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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-In (Monday 4th November 2013).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
24 Replies

Good morning,

I haven't managed to achieve my goal this week, and I've actually put on a pound, rather than had any loss. I am disappointed by the gain, but not surprised, as I didn't do much exercise - and I probably ate too much as well. So I know where I've gone wrong, and I know what I need to do - more exercise and focus on healthier eating choices.

I am setting myself the goal of losing 1.5 pounds this week, because I would like to be below 14 stone. Currently, I'm 14 stone 1.4 pounds, so hoping to be below 14 stone next Monday.

Hope you are all having a good week and good luck with your goals!

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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24 Replies
OlsBean profile image

Try not to be despondent, I know that's easier said than done. A one pound gain could be down to nothing more than water retention (excess salt maybe?), volume of food currently being processed by your body or even menstrual cycle.

At least you appear to be focused and moving on with setting a realistic target for next week.

Good Luck with it, I'm sure though that you will get there! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to OlsBean

Hi OlsBean,

I appreciate your encouraging words. I was indeed feeling a bit dispondent, but am hoping that things will improve and the weight will finally come off.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

albionjen profile image

Hi Lowcal

Don't feel too bad, at least you know what went wrong. I'm sure you will manage to break the 14st barrier this week :)

My weight this morning was 65.0kg, down 0.7kg from last week. I'm really pleased as that makes me only 1kg from goal of being in the healthy range for BMI! However, I'm a bit suspicious that it is a freak low reading - I won't be suprised if I don't lose any more by next Monday. My aim for the week to get below 65kg, so any number starting 64 will count as a sucess.

Also this week I went to my fitness class since I did step aerobics at the local fitness centre when I was about 17 years old. It was bodypump, where you use free weights. I was pleased that I was able to keep up, even with push-up and sit-up :) But my upper body strength is a bit feeble and I can still feel the ache in my arms today (class was Thursday!). I made the most of the nice weather on Sunday doing gardening - tidying up the veg patch and putting in some new things to grow over the winter. So that might have contributed to a few sore muscles as well.

Good luck for this week everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to albionjen

Hi Albionjen,

Congratulations on your weight loss this week. 0.7 kg is brilliant. You are getting very close now to your ultimate goal. Great to hear you enjoyed your Bodypump class as well.

I know what you mean about aching muscles - the only exercise I managed to do this week was a session of Badminton (first time in about 2 years) and I have been aching really badly all over since then. It was only yesterday morning, but I feel like I've been aching for 'days'!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

albionjen profile image
albionjen in reply to Zest

Badminton is my favourite racquet sport, hope you enjoyed your game. I don't have anyone to play with at the moment, sadly. I'm pretty rubbish, but still fun!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to albionjen

Hi Albionjen,

Yes, I like Badminton too - and yes, we had a good game. Like you say, it's good fun. Hope you get someone to play Badminton with, so you can enjoy some games.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to albionjen

I have been doing body pump and love it, it has helped change my body shape and toned up my tummy - not great still a bit loose and my bingo wings can be a bit flappy, but it does make a note able difference, the lunge track in the new release is a killer!

albionjen profile image
albionjen in reply to Prin

Lunges were the hardest bit, accidentally had too heavy weight and had to put it down for the last set! No class this week, but I think I'll be back for another go the week after.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to albionjen

You can do them with your own body weight (I have plenty) or just with a weight in your hand rather than the bar, one of the best instructors says it is all about technique rather than feeling you have to lift massive weights (just as well really!) enjoy!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to albionjen

Has anyone seen this

The strength training should be 2 days each week! Although it doesn't say how long for, the reason I do classes is because I am rubbish at the gym and need some direction, that means 2 classes so 2 hrs on bodypump!

albionjen profile image
albionjen in reply to Prin

It is a bit vague about how much to do each day isn't it! I try to get 2 days per week. Last week it was one gym session using weights plus the class.

Also I see that other things count too, like gardening. Hopefully I'm getting enough one way or another.

2 hours of body pump would finish me off, only now recovering from last week : /

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

I tried to look at that link just now, but it wouldn't open for me. Will try it later. I am surprised to hear it recommends 2 days of strength training per week. I don't do much strength training, but hope to do more. I've not been to the gym for a couple of weeks now, due to having had that bad cold, but I am nearly free of it again, and so I hope to get to the gym sometime this week!

Well done for doing Bodypump, I'm sure that is lots of energetic exercise, and 2 hours is a good amount.

Lowcal :-)

rooster14 profile image

dont worry lowcal, its not as bad as me. I put on a ridiculous 5lbs this week! I know it feels disappointing now but you just need to accept this little set back and try to get back into the right mind set. keeping aiming for that 14 stone milestone :) your doing great

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rooster14

Hi Rooster14,

Sorry to hear you put on weight as well this week. You're right, it's best to just accept such things and 'move on' from them. Getting into the right mind set is challenging, but definitely possible!

Thanks for your encouraging words, and the best of luck with your goals - hoping we both have a better week this week!

Lowcal :-)

sianymerchant profile image

Im dissapointed too. Starting week 4 and only lost 1lb. Im working hard, exercising over the recommended amount of 2.5 hours a week and watching my calories and never going over the 1,400. Im within my BMI and want to lose about 7 lbs. Its soul destroying when I cant even lose a 1lb a week : (

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sianymerchant

Hi Slanymerchant,

I think it's so much harder to shift weight when you're within your BMI - but just try to keep going and I am sure it will come off in time. It just needs persistence. I feel like I've been chasing the 'below 14 stone mark' for ages and ages - and I have to keep reminding myself that this time last year I was more than a stone heavier, so I have made progress. This time of year seems more challenging, as it's so much darker and the weather isn't great. So more pulls from the more comforting foods, that tend to be more calorific.

Keep going, and I am sure we will get there!

Hope you have a good week this week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

You are quite right Lowcal you are a stone lighter than last year! A great achivement! Rooting for you this week :) I am on target and am 11st 2lb exactly today ( have been as low as 11 st .5 of a lb this week but had a little too much indulgence at the weekend) so I think just 1 lb loss for me this week, any more will be a bonus. Good luck with your goals everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Well done for achieving your goal - you're doing great!

Thanks so much for your encouragement (as always), and let's hope we have a good week this week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

lost half a pound- little bit disappointed - but it is in the right direction. So i am aiming for a pound this week.

Good luck to you - you have done it before you can do it again :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Yes, half a pound is definitely in the right direction - well done!

Let's hope we have some losses this week - good luck!

Lowcal :-)

Natty2013 profile image

Don't get too down with it. Have a look at everything you are doing and eating and see what could still change to help the weight loss. Try and look at it unemotionally (which is really hard) and write up a plan or that type of thing. I find that helpful for picking myself up after a disappointing week.

Have a great week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Natty2013

Hi Natty2013,

Yes, you're right. Writing up a plan would be really good. I always write down everything that I eat anyway, which keeps me from over-indulging too much. I need some focused goals and planned meals.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

supasister1 profile image

Hi all, I'm still hanging in there at 11st scales have been darting around between 11.4 - 11.8 as I've had guests staying and keeping tucking them away from their usual 'steady spot'. Hopefully this means I haven't put on weight and therefore I'd be happy to be at 11.8. I'm going for a 1lb loss this week, even though I've got a busy weekend ahead I need to start chipping away at these last few pounds. Good luck everyone :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to supasister1

Hi Supasister1,

You've done well not to put on weight. Hope you had a nice time with your guests.

Hope you have a great week this week, and achieve your goal to lose a pound.

Lowcal :-)

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