Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (23rd June 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
28 Replies

Good morning!

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 5.4 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 7.2 pounds, so I've gained weight this week by 1.8 pounds. I am not surprised by this, as I have indulged in a few more calorific treats like a couple of Cream Teas on the weekend, and I've not done quite as much exercise as I would normally do. So I know I need to focus on trying to re-focus on my goals.

However, it is probably also partly a 'wind-down' towards my holiday. Hence, my goal for the next few weeks is to maintain my weight rather than actually lose any - because on previous holidays I've gained about half a stone at least, and I really don't want to do that this time.

To all of you who join in with this weigh-in on Mondays, I won't be here for about a month, but I'll be back on Monday 21st July, and will post my next weigh-in on that date. I hope I'll be able to maintain my weight rather than gain any more. I know that will be a challenge, but I'll hope to eat sensibly and choose 'healthy foods' wherever possible, and will try to include daily exercise too.

Please do join me today and share your weigh-in experience. Wishing everyone lots of success with their weight loss journeys, and hope to catch up with you all when I am back from holiday. I'll be around this morning, so if anyone posts this morning, I can respond, but if I haven't responded to you later today, it's because I'm away from the internet and will have started my holiday!

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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28 Replies
bispers profile image

Hi Lowcal

First time back on here for ages - great to see your weight loss. Well done and have a great holiday.

I fell off the wagon big time and this morning weigh 16 st 3 lbs - motivation hasn't been there. Still have problems with my feet so no walking, had an MRI scan on my back but nothing new there to cause alarm (so no one seems to know why my feet are still hurting after the operations last year - as well as plantar faciitis, it was thought it could be a disc problem).

On the positive side - we moved house and it went really well - five weeks now since that happened, and I've started a Stott Pilates class to help stregthen my back.

Got to get back on track - noticing out of breath so easily, feel huge and so unfit - and apparently, I am snoring at night again! I know what I've got to do, so here goes again, for the umpteenth time ......

Have a good week all and believe me, it really isn't worth falling off the wagon and having to start again.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

It's great to see you again. Welcome back! So glad that your house move went well. At least you can now settle into your new home and get back on track again with the weight loss - hopefully the Stott Pilates class will help to strengthen your back. Good luck with it.

Glad your MRI scan went ok and didn't show anything to cause alarm. I really hope the pain in your feet will go away sometime soon, that must be so difficult to cope with.

Thanks for your cautioning words regarding falling off the wagon. Be kind to yourself, and take it a step at a time regarding getting back to your weight loss goals. You will lose it again, and hopefully be enjoying riding that wagon back to a slimmer future ahead.

Have a great week, and I'll catch up with you when I get back in a month's time.

Lowcal :-)

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg

Hi Lowcal, wow you're off on a month's holiday - what a nice long time. I think your goal of maintaining while away is very sensible. I'm like you, always gain on holiday. However if you can break that cycle (even partially) you'll prove to yourself it is possible.

Since my last weigh in two weeks ago, I've neither lost nor gained, which I'm happy with. However, I'm a little worried that my food choices are slowly worsening, especially at the weekends (eg croissant for brekkie, alcohol in the evenings etc). Part of this is trying to be more social, which usually seems to involve more food/drink! My plan over the next couple of weeks is to find ways to be social that don't revolve around food.

I hope you have a lovely time away and look forward to hearing about it when you return.

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg in reply to burntsun

PS: I'm off for a quick 15min walk now, before starting work. It's lovely and fresh outside right now.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to burntsun

Hi Burntsun,

Hope you're enjoying your walk. Well done for maintaining over the past couple of weeks, despite those extra social things. I agree that being 'social' so often involves more food and drink, and there can also be others around who try to tempt people into eating more than they might wish to do so! There are challenges everywhere sometimes...!

I hope you have a great week, and I'll catch up with you when I get back.

Lowcal :-)

Autumn-Witch profile image

Good morning Low Cal and everyone.

I was hoping to scrape through and bet below 11 stone this week and almost made it at 11 st 0lbs and 4 ozs. I am delighted with that and lost just over a lb to achieve it. Have a great holiday, Lowcal, and all the best for getting a balance between enjoying yourself and keeping an eye on the tempting table goodies. see you when you get back. I hope the rest of us will continue to weigh-in on Mondays while you are away. I need the thought of the Monday weigh-in to keep me on the straight and narrow at the weekend!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Autumn-Witch

Hi Autumn-Witch,

Thanks for your good wishes. Also, very well done for achieving your weight loss this week. That's really great. Hopefully next week you'll be below 11 stone, and into the 10's - that will be something else to celebrate!

Yes, I hope you all keep up the Monday weigh-ins - maybe whoever gets there first in the morning could us the phrase 'Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in' and then others would join it?

Anyway, good luck with the weight loss and keep it up. You're doing really well.

Catch up with you in a month.

Lowcal :-)

flowerpower66 profile image

Morning ladies, I stayed the same this week despite giving into temptation last Week (more than once unfortunately). On the plus side I have joined a local gym, so hopefully a bit of exercise will help. Have a good holiday Lowcal and nearly there Autumn-Witch, next week you will see 10!. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to flowerpower66

Hi Flowerpower66,

Well done for maintaining despite temptations last week. Also, it's great that you've joined the local gym - hope you enjoy trying the different options available there.

Thanks for your good wishes, and hope you have a great week. Will catch up with you when I get back.

Lowcal :-)

katedaniels profile image

Good morning,

Today is a great day for me as I have lost 3lbs this week, I now weigh 16 stone 12 lbs, this is the first time in years that i've been below 17 stone.

The challenge will be next week when I'm on holiday, I will be very happy to just stay below 17 stone. Wishing you all the best in maintaining your pre-holiday weight.

