I have to go for a blood test this week for an Anca test. Legs have come up in big red splodges. My rheumy consultant took one look at my legs and said I had to go for this test, no explanation what Vasculitis is so would be grateful for some help please !!! Xxx
Can anyone explain to me about Vasculitis. - Vasculitis UK
Can anyone explain to me about Vasculitis.

And here's a useful link about ANCA (ANCA stands for Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibody.)...
Here's a good video to help you understand ..

This is from the VUK website explaining what is vasculitis vasculitis.org.uk/about-vas...
Hope this helps, if you want to talk to John at anytime you can ring the helpline or email him. vasculitis.org.uk/contact vasculitis.org.uk/helpline
Best wishes
Believe me it's best not knowing about it, until you have a confirmed diagnosis !
I mean that because it is so complex with loads of different forms of it affecting different parts of the body. Why worry about something that may not be. Good luck with the test results . However, if it is vasculitis then you have come to the right site for loads of support :))
do you know how do they diagnose brain vasculitis
because i read and heard even if mra and cta were negative, and even if ana crp esr anca negative also, it does not mean you do not have vascultis , specially small vessel vascultis is very hard to diagnose
Do you have any idea what medicine or herbs and natural stuff can help with vascultis
I think i have brain vasculitis but in the very small arteries
I have since been back to see the consultant to be told I do not have vasculitis. I left with loads of forms for blood tests which all have on them Vasculitis, so can anyone enlighten me to what's going on?