Is detoxing any good? Does it help someone who wants to lose weight? Also on the 2 days fasting on the fast diet are you allowed to have water during the fasting period? And has anyone had any successful story with either of these diets? Please feel free to answer and give advice, thank you
Detox? and fast 5:2 diet question. - Weight Loss Support
Detox? and fast 5:2 diet question.

I am no nutritionist but common sense tells me that you should not go even one day (let alone two!) without any water. Far from de-toxing it will make you de-hydrated and all sorts of problems might occur, especially in the hot weather we are having.
I can't comment on the de- toxing thing either, but I do feel our bodies will naturally de-tox if we replace junk food with healthy food. Why mess with nature? Healthy food is all around us.
That's just my opinion.
The 5:2 fasting diet is very low calorie on fasting days rather than full on fasting so water would be as normal. will give you more details. I've been thinking about doing it myself.
Detoxing I think helps some people get a kick start or get passed a lull.
Our bodies naturally "detox" all the time, as loobyloo has said. Drink water and have an early night. Beware of the possible dangers of some advertised detox diets. This article explains why.
Gosh, yes you can have water! I drink all day long. On my fasting days I drink very low calorie drinks instead of eating and I don't eat before 4pm. Some eat a small breakfast and then save the rest of their 500 calories (600 for men) for an evening meal.
It's entirely up to you how you divide up your 500 calories, but I find that if I eat anything at all it just makes me more hungry so I'd rather just eat one meal in the evening on my fasting days.
This video explains more
I lost three stone on the 5:2 diet and have maintained my weight loss since April 2013 by just fasting one day a week for the health benefits. It's easier than you think it will be.
By the way, 5:2 is not the same thing as a detoxing diet.
I'd recommend you read Kate Harrison's book called "The 5:2 Diet" or Dr Michael Mosley's book called "The Fast Diet". They're both available on Kindle if you want to read them quickly.
Kate's book is an easier read - Michael's goes into the science in great depth.
A very interesting article on the health benefits of fasting
Hi teeks01,
Whatever diet you're on you're allowed water because it's calorie free.
It's also hugely important to the proper functioning of your body. (Have a look at )
Of course, there are other calorie-free drinks, "Chinese" tea, because they're served without milk or sugar, e.g. green tea, white tea, jasmine tea, etc. - if they're to your taste.
And, believe it or believe it not, many people often feel 'hungry', when in fact they are thirsty and in need of hydration, rather than food.
That might be primal, because when we were babies, food and drink was all the same thing.
Of course I have. On the 5:2/Fast diet you're only restricted to 500 calories on two days a week and you eat sensibly on the other five days. I always use butter rather than other types of fat.
I think there may be some confusion between 'religious' types of fasting and the types that most of us would recognise. Those who are undertaking the Ramadan fast will not eat, drink or smoke between daybreak and sunset, but that is completely different. Especially in this hot weather, it is extremely dangerous to go without fluids for long. Dehydration will kill you much quicker than starving will.
Why fasting is important
It recaps us that food tastes better when we are starving
When food is plentiful rarely do we eat since we are hungry, rather because food is accessible, out of habit or just because others everywhere us are eating.
It gives our metabolism a lift
When the body’s cells are continuously visible to glucose as a result of frequently eating occasions, the cells become less well-organized at red-hot calories over time.
It supports us to eat less without dieting
Strict regimes that require constant observance are tough even for the most self-controlled among us. Certainly feelings of limit kick in and before you know it you are indulging chocolate biscuits and ruin all of the hard work of the days before.

I'm doing it at the moment I've lost 16lbs in 3 weeks. The first time I did it I lost 3 stone. Yes you can have as much water as you want. I did it with water the first week then the next 2 weeks I had cups of tea, just no food.