Have a lovely time,


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

Many congratulations on being in the 16's, that's really great! Really pleased for you. :-)

Hope you have a great holiday next week and that you achieve your goal to maintain. Thanks for your encouragement as well, much appreciated.

Catch up with you when we are both back.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Enjoy your holiday Lowcal how lovely to be having a month off, I put 3lb on due to football indulgences, my target for this week is to stay below 11st, gonna be tricky as I am out every night next week other than Thursday :( still ran a 10 k race yesterday very hot :( in 55mins so was pleased with that

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

That's certainly an achievement to have run a 10K race in 55 mins, especially in hot weather as well, so very well done to you!

Understandable that you put some on with the football indulgences, but good luck with your goal to stay below 11 stone over the next week.

Catch up with you in a month's time.

Lowcal :-)

sophiamaria profile image


I'm quite surprised because this week I've lost 3 pounds, taking me down to 11 stone. I'm happy with that especially since I was out camping at the weekend and we had a BBQ and alcohol etc. but I did level 1 and level 2 of Jillian Michael's "Yoga Meltdown" back to back so I'm guessing i must have burnt it off!

Enjoy your holiday and I'm sure you'll do well at maintaining your weight.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sophiamaria

Hi Sophie,

Wow, that's great, well done for losing 3 pounds. You're close to being in the 10 stones range. How exciting. Great that you're enjoying doing Jillian Michael's "Yoga Meltdown".

Hope you have another great week ahead, and I'll catch up with you when I get back in a month's time.

Thanks for your encouragement, I hope I can maintain my weight, but I know how difficult it is when on holiday... I'll do my best!

Lowcal :-)

Jjaymags profile image

Hi can I join your weigh in? It's day 1 for me so a good time to start :) 11st 6lb for me today. My goal is 10st 1lb, not to much to achieve but over the past few years seems impossible. After reading everyone's encouragement to each other and positive comments I think this time I might actually do it! Well done to all those that lost this week and also to those who didn't but could admit it, I'm sure I will be amongst both groups in the coming weeks. Enjoy your hols lowcal :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jjaymags

Hi Jjaymags,

A warm welcome to you! You sound motivated to make a good start, and hopefully this time you'll get rid of that excess weight - you've set your goal and it's good to have a weekly aim and strategy. The NHS website has some great tips and a structured 12 week plan - have you seen that?

There are some great people on this site, and I am sure they will all encourage you.

Thanks for your holiday wishes - I am looking forward to it.

Lowcal :-)

kars1111 profile image

Hi all day one for me so I weighed in at 11st 8lb. Never been on diet before but after having my second child a year I feel its time to take control again. Looking at other peoples posts im hoping for some good results. Good luck to all x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kars1111

Hi Kars1111,

A warm welcome to you! I wish you lots of success in terms of your wishes to lose weight. Have you seen the 12-week structured plan on the NHS website? It's really good for tips and strategies to lose weight in a safe and healthy way.

I'm away on holiday as of midday today, and I'll be back in a month to weigh-in again. Hopefully the Monday weigh-in will still keep going in the meantime, and I wish you lots of success with your goals.

Hope to catch up with you when I'm back.

Lowcal :-)

kars1111 profile image
kars1111 in reply to Zest

Hi lowcal im following the nhs 12 week plan so hoping I can do it on my own but glad I found this forum for the support and will love comparing weight gain/losses every monday. Hope you Enjoy your holiday

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kars1111

Hi Kars1111,

Thanks very much. :-)

Lowcal :-)

chez1981 profile image

Hi Low Cal - I'm down to 13 St 5 and really pleased. Starting to think about my target weight now. Starting week 9 with a 2 St 4 weighloss. Hope you have a lovely holiday, enjoy yourself. I'm away for first 2 weeks of July and hoping to maintain take care C xxx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Chez1981,

Really great progress - you've lost a good amount of weight and I hope that you enjoy your holiday in July, and let's hope we both achieve our aims to maintain.

Look forward to catching up with you when I get back.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi again,

Just to say I'm off on my holiday now, so anyone who posts later today - I hope you have had a positive week, and sorry to have missed you.

I'll be back in a month, and will hope to weigh-in on Monday 21st July, but in the meantime, I would like to wish everyone a great month, and hope we all achieve our goals. :-)

Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

margrete profile image

Hello, Lowcal

We're back from holiday. I was delighted to find that I had not put on any weight at all while I was away. Weight is now 72.8 kg which is what it was at the start of the month and the day before we left.

We had some lovely food. Switzerland prides itself on its traditional foods sourced as locally as possible. Think Emmental cheese!

I have the ability to stop eating when I've had enough and I think that helps.

Just heard from someone who's been to Corfu at the same time and she insisted on 'full English breakfast'! That's the type of traveller I tend to stay away from. I like to eat what is on offer locally.

Have a lovely time!

Thistle72 profile image

Hi Low Cal, I'm late posting and missed wishing you a lovely holiday. See you in a month!!! Me, well I was 10.10 last week and this week I'm 10.7!!!! I've tried really hard with my eating and it seems to have paid off. I've tried to eat a light tea. I've fell off the exercise wagon though so my aim is to do 3 sessions of 30 mins this week. Good luck to all this week!!!!

yoyo-nono profile image

Hope you have a nice holiday!

Artsoru profile image

Hello everyone! :)

My weigh in is late as I had a super busy day yesterday! I did weigh in the morning but did not have a chance to get on here!

I weighed in at 12st 7lbs so have dropped 1lb from last week which I am super happy about!

I have been finding myself to have a little more control with regards to what I'm eating and even managed to turn down an offer for one of my favourite doughnuts yesterday! There was no temptation there, it felt so easy! :D

I'm glad for those who like me have had a good week and for those who haven't, please don't give up! :)


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