Can't even think of losing weight at the minute, my husband has been told he probably has the big C, has had barium swallow, scan and endoscopy now and get the official diagnosis on Thursday. I feel like my life is on hold and can't imagine how he is feeling. Been eating whatever is to hand in the cupboard, not overeating I might add but not necessarily nutritionally sound. When I get my head around all this I will start afresh, on plus side no weight gain.
no weight loss: Can't even think of... - Weight Loss Support
no weight loss

I'm sorry to hear your news, but now your husband is in the system he will be able to get the help he needs. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cance last year, he was diagnosed and into treatment within two weeks. It is a terrible shock but we found the NHS was excellent. The treatment was lengthy but successful.
Concentrate on lots of good nutrition for yourself and your husband when you are able. Good luck and I hope all goes well for you.
Hi CHristine-smith20, I'm really sorry to hear about your difficult news. I hope you and your family get all the help and support you need. With regard to weight loss, dare I say it but sometimes life just takes over and we can't be rigid with planned meals and no naughty snacks. My personal opinion is that you should manage the best you can through the difficult times and more importantly than anything, be kind to yourself. It's fantastic that you haven't gained any weight but if you do you will lose it again so don't beat yourself up whilst you're already under a lot of pressure. Sending you and your family lots of healthy wishes. Keep posting if we can be of any support!
Hi Christine - .so sorry to hear your news and will be thinking of you both as you get the result tomorrow. Sometimes life takes over and weight loss seems unimportant - I am sure you will get going again and succeed when the time is right for you
Best wishes
Sorry to hear your bad news. As you say weight can go on hold until you can get your head around illness. Sending you some positive thoughts.Still try to think of yourself, to as the saying goes you have to look after number one to be able to look after number two. Take care.