I had T.3 added to my Thyroixine treatment last nov. I started on 10 mcgs then it was put up in Jan to 20mgs spread over two doses. My FT3 blood test results have stayed the same at 3.9. So when I queried it the endo just said he wasn't sure why that hadn't improved.Some symptoms have improved but still not right. He then offered me a 3 month trial of Dessicated Thyroid treatment. Explaining that it isn't registered in this country and only available on private script. So four questions
1, how much does Dessicated cost per month?
2 Do you lose the right to all free prescriptiions?
3 What experiences have others had with dessicated. What are the positives and negatives of taking it?
4. Would it be safe to stop Liothyroinne and Thyroxine and just start Dessicated, I have had enough of feeling really unwell and wouldn't want to make my self worse, whilst it all settles down.