Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (31st March 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
21 Replies

Good morning.

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 11.2 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 9.4 pounds, so I've lost 1.6 pounds this week. I'm very pleased with that weight loss, but also pleased to report that I've managed to get to an organised exercise class (which was my 'challenge'). I attended a 45 minute 'Kettlebell' session, and I also did 2 sessions of a Core Conditioning class (25 minutes each) which I discovered on TV.

Thanks again to Prin for encouraging me to actually 'do' that challenge - it gave me the extra motivation I needed, and I've not been to any such class for several years, so it feels like a real change. I am hoping to go again to another class this week - maybe a more Aerobic type class.

I hope you've all had a positive week, and I hope you'll join me in sharing your experiences.

Have a great week, and best of luck with your weight loss journeys.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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21 Replies
burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg

Well done Lowcal with your weight loss, and for doing your challenge - sounds like you're doing really well. I've now completed 2 weeks on the plan. I'm happy to report that I've lost 2 pounds this week, and 4 pounds in total so far. This week's challenge is to find another pilates course, as the one I'm on is coming to an end. Good luck everyone with this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to burntsun

Hi Burntsun,

Congratulations on your weight loss - you're doing really well. Thanks also for your encouraging words. I hope you find a Pilates course so you can continue enjoying that exercise.

Best of luck for another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

quinn profile image

Well done low cal, thats a great loss. I have seen a kettle ball class through the window of the gym and thought it looked too difficult so congrats again.

I managed to get out on my new bike, on saturday and sunday and completed about 9 miles each day. Feeling pleased as it has been many many many years since I have cycled. I have found my wrists are very painful today though from holding on to the handlebars, the path along the canal is bumpy.

My weight has gone 0.8kg to 78.2, just over a 1lb. Pleased as I did have one bad day this week. I am not on any specific diet just healthy eating, but did eat a few chips and some bread and butter this week so just over 1lb is great for me. My goal this week is as always just to keep going with exercise, good healthy eating choices and no ciggeretes. Good luck to all the others this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to quinn

Hi Quinn,

Well done for losing just over a pound. That's great, and also I am impressed by the distance you managed to cycle on the weekend. 9 miles each day is amazing. Hope your wrists recover soon.

I'm hoping to try an Aerobics class this week and will continue with the Cardio Conditioning class as it is very good. It was by Bob Harper who trains people on the American Biggest Loser show. He is quite motivational in his exercise class.

Hope you have another great week.

Lowcal :-)

Dingbat profile image

Ho Lowcal,

Well done to you! and congratulations on going to a new class - myself, I have to screw up courage to try something like that!

I missed last week's weigh in as I was on my way back from a visit to my family, so it's been two weeks since I weighed in. Then I was 73.3 kg aiming for the 72s, today I was 73.4 kg! However...

1. I was away - ate fine but had some alcohol

2. At the airport gave in to temptation and ate a Bounty and packet of Hula Hoops :(

3. Had minor operation on Thursday , so can't go to the gym for a few days until stitches are starting to heal

4. Came on again at the weekend - wish the menopause would give me a break!

So all in all not really disappointed. Had a week that will not be repeated and looking forward to getting back into my healthier ways of food and exercise. It has turned spring-like here at least, so that will help!

Wishing everyone a good week!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Dingbat

Lowcal did need a tiny push, dig deep and find that courage! It's only 50 mins or so out of your week, tell us all about it next week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dingbat

Hi Dingbat,

I definitely needed a push to commit to attending that exercise class - but really glad I did it!

It's great that you've enjoyed your trip away to see family and managed not to put on extra weight - hope you are feeling ok after your minor op, and take it easy till your stiches have healed.

Yes, the Spring-like weather should definitely help us - hope you have a great week and you'll soon be in the 72's kilo-wise.

Lowcal :-)

Blanket profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Well done with achieving your challenge!! I find the achievement of such activities far more rewarding than losing weight as you instantly feel such a sense of self gratification. I hope you enjoy whichever class you go to this week!

I have lost 1lb I think this week. I am surprised by this as I have eaten a ton of "naughties" as a result of all my work stress. I am however very excited as I hand all my work in next Monday and have HUGE plans of what I am going to enjoy in my quest to be healthy after that. Firstly, I have purchased a 3 month deal with Military Fitness and plan to attend a few classes a week in the local park. Also, I plan to cook better food as I will have much more time to plan healthy meals and prepare them - this is something I love but I haven't been able to do whilst working very long hours.

