Hi all, I have started the 12 week challenge today and I am looking to lose a stone (or there abouts!) in this time. I was just wondering if anyone would like to chummy up with me and share tips and support as I imagine it's going to be a roller-coaster of a ride. I am an absolute emotional eater but I am going to do my absolute best to beat this monstrous tyre that seems to have befriended my belly! I shall look forward to meeting you all x
Started today :) Anyone want to share ... - Weight Loss Support
Started today :) Anyone want to share their journey with me?!
I'm starting off today too also with 2stone of excess to lose along the way - so we can buddy up too!
Imm starting 3/2/2015 and would also like a buddy. I have aliens that have attached themselves to every part of my body, belly ,back, chin, cheekbones, back, arms, back and now my calves. I have been a dieter for in excess of 30 years and have grown larger with each one, the first I began at 9st 5lbs now I weigh 17st 1lb and have begun to suffer the health consequences in this last year. Add the menopause to the aliens and suddenly I am a walking Mr Blobby (allbeit without the yellow spots!)
I notoriously fall off the wagon with any emotional crisis that may appear perched on my shoulders! At which time I am straight off to what was the "Goodie Cupboard"
However in September last year I ditched all but fresh and unprocessed food I don't buy anything frozen but my freezer contains meals (and many sins) that I have made/baked. Whilst I have lost little weight I feel physically so much better and to the contrary of many opinion I can tell you it saves you a fortune on your food bill!
In doing this I have learnt that cutting out food groups and buying fad products does nothing at all for your health and its such a headache! In essence I have returned to how we used to eat before so many processed and ready made stuff hit our shopping trolleys but my nutrition plan (I hate the word diet) is far from boring.
The above probably isnt the best ad for a "rant and cry with me" buddy but it provides the bare bones. I note that there are a number of responses perhaps we can make our own "My name is x and I am a fattie" support group!

I started my three months today, I'm hoping for loads of encouragement,
Hi yes I would also like a buddy. I am a serial dieter and constantly sabotage myself as I am a very bad emotional eater yesterday a prime example which is odd for a Monday that's normally my best day! Would love to support and be supported by anyone x Here's gid luck to us all. Got to loose the food baby I put on over Xmas and another stone! Xxx
Hello I would love to join you and be your buddy

Hi I'm new, trierisme, or trier is me ! After a lifetime of dieting I can confirm I am a trier !!
Nearly 50, 16-3, five foot 6. Chronic back condition which while I'll always have would be greatly improvedby not lugging all this fat around..... I'm looking to support and be supported on this journey.
Anyone out there who would like to buddy up with me ? ?
I am starting today 3 rd of feb 2015. I'll post a suitably chubby photo later !
Buddy material? Today is my first day too, having decided I have had enough of lugging extra weight around. I am 52 and just taken early retirement from a job I no longer enjoyed, I could never see myself as lounging around in soft top trousers yet I have just bought a second pair - this in itself speaks volumes!!! I too have lost weight in the past but am prone to comfort eating and this menopause lark is definitely not helping, I have put on over 2 stone in 2 years now 17st and really feeling it. Maybe together we can both move forward?
Ok great, wasn't expecting so many replies Thanks everyone. Well maybe what we should do is all agree to come on here on Monday and see how we've been doing this week! We can come up with some snappy group name and start our journey together. I'd love to keep in touch with you all and hopefully pester you when I am having a weak moment or three!! If any of you would like to contact me for a more personal buddy, by all means message me- I'd love to get to know you, I think having someone to call on will be so helpful
Has anyone got any good tips so far? I have been feeling tempted all day as we have a box of chocolates in the cupboard, they would have been gone for breakfast, but today I am feeling quite chuffed with my cereal and fruit! Whenever I have gone to the cupboard to get them I have grabbed a glass of water instead and that seems to be going well so far!
Kim x

I too have problems with a goody cupboard fetish! If you like savoury snacks try some Kale chips - sounds awful right well actually they are scrumptious and pretty much calorie free!
You need enough Kale chopped or torn into bit size pieces in a single layer on a baking sheet. sling it in a zip lock bag, spray beforehand with olive oil or just chuck a teaspoon into the bag (should be enough to coat it) To the bag add a reasonable sprinkle of salt (I use lo salt but not compulsory) chilli powder and coarse ground black pepper to taste. Give it a good shake, lay it out on the baking sheet and shove it in the oven on 180 for about 10 mins till its dried out. Allow to cool and hey presto a doritos replacement!
ps I find that drinking sparkling water through a straw makes it easier to drink more (maybe I am just weird) I buy the 17p sparkling water from Asda x 12 a week. Sometimes I add cordial or fruit juice (homemade) to it.
hiya Kim I would like to be you buddy... Im 5 weeks through my first 12 week plan.... Im doing it in stages as its easier to keep the momentum going... first 12 week goal for me is 18 lbs.... Im 10.5 down after 5 weeks.... good luck on your journey xox