I have finally been discharged from the hosptial and 10 pounds lighter just need to lose another 4 stone and then we're going to start trying for a baby. It does make me worry that it'll take us a while to get pregnant but know it'll be worth the wait. Can anyone give me any tips of what I can do to inrease getting pregnant?
trying for a baby: I have finally been... - PCOS UK (Verity)
trying for a baby

Just cutting out white carbs and processed sugar as they make the symptoms worse. Also get your partner on the right track too as 1/3 of fertility issues are now men so would be irritating if you got to the weight you wanted and his sperm was not good.
Good luck, even 10% weight loss can increase your chances of conceiving. I like the 5:2 diet as it is cheap and easy, once you get your head around it, and has changed how I feel about being hungry too.
Thank you for being so helpful I've cut down on white carbs just need to cut down on the sugar etc. I've had 2 miscarriages before and my boyfriend has agreed to go and get checked over and make sure everything is all good and there won't be any problems getting pregnant.
Thank you! I want to lose at least 4 stone so I know the weight I do put on while I'm pregnant wont make me worry about the effect on my body as well as the baby. Fingers crossed everything goes to plan. We're going to start trying to get pregnant in December. Fingers crossed we can shift some weight and sort out health out before we get pregnant
I was 3 stone overweight when I conceived and put on 3 stone (am only 5ft 2in) so was pretty large - one lady asked me if I was about to give birth and I was only 3 months pregnant!!! (Put on 2 stone when TTC as I had come off the combined pill which made it easier to maintain my weight)
Sugar is a huge no no for pcos too so try and cut that out. You have got pregnant before so it will happen again. There is no increased risk of miscarriage due to pcos, they initially thought there was but have done further research now and it is not the case.
Good luck - our fertility stays better for longer (egg quality) so really you have until late 30's before it will become and issue.
Do you know your cycle?
Have you charted your cycle?