Hi, there! Are there any things like special diets or herbal medicines that may boost up fertility? I’m 34 years old and I’ve been TTC for nearly 2 years without any positive results. I took some medicines like metformin and reduced some weight. I started to have regular periods, but again, I couldn’t conceive. My gyny recommends me clomid shots. I can also try ovarian drilling. Ladies, please share your experience of getting pregnant.
TTC with PCOS: Hi, there! Are there any... - PCOS UK (Verity)

I would try ovarian drilling as it has a good success rate - have they checked your tubes and your partners sperm too to check all ok. I conceived Noah when I was 36 via IUI 2nd attempt, the only difference between the two attempts was reflexology which I had once a week in between and my period arrived to the hour which had never happened before. How regular are your periods - mine were anything from 2-11 days late and I was told anything past 2 days of 'your' norm probably meant you weren't ovulating. Are you charting your temperature (as it is the only accurate way of seeing if you are ovulating - look at the fertilityfriends website as a period doesn't mean you are ovulating).
One thing I would like to say is our fertility (egg quality) lasts better than non-pcos ladies so ignore the ticking clock as you don't need to listen out for it for quite a while yet
Hi, there! I managed to conceive after having reduced my weight. When I had quite a lot of lose weight, I never had regular periods. All changed after I managed to reduce more than 25 kg. My periods started to be very accurate. I even had some feelings like nausea when I was ovulating. I think you should start with your weight. My gyny told me that PCOS ladies with obesity may have fewer chances to conceive.
Hi, everyone! I think there are quite a lot of women who do manage to conceive with PCOS. But there are still some ladies who don’t have a single chance to do it. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my teens and since that time have very irregular periods. I’m not overweight, but I couldn’t conceive my baby naturally. We wanted to try IVF with my eggs, but it didn’t work with me. I simply didn’t respond to the meds. We did a DE IVF, and I managed to conceive after the first shot.
Hi, Succinite! Nice to meet you, hun! I’m really happy about you, hun. I do hope that my hubby and I will be able to conceive naturally. Both me and him are willing to become parents so much. I think we’ll apply for surrogacy if nothing else works with us. Hun, could you please share some clues on how to choose the best fertility clinic? What did you pay attention to while making your final decision?