seriously under weight and have to have weight checks with their GP in the new year. I have been trying to feed them up (successfully) with good hearty winter meals and puddings which is great for them but for me it's a blooming nightmare! Oh sure I would love to indulge in steamed treacle puds, rice puddings with cream etc so have had to have the will of an ox. I can report that I have managed to lose 1.5lbs this week and now only three pounds short of my five stone weight loss.

We are moving into our new home on the 5th January so hopefully, before my husband disappears off to the desert in the new year he can reassemble the gym equipment so that I can start exercising again and getting my life back having lived with the folks for 6 weeks now.

My aim for the new year is to lose that last 3 stone (making 8 stone weight loss in total) BUT over the holiday period, like the rest of you, I just plan to maintain but to be aware that it's not an excuse to pig out but to continue to eat sensibly.

Merry Christmas to everyone and thank you all for your wonderful support since I started down this road in the summer; I couldn't have done it without you.

Hugs to you all. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Wow, many Congratulations on losing 1.5 pounds this week - that's really great! You must have the will of an ox, as you rightly say, to avoid the temptations of all those desserts you've been cooking for your elderly parents, and I really admire your ability to stick to your resolve. You'll soon be reaching your 5 stone weight loss target - and it's great to hear you've got a date for when you move to your new home - I really hope your husband can reassemble your gym equipment so you can make good use of it.

Really sensible that you're aiming to maintain over Christmas. Wishing you a really good Christmas.

Lowcal :-)

walkthisway profile image
walkthisway2 stoneMaintainer

Hi Lowcal

Well done on losing again! I haven't lost anything this week, but haven't gained either so I am reasonably happy. I end the year at 12 St 5lbs, started with the 12 week programme in June at 14 st. My aim is to not gain over Christmas and New Year and to lose another 1st 5lbs over the next few months, bringing me to the healthy weight range bmi for my height. I have found changing my habits tough, and I know losing the next amount of weight will probably be even tougher, but it has to be done, and I will never allow myself to regain and to return to the way I looked and felt at 14st.

I have changed a lot of habits since I started, I eat smaller portions, I stop eating when I am full, even if there is food still on my plate, I have almost completely stopped snacking, I can deal with feeling hungry without feeling desperate and can just have a drink to feel better. I have gone from size 16 to 14 and taken my old clothes to the charity shop - I am finding clothes I fit into again in my wardrobe, and have fun trying them on. I have a lot more confidence and a far more positive mood. Needless to say I am fitter and have more energy and might give running a try in the new year.

I will not allow myself to feel desperate if the weight does go on over Christmas I will just know I can deal with it. I will come here next week and let you know my progress and look forward to hearing how everyone else is doing.

Good luck everyone, have a great Christmas !!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to walkthisway

Hi Walkthisway,

Many thanks, and Congratulations to you for maintaining your weight this week. That's really good.

Thanks for sharing your progress in more detail - it is great to see how many positive changes you've made, and it's great to hear you're enjoying fitting into all those size 14 clothes again.

You have a positive outlook in relation to coping with Christmas, and that will definitely help you to get through it in a positive way.

Wishing you a great Christmas, and look forward to catching up with you again next Monday.

Lowcal :-)

christine58 profile image

Well done LowCal and thought I would give you an update on my journey. I started the NHS Choices last July and have so far lost 40lb. This week I lost 1.2lb and can honestly say I have lost weight every single week on this plan. All my clothes no longer fit so a trip to the charity shops in the new year.

Christmas will be a real test as I have no control over the cooking being away, but I can control what I eat and hope to maintain this week.

Happy Christmas everyone and good luck xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to christine58

Hi Christine58,

Thank you, and thanks for updating us on your journey - it's inspiring to read your progress, and Congratulations on losing 1.2 pounds this week, now totalling 40 pounds since you started back in July 2013. Really well done! :-) I hope you'll enjoy your shopping trip in the New Year and get some lovely things to wear, that fit your new slim shape.

Yes, I think Christmas will be a real test - especially as I can imagine people will encourage over-eating - by saying 'Just one more' or 'Go on, it's Christmas!' - but I am thinking that I am going to just try to respond by saying 'Oh no thanks, that amount is just enough' and if they press me, then I'll say, "I might have another one later" - and then if I don't fancy that extra portion or item later, then I'll just say 'I'm full up and couldn't eat another thing!'. I hope that will work and that I won't upset anyone's hospitality.

Hope you have a great Christmas.

Lowcal :-)

I was 27.36 BMI , 12 st 13 lbs, when weighed myself on Sunday. I need to lose another 1 st 3 or 4 lbs to get to my healthy weight. Have been trying and mainly succeeding to eat healthily in the run up to Christmas - but have had a few mince pies and a few pieces of chocolate.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Anthony42,

Welcome to you and thanks for joining us for this weigh-in. Well done for managing to eat healthily in the run up to Christmas, that is really good.

