Advice on fem pop bypass prognosis - Vasculitis UK

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Advice on fem pop bypass prognosis

JDSK profile image
1 Reply

Hi everyone, first post and really after some advice. I've recently had fem pop bypass surgery in my left leg and am reaching out to hear from others that have had this operation?

6 weeks ago I hadn't seen a doctor in over 20 years (I'm 39 years old), then I experienced pins and needles in my foot out of the blue, wouldn't clear up and I went to see the gp. From there it escalated quickly, no pulse found below knee, rushed to hospital and they diagnosed a clot in my knee, starving my lower leg/ foot of blood. They performed an embolectomy which initially appeared successful but subsequently they decided it hadn't restored blood flow sufficiently, then I underwent fem pop bypass surgery. I understand that this went really well, restoring blood flow/ pulse fully.

The cause of all of this remains a mystery and now I find myself post op recovering at home, looking to get back to work and resume a normal active life but I am getting very concerned about the long term outlook having had this operation.

I was quite upbeat about things until I went for my 4 week checkup with consultant (not one I've previously seen). The consultant initially said he was very impressed with how well I'm healing/ moving etc but then really depressed me by telling me that the majority of bypass fail within a few years and I could be facing amputation in future etc!

This came as a massive shock - I'm a young guy with 4 children to support, fit, active and hard working. In hospital the operating consultant was much more upbeat about things both pre and post op, telling me there was no reason the bypass should ever fail due to my relative young years, good health etc He told me the onus was on me to ensure a good diet, exercise, stop smoking (my one matching associated risk factor) - all of which I have taken onboard fully.

They still haven't pinpointed a cause of the "thrombosis"/ clot, have done numerous tests and so far come back clear for everything - heart/ aorta all appear healthy and blood tests for related diseases all negative.

The consultant at checkup was telling me I had cardiovascular disease but in hospital I was told my arteries, bar the clot, were in great condition, no furring, hardening etc and the vein they harvested for the bypass was ideal.

I'm really after contact with other people who've had this operation and to hear their stories. Would be great to hear from someone who's been in a similar position, from what the medical staff have told me this procedure is associated with much older patients, typically with a range of other contributing factors,

Many thanks, J

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karools16 profile image

Hello JDSK. I am usually on the PMR/GCA forum, but read the Vasculitis forum, as I can, sometimes, identify with the person. You are the only person, I have ever come across, who has had the fem pop op. I had it in 2008, doing very well. Op 100% successful. What lead up to my op, was repeated leg ulcers, poor circulation, probs with veins/arteries.valves. I had had an ulcer, which wasn't responding to any treatment. I had an angiogram and angioplasty, and only an op was going to be the answer. I was also told that if I didn't have it, amputation was the only alternative. I had a brilliant vascular surgeon. He told me that if the op failed, it couldn't be repeated. I might have 5 years. Could still fail, but could also be just fine, which, thanks to him, I am.When I asked him where the artery was coming from, he replied,' from the shop, in a box'. I smile every time I think of that. My ulcer healed rapidly after that, but there was a huge bonus as well. In winter, my feet would go purple, and my hands and feet were always cold. They are beautifully warm now.I am 71, so op was at age 61. I do feel for you. Young, with young family too. I do trust that things go VERY WELL for you. Keep in touch. I am off to GP now.

Best wishes.


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