Please Join me for a Weigh-in (Monday ... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join me for a Weigh-in (Monday 19th August 2013).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
24 Replies

Good morning everyone! I am very happy today, because at last I have managed to get below 14 stone - last Monday I was 14 stone 1.0 pounds, and today I am 13 stone 13.0 pounds. So I've lost 2 pounds this week. Hurray!!!

I have set myself a goal to lose 1 pound this week, so I hope I can achieve that, but I suspect it will be hard, as I've been below 14 stone in the past, and somehow my body seems to like bobbing above that weight, rather than going below it. Ideally, I would like to get down to 12 stone 7 pounds, so I still have some way to go - but I feel more positive about the potential of getting there, than I have ever done before! That's thanks to the support of this site, and all your encouraging posts. They are truely inspiring, so thank you!

The best of luck to everyone this week.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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24 Replies
Jennypenny272 profile image

I'm 10st 6lb and want to loose 1st. I'm 5ft4 so at moment bordering on being overweight. I used to be in overweight BMI category but have lost 1st so far...

1-2lb a week would be great.

Began Following NHS 1400kcal plan and its much easier than other "paid for" diet programmes.

Also use myfitness pal to count calories which is great!!

Good Luck everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jennypenny272

Hi Jennypenny272,

Well done on your weight loss to date - you've done really well.

Good luck for your goals.

Lowcal :-)

Hallo Good Morning to you All! :-D I am 1,70m and my weight this morning was 83,7kg and my BMI is around 29,... and I am overweight. My wish/ dream is to reach 79kg as 81kg was always a hirdle for me and I don't seem to get below. Don't know the Stones, sorry! #wlcw1.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flower-arranger,

Hope you are having a good day so far, and good luck with your goals.

Lowcal :-)

OlsBean profile image

Congratulations Lowcal great result :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to OlsBean

Hi OlsBean,

Many thanks. Congratulations to you too, as I note you have your 'I did it!' badge. That's fantastic. Well done.

Lowcal :-)

loz73 profile image

I am new to this and hoping to loose at least 1 st. I am a chubby 40 yr old in desperate need of shaping up and kicking my sweet tooth habit, so fingers x I suceed.

#wlcw1.11st 4lb

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to loz73

Hi Loz73,

Welcome and the best of luck with your goals. Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Lazydaysinmay profile image

I'm another newbie. Desperately trying to lose 3 stone. My weigh in this morning was 13st 1lb, against a height 5'2". On the BMI index this puts me in the obese category. The pounds seem super-glued in place and nothing I try works so finding motivation difficult. I've never tried a forum like this before, so maybe it'll help. :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Lazydaysinmay

Hi Lazydaysinmay,

Welcome and I hope you'll find this site inspiring and helpful. Have you looked at the NHS weight loss pages? They give some great advice, and many people use them as a guide to follow.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Morning all, managed to lose another 1lb down to 14st 12lb, but it's been hard going last week, starting to get bored and longing for a good fried breakfast.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Tallguy360,

Congratulations on your weight loss this week. Maybe you could have that fried breakfast as part of your intake? Maybe cook a smaller one than you'd usually have, or have the full amount and exercise to take out the extra calories?

Or maybe grill the breakfast instead?

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

well done low cal -You really have stuck with it - a real watershed to break through. Probably just the sort of motivation I need. I have lost ten pounds hovering just above 12 stone for week and weeks. Just come back from 2 weeks hols and pleased to report no weight gain. ( due to not eating bread, not gorging and running) so I am pleased with that and now ready to start on the next ten pounds. First day today!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words, which are much appreciated. Well done to you for not putting on any weight whilst you were on holiday. I put on half a stone when I was on holiday, despite trying hard not to - it's really great that you didn't put any one.

Good luck with your goal to lose those next ten pounds. You sound motivated and positive, which is already half way there!

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

bispers profile image

Well done Lowcal. Really pleased for you.

