Hi everyone.
I was wandering about other peoples experience with PCOS. I was diagnosed with this condition in 2016. My symptoms included a constant heavy period that went on for over a month, extreme pain, fatigue, pain while having sex, water infections and aching joints. So I went to my doctor who then referred me to have a scan which then came up as PCOS, this was then further confirmed with a blood test. I then got put on the pill which has defiantly helped with my periods but not with everything els. My doctor said that all my other symptoms are all to do with PCOS?? But doing some research into to it I've found that other people haven't said anything about the symptoms I have. Instead it's weight gain and hair growth etc??? I have none of the symptoms listed. So I change doctor and have now been told it sounds more like endometriosis which makes more senses and have been referred to have a lap. But she said if they can't find endo they'll just put it down to my cysts playing up. Just all confused with what symptoms match up with what. And was interested on what symptoms other people with PCOS have???