Hi guys I tried again to get pregnant I day 14 of my cycle. no I did not get pregnant - pissed off!
Fed up PCOS no baby just a period - PCOS UK (Verity)
Fed up PCOS no baby just a period

Hey there,
Sorry to hear this, it's a difficult journey with PCOS, but it's not impossible. How have you been managing your PCOS? Do you have regular periods?
I have been trying diet and exercise I am trying to loose a stone ! although I am not overweight my BMI is bellow 25. I take saw palmetto form day one to day 5 just to help with symptoms I have hair loss and hirtisuim on face. I am desperate for baby. My gp won't even acknowledge my PCOS n fact they have not even recorded it on my medical file. So fed up I am 41 it feels helpless.
I have periods on a month they are very heavy painful and full of large clots about the size of a cherry tomato.
Hi pumpkins
Thats terrible. Could you ask to speak to a nurse? Or ask to speak to another doctor?
Hope it gets sorted xx
Also my brother had to change surgeries because he wasn't getting anywhere with his old doctors. Really frustrating when they are meant to help.
I will try got an appoint tomorrow, I have already made a written complaint I changed surgeries before was even worse
Hi pumpkins
Hope you get better luck with the new surgery and letter.
But I must say that my pill check nurse had a blank face when I explained that I had pcos, & a neighbour who is a district nurse didn't know what the hell I was talking about. It is a rather dire situation.
Hope all goes well with new doctor