Anyway, next Monday I expect to have a weight increase or at least stay the same (12 stone 3lbs) but the week after I plan to have lost my 12stone-ness, which I have done previously. Whilst I am still rather bogged down with work I am very excited about the coming weeks and will definately be making much more use of this fantastic support site!!

Well done to all you losers, you've worked hard and it paid off. Hope you all have a happy week!! :o)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Blanket

Hi Blanket,

Congratulations on losing a pound this week - that's really great. Also, I love your enthusiasm throughout your post - it is very positive, and I am sure you will reap the benefits of it and will soon lose your 12 stone-ness.

The Military Fitness plan sounds exciting and I am sure that those classes in your local park will be a positive challenge.

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Blanket profile image
Blanket in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal,

Thank you! A pound is better than none.

To be honest this work project has been the stuff of nightmares so I think my positivity comes from dreaming of the day it's over! :o) I just hope come Tuesday evening I actually have the same feeling of motivation to go to my outdoor class!! I'm sure I will, I feel horrible not exercising much so it will be a good challenge and a fresh start to weight loss.

Hope you have a great week too. :o)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Blanket

Hi Blanket,

Thanks! Hopefully you will feel motivated to go to your outdoor class and I hope you enjoy it. Your work project has obviously been really challenging, but well done you for getting through it.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

gemrich profile image

Well done, the main thing is you you beat your challenge. I weighed 15.6 and now 15.4 not too bad but still can't stop eating. Really good during the week but the weekend is really bad. I need willpower x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gemrich

Hi Gemrich,

Well done for losing weight - you mentioned that weekends are challenging - I agree with you! They are the worst times for me too - I've noticed that the adverts on TV tend to push unhealthy foods so much more on the weekends - or maybe it's just because I notice it more then!?

I try to keep as busy as possible on weekends - in terms of doing some exercise (a long walk) and doing other tasks that are more active. Also, not having tempting foods in the house can be a great help. If they are around, then they are more likely to be eaten! I try to buy healthy snacks like some fruit, nuts, yoghurt - things like that.

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Massive congratulations Lowcal, firstly on your weight loss I see 13.5 stone knocking on the door for you!! And WELL DONE on not only meeting but exceeding your challenge, I think kettle bells are great for toning. Not a great week for me alcohol all week so back to 10.13, I forgot to weigh this morning so it was around 5pm. Enjoyed Mother's Day hope you all did, will struggle this week 2 meals out but planning to hit the gym, and no alcohol today for the first time since March 20 :(

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Thanks for your encouragement Prin - you helped me to achieve that goal! I probably would have done it in the end, but probably not as quickly as I have - having a timescale and a definite challenge made the difference, so big thanks to you!

Sounds like you've had a heavy week - and maybe you weigh a bit more because you weighed at 5pm instead of in the morning. I am sure you will be back on track and hitting the gym, and hope you have a great week as a result of that. Hope you enjoy your 2 meals out. I shall be eating out mid week in an Italian restaurant, so hoping to try to choose well. May not be easy!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

teagranny profile image

Well done you ! Im starting today weighing 13 st. Not been very well of late and really need to shift this excess weight,

hope to update every week going to give this one my best shot, best of luck to all .. teagranny x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to teagranny

Hi Teagranny,

Welcome! Hope you have a good week and wishing you the best of luck with your goals. Look forward to catching up with you next week, and hope you have a positive week.

Lowcal :-)

teagranny profile image

Hi lowcal Had quite a good week lost 2lb 12.12 now so its going in the right direction it helps to write everything down helps you keep track of what you really eat! anyway good luck to everyone keep going it will be worth it in the end. have a great week everybody :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to teagranny

Hi Teagranny,

Congratulations on losing your 2 pounds. That's really great. Yes, I agree it does help to keep a track of what you eat. A good tactic.

Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Sole_1 profile image

congratulations Lowcal!!.

I have lost 8 pounds today: 3.7 kilos!!!.

I hope I will keep up while away on holiday for a week.

count me on on your stats, please.

have a good week all!!!.


Anon-E-Mouse profile image
Anon-E-Mouse in reply to Sole_1

Hi Sole_1

I don't think you meant to post here - this three is over 2.5 years old! I will copy your post over and (as requested) count you in the stats.

This is the link to this afternoon's thread where you needed to be:

Well done for losing 8lbs this week, that's a huge loss and I too hope you can keep up the good work while you are on holiday. Enjoy your holiday and let us know how you got on with your weight loss on your return.

Lowcal is poorly at the moment and moreless has very kindly done the Monday thread, perhaps you meant to congratulate her.

Mouse 🐭

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