Like you, my goal is 12 st 7 lbs - by next August. Currently 14 st 11 lbs, so a way to go yet! I've lost 1 lb in the last 2 weeks - my Friday weight is always lower than the following Monday morning LOL. I might try to weigh just on a Monday as I get cross when I find it has gone up.

Have a good week. Hope you treat yourself for doing so well.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

Many thanks. I'm actually going to have a meal out tonight, so hope I don't undo my hard work! But like you say, it's nice to treat now and again! Eating out is part of life, and I am hoping to choose wisely from the menu.

Congratulations to you for your weight loss, and also for gaining your badge ('I did it') - that's amazing! I haven't really set myself a goal of when to try to get to 12 stone 7 pounds, but hope that I might manage it sometime next year. I was 15 stone 2.6 pounds in January 2013, so it's taken me 8 months to get to 13 stone 13.0 pounds. I think it will take me longer to lose the remaining weight, as it's just so hard to stay below 14 stone for me! But I'm more determined than previously, so think I might manage it.

Anyway, have a great week. I bet you'll find it difficult not to weigh yourself on Friday, but you'll probably feel better to stick to the Monday - good luck!

Lowcal :-)

bispers profile image
bispers in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal

How was the meal and your choices? If they were 'indulgent' I am sure cutting back over the next few days will even it out.

My goal is set because my Son is getting married, so it is a big incentive. Yes, I think I will find it hard on Friday morning, I wanted to get on the scales this morning but resisted the urge.

Have a good week - look forward to hearing how you get on.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

The meal was lovely, and I managed to choose things that were delicious but not too 'indulgent' - so I feel quite positive about it.

Your son's marriage will be a great incentive - have you chosen your outfit yet?

Well done for resisting the urge to get on the scales.

Have a great week, and hope you do really well.

Lowcal :-)

bispers profile image
bispers in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal

No, the dress isn't chosen yet - I wil be another two stone lighter by then (positive and fighting talk at the moment LOL). It's definitely something to look forward to. Managed to stay off the scales until Sunday which was as planned so pleased with that. Will do the same this coming week.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

Great to hear that positive and fighting talk - very motivational.

I think you'll have a good week!

Lowcal :-)

xsallyx profile image

Hi Lowcal

Well done - under 14 stone now. wow - Keep it up, you can reach your goal.

I'm finding my own weight loss hard at the moment, lost 1lb over the last two weeks.

I don't think I am as active with my boy off school,

I haven't been calorie counting, just watching what I eat and snack on.

I have been telling myself its good to have a little rest after 6 months, And kick starting again in September will be good for my body, I still have stones to loss and believe I will still be on this journey till next summer.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to xsallyx

Hi xSallyx,

It can seem like a hard slog sometimes - and I think you've done well to lose one pound in the last two weeks - it's a loss and in the right direction! I always picture a pound of butter and think about how much nicer it is for that not to be stuck on my body somewhere!

Thanks for your encouragement with regard to my weight loss - I feel more hopeful, but at the same time I worry that having a meal out will scupper my chances of being below 14 stone again - I'll have to be careful what I choose tonight!

At least your son will be back to school again soon, and you can re-focus on getting more active again - it will soon be September and you sound very positive about kick starting again then, and at least in the meantime you're not taking your eye off the goal, as you're still watching what you eat and snack on. That is bound to help you.

Have a good week.


Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Well done low cal! that has put a smile on my face, don't forget your little non food treat, what will it be?

And thank youI always look forward to our weigh ins, sadly I am 11.6 this week so no hope of hitting my target for month end :(

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Lovely to hear from you! I have already bought a little non food treat - I managed to find a beautiful sterling silver ring for just £10, and it was just lovely - so I decided that would be my treat!

I have also been out for a meal last night, but think it was fine in terms of not being too over-indulgent. Also, I have the remainder of the week to hopefully keep the weight in control...!

Sorry to hear you're a bit disappointed by not hitting your target by the month's end, but keep going, and you will achieve through your perseverence.

I look forwarfd to our weigh-ins as well. Great to have so many supportive people with the same or simIilar goals. It really does help, so thank you!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

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