On day 2 of my fasting. Stuck to know what to have for breakfast as cereals are high in carbs and calorific and my usual bacon sarnie is a no no.
5/2 fast diet: On day 2 of my fasting... - Weight Loss Support
5/2 fast diet

My Mum was on the 5/2 and she liked to have those oat so simple porridge sachets, made with water they are 100kcal per serving, and porridge is a great way start the day it will keep you full until lunch for sure, shame for me as I really don't like porridge, but I hear most people do!
I used to skip breakfast and eat my calories as late in the day as possible
To be honest I normally skip an early breakfast and have a banana and apple around 11am instead although if I'm really hungry in the mornings I will make a omelette with cherry tomato's onion and anything else in my fridge with just a hint of cheese and that keeps me full for hours. Hope that helps! x
I just had a cup of tea of fasting days and go to lunch time without eating because as soon as I kick start my metabolism I want more food so I'm hungry all day. I'm up at 6.30, I drink plenty of fluids until lunch at 12.30 when I have a huge salad with some protein or some soup. I have my evening meal at 7ish and try to leave 50 calories for a dry cracker or a few berries before bed or I wake up early hours hungry. Skipping breakfast was breaking the habit of a lifetime for me but it got easier