I've just joined. Not sure how to work site yet to bare with me lol. I really need to lose alot of weight for my heath. I'm around 23st and have hormonal problems including PCOS so it makes it harder. I work for a bank in the night and I've just joined a gym close to work so looking to start that next week. I use Noom to track my cal intake and steps. But it's lacking interaction so here I am. What's your story?
Here I am: I've just joined. Not sure... - Weight Loss Support
Here I am

Hi Jules
PCOS can make losing weight a bit of a problem. This problem has come up before, this is a link which might be useful to you.
Good luck. Hope you enjoy the gym.
MyFitnessPal is a brilliant free app which counts calories - I wear a Fitbit to count my steps and aim at 10,000 a day.
In August 2012 there was a BBC Horizon programme called "Eat, Fast and Live Longer" vimeo.com/54089463 and it honestly changed my life. I lost three stone in six months and I'm now slimmer, fitter and healthier than I've been since I was a teenager, and I've kept the weight off for a year - any other 'diet' and I'd have put it all back on again. The television programme led to the 5:2 Diet where you only have to think about 'dieting' two non-consecutive days a week - it's transformed thousands of lives. The beauty of that is that you know that the food you're craving you can eat the next day - though usually by the next day you've gone off the idea. There's an excellent book by Kate Harrison amazon.co.uk/Feast-Weig... which describes it fully.
You have to be in the right mindset otherwise no diet will work.
Believe me, I have been overweight most of my life, therefore leading to diet after diet and the only one's that I lost weight on are the one's where I was determined that I would follow/ stick to them. I'm now 3 stone less than what I was in November and I'm determined that I will stick to my healthy eating regime - not a diet, I do not deprive myself of anything. I'm now planning and cooking healthy food to ensure my diet is varied and therefore doesn't become boring and yes I still have my treats, my sweet tooth needs catering to also . . . . but everything in moderation.
My one tip - writer everything down that you eat. It's amazing how the "little extra's" add up.
Good luck, I hope you achieve what you set out to x
Hi there, I've just joined as well need to lose weight as I am getting bigger by the week.Would love a diet buddy as I am struggling.
Hi newcastle. I am weighing in tomorrow for the first time. I am happy to be a diet buddy. I am trying to find my way around the site. I can't find a week one weigh in. Have you managed or can anyone else help?
I am new 2...today is my first day. I am was diagnosed was PCOS and I'm really struggling to get all this weight off. It's difficult. Hope we can find a solution.
Started last week on 12 week NHS plan really helped, I hope you find the encouragement reading other dieters help, we are all struggling but the way forward is to plod on positively, I am hoping losening widght will
Help pain. Good luck!