Just joined and are so over weight, so unhappy about how big I have become, have not got on a scale for years, too afraid, do not own a scale, need to see where to go without people being able to see?
I am new: Just joined and are so over... - Weight Loss Support
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Welcome what a lovely site to join everyone is so friendly and there is always advice on hand , you have made the first step which is the hardest ,1 step at a time goes along way. Gd Luck.
Good morning Parask and welcome to our friendly forum,
You are amongst friends here and many of us have felt as you do now. The number on the scales doesn't define who you are, it is just a number and you can change it You will find plenty of support here to do it.
Your local chemist might have some scales or the local gym. If not, invest in a pair and weigh yourself in your own home.
If you are going to the follow the NHS 12 week plan then please make sure you use the BMI calculator to work out your own personal calorie range. The 1400 calories they suggest is a generic figure and not suitable for everybody. You will probably be able to eat a lot more than that and still loose weight. The link to the BMI calculator is in the details below.
To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link
Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.
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Wishing you all the best

Hi, you will find lots of support from this forum. Many of us, like you, started out feeling scared of the scales.
In the beginning I hated my body and I knew I was overweight because I had to buy bigger clothes. However, I hadnt weighed for ten years and had no idea of my actual weight.
Then one day, in 2014 , I felt brave enough to buy some basic scales ( about £20 in Boots ). I had a real shock and cried, but seeing the number before my eyes made me determined to do something about it.
That was 4 years ago and slowly but surely, thanks to the advice and support of people on here, I am now a mid-healthy weight and long term maintainer. There are lots of people on here who understand exactly how it feels at the beginning, and they will help you.
oh parask! I am there with you doll! I have plenty to lose and have started really slowly to do so. I have been at a standstill for about a month now but that is no ones fault but my own due to not planning my meals and eating way too many sweets. the hardest thing I have to do is forgive myself for the little indescretions of life such as eating that sweet or failing to exercise one day. which is funny as I do very little exercise now anyway due to health issues. I am going to have ankle surgery in about 3 weeks and will not be able to put weight on it for at least 3 months so I am really not sure if I can do any kind of exercise then. I have heard that 80% of weight loss is healthy eating anyway so there is lots we can do. I find that when I plan my meals and write down every little thing I eat, it holds me more accountable to myself and I do better. I am the only person in this world I have to please... this has taken me many years to learn but if you look around, a lot of people have always known that. I am envious of them but nevertheless have reached a fabulous age in life (I am 51) that has brought wisdom. I always say if I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself, but I kind of doubt the truth in that. I have learned that when I forgive myself, take care of myself and occasionally put myself first, I do well in all my aspects of life. I suppose that sounds rather selfish of me, I do put my husband first most of the time but not at the expense of myself. I am rambling on and I apologize. just know that if you post, read and hang out here with us, you will learn a lot, get a lot of good advice and a lot of friendly reactions to whatever may be bothering you at any given time. Chin up! it will all work out to our advantage!