Those mince pies and chocolates are bountiful at this time of year - I managed to restrict myself to 3 mince pies last week. But they are calorific, as just 1 mince pie was 245 calories!

Wishing you a good week ahead and Happy Christmas. :-)

Lowcal :-)

harleychick profile image

Today i joined a core training class. what a work abs hurt.LOL. I do it 2x a week. i hope u have a very merry christmas.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to harleychick

Hi Harleychick,

I hope your abs recover soon after that core training class. Sounds like a good class, and doing it twice a week sounds effective. Well done you!

Thanks for your Christmas wishes, and have a great Christmas yourself. :-)

Lowcal :-)

gilly57 profile image

Hi Lowcal

You're such a reliable web-buddy! Thanks for being there! I've only read some of the posts this morning but they seem to echo my own thoughts on this silly time of the year. I'm not a grump but I will be happier when it's all over. As if kids aren't in hospital throughout the year! And sad that some old people are lonely, full stop. Grrrrrr. ANYWAY, I've had my eye off the ball for a few days and put on 4 lbs. I'm tackling the ironing and cleaning today so porridge here I come! I don't think I've felt hungry, (therefore not really enjoyed eating,) so back on the wagon eh. All the best.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gilly57

Hi Gilly57,

Thank you, and great to see you!

Glad to hear you're back on the wagon after a few days off the ball - it's amazing how quickly those pounds can creep back on, but the good thing is that once you are back on track they can come off again very quickly, so I hope that's the case for you! Doing ironing and cleaning will be working off calories in anycase, and having porridge is a great start to the day. I usually have porridge most days and find it fills me up till lunchtime usually.

Wishing you a good Christmas. :-)

Lowcal :-)

EPDgirl profile image

Hi Lowcal, glad you're still on the losing side, even after the mince pies! I haven't started on the Christmassy things yet, just done my last shift at work before Christmas so my holiday will start tomorrow. Over Christmas I'm going to try not to overeat, if I can manage to remain at the same weight that will do for me! I managed a 1lb loss this week which I'm pleased about.

Wishing you a good Christmas, and look forward to catching up with you next week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to EPDgirl

Hi EDPgirl,

Great that your holiday starts tomorrow - hope you have a really great Christmas. Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week - that's really brilliant!

Good luck with your goal not to over-eat over Christmas - challenging but possible!!!

Look forward to catching up with you next week - let's hope we'll not be any heavier! Maintaining is a good goal.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal, hope you've had a lovely Christmas :) I weighed myself on Mon and never got around to logging in!! I weighed 16st 7lbs so have maintained from last Monday but as I've been full of cold and coughing like a chain-smoker that's not too bad as my activity levels have been zero :( I'm not holding much hope for my next weigh in although I haven't been tempted by chocolate as yet! See you all next week :)

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Great to see you! Congratulations for maintaining from last Monday - that's really good!

Sorry to hear you've got a cold and cough - hope you were able to enjoy Christmas despite that!

Look forward to catching up with you on Monday for the next weigh-in. Well done for not being tempted by chocolate so far - that's amazing!

Lowcal :-)

Rosiegreenpea profile image

Hi, I'm new to this so apologise now in case I get it all wrong! Hubby and I will be starting the diet tomorrow as we're out tonight for a meal with friends then a 'Christmas do' on Saturday but desperately need to get a grip on (and lose) the rolls of fat which are accumulating round my middle and working their way up and down my body (sorry if that's too much information). So in the morning I will get weighted and then join the group on Monday for a weigh-in.

Have a great New Year's Eve, enjoy, and see you all soon. :-)

Rosiegreenpea profile image

Hi, Starting dieting tomorrow but would like to join you on Monday for the weigh-in if that's OK. Not sure how I do that but hope to see you if I get it right!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Rosiegreenpea

Hi Rosiegreenpea,

Thanks for joining us, and good luck with starting your healthy eating plan tomorrow! You are very welcome to join us for the Monday weigh-in. I usually post it on Mondays between 7am and 7.15am or thereabouts, and so it will appear then. But if you prefer you could 'follow me' which would mean you'd be notified when I have posted the thread. Either way, I hope you find us ok, and we'll look forward to seeing you for the Monday weigh-in.

Wishing you a good week and Happy New Year!

Lowcal :-)

Rosiegreenpea profile image
Rosiegreenpea in reply to Zest

Wow! I didn't expect a reply. Thanks for that. I will get weighed in the morning and again on Monday so I can join in properly.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Rosiegreenpea

Hi Rosiegreenpea,

That's great, look forward to seeing you then. Make sure you look out for the post with the date 5th January, as each weigh-in post is dated.

Lowcal :-)

jossy35 profile image
jossy351 stone

I'm in! I'm on my first week (again) of NHS losing weight and will be weighing in again on Monday. Starting at 12st 4 - want to lose about two stone but will be happy with one as a first goal. Happy New Year !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to jossy35

Hi Jossy35,

That's great, glad you'll be joining us, and good luck with the 12 week plan.

Happy New Year!

Lowcal :-)

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