It seems to me that my lifestyle seems rather like a roller coaster in terms of how much I want to lose weight and then a strangely ambivalent attitude to it all where I think why can't I eat this cheese panini and ice cream and and and etc.
Over this past year I have lost and gained weight fairly regularly, being at top of 12.7 and a low of 10.3 (after surgery I dropped a stone in a month but mostly by over eating in and little exercise I have managed to put most of it back on).
I am getting married in 8 weeks but the most wonderful man who loves how I look and supports me whether I'm 12.7 or 10.3 but in my heart I want to know how I made a real effort to look my best and healthiest on my wedding day and for my honeymoon. So I've got a goal, and I hoped sharing it here might help me remember that this was my choice!
I'd love to hear if anyone thinks the roller coaster ends and if anyone else has foud the self in a similar position of wanting to lose weight then strangely eating more than you would when it wasn't a big focus!!! A kick into action is what I need, any firm words or advice welcome!! Thank you.