Test Results In: Hi all, Hope everyone's... - Thyroid UK

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Test Results In

Taffhamster profile image
11 Replies

Hi all,

Hope everyone's keeping as well as possible in this chilly weather.

I've just had my Thyroid Plus test results back from Genova Diagnostics. I'll give the figures and also the colour on the optimal range "band". Green = optimal, Yellow = outside optimal but within reference range and red = outside reference range. If any more info is required, please let me know.

All interpretations and advice gratefully received. I wanted to look into the thyroid situation first but I'll probably approach my GP re. other tests that were recommended in an earlier thread – Vitamins B12 and D, folate, ferritin and possible tests to see if the menopause is an issue. (Just to save money by hopefully getting them done on the NHS!)

Edited to post lab reference ranges (RR).

Central Thyroid Regulation and Activity

Total Thyroxine – 76.6 (yellow) RR 58-154

TSH – 3.71 (yellow) RR 0.4-4.0

Free Thyroxine (FT4) – RR 9.78 (red) 10-22

Peripheral Thyroid Function

Free T3 (FT3) – 7.46 (red) RR 2.8-6.5

FT4:FT3 Ratio – 1.3 (red) RR 2.0-4.5

Reverse T3 – 0.29 (green) RR 0.14-0.54

Thyroid Auto Immunity

Thyroglobulin 32.6 (Green) RR 0-40

Peroxidase <10.0 (Green) RR 0-35

Many thanks and kind regards!

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Taffhamster profile image
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11 Replies
shaws profile image

Someone will answer re your other blood tests but I will say your TSH is too high and should be 1 or under. You need increased medication.

Taffhamster profile image

Thanks, Shaws – I'm not actually on any meds at all at the moment! I did see Dr P a few years back but things went a bit by the wayside (my fault, not his!). I'm more than happy to go back to him – or should I see someone else who can prescribe meds? I may have to bite the bullet and go to my GP practice, but I haven't had much joy there since one of the partners left.

tulula59 profile image
tulula59 in reply to Taffhamster

Hi just read you results. I'm in a similar boat my results back from Genova today also. Mine repeat what was found at the GP's and they won't budge an inch on considering that I am fine.

My TSH is not quite so high at 2.8 but as my FT3 is high (despite being over just as your is) I was told that this meant I was doing just fine.

Please do take it to your GP though as I'd be very interested to hear what they say.

G x

Taffhamster profile image
Taffhamster in reply to tulula59

Hi G, thanks for your reply. I don't hold out much hope for getting GP treatment. To be honest, I don't have much of a "relationship" (for want of a better way of putting it!) with the GP practice I'm registered with. I used to have a great doctor there who might have been open to the idea of helping me work towards finding the best treatment for me, but the two I've seen there since she left are arrogant, dismissive and patronising. There are a couple more partners in the practice I might consider seeing, but they'd be totally new to me and therefore an unknown quantity. I think a large part of the problem is, thyroid medicine is complex and GPs don't have the time or willingness to learn the finer points of it. So instead, they just take the (lazy) official line. Sorry, I don't mean to sound negative or defeatist, but I've had bad experiences there – largely because they don't seem to like patients waving "unofficial" tests at them or having any knowledge about their condition, so I'd rather focus on finding a doc who will be sympathetic and helpful, rather than waste time trying to get my current ones to listen.

And breathe... rant over! :-)

Do stay in touch, though – PM me if you like, and if I get any constructive or helpful feedback, I'll let you know what was said.

Take care and all the best.


Clarebear profile image

Hi Taffhamster - am I correct in thinking your FT4 is below the reference range? If so then this could indicate that you need some thyroxine. I think you have good grounds to go to your GP with these results. If FT4 is below range, then I would expect TSH to be higher than it is, and be above the range. I am a bit puzzled by your high FT3 though - although I think this can occur in the latter stages of sub-clinical hypothyroidism leading up to full blown hypothyroidism, as the body detects lower levels of FT4 and ramps up conversion to FT3.

It might be worth asking your GP for a referral to an endo, as the results do look a bit unusual. If not then you could always go back to Dr P.

Clare xx

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to Clarebear

A B12 deficiency is one of the factors that can result in a lower than expected TSH result. Low cortisol is another. I think you are right about everything you have said though, especially the bit about FT3, although part of the reason for it being high could be that it isn't getting into the cells and being used as efficiently as it should be.

Carolyn x

Taffhamster profile image

Hi Clare,

Thanks so much for your reply. Yes, the FT4 is in the low range (reference range is 10-22, the low yellow "borderline" is 10-12, so I'm fractionally into the low red section below that.) What you're saying tallies with things I've read, and also makes sense. I've felt low-grade unwell for a while now but it's got a lot worse in the past few months.

When I last saw Dr P, I tested positive for adrenal fatigue, so I think I'll probably get re-tested for that too. Also, someone on here recommended, ferritin, folate, B12 and Vitamin D, so I'll see if I can get those through my GP.

Can Thyroid UK recommend a clued-up endo within the London/Croydon area? Not sure if I'll be able to choose who I'm referred to but if it's possible to get a name to give my GP, that would be great. (I've asked for the general list of doctors to be emailed to me but if there's anyone specific you'd suggest, that'd be great too.) More than happy to go back to Dr P for his general wisdom, but obviously I realise prescriptions are an issue there.

Thanks again and my kindest regards,

G xx

Clarebear profile image
Clarebear in reply to Taffhamster

nobodysdriving sees and endo in London who I think is reasonable - I will check who it is and let you know.

Clare xx

Taffhamster profile image

Fantastic – many thanks! xx

PinkNinja profile image

Hi. I have had a quick look at your results but I don't really know anything about peripheral thyroid function tests. I'm not quite sure how that is different from ordinary thyroid tests.

I agree with everyone above that it looks like you are hypothyroid. Your high T3 suggests your body is converting too readily due to a lack of thyroid hormone. It may also indicate that for some reason the T3 is not getting into the cells to be used. It is believed that iron, B12 and folate all have a role in this process so it may be worth getting these tested.

Given that your thyroid results are "normal" as far as any GP is concerned (even though we know they aren't normal for you) your GP shouldn't have problem doing these test. If it's not your thyroid (which we know it is) then your GP should find out what is causing the problem. Iron (and ferritin), vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies are all common causes of symptoms similar to hypothyroidism.

If you can get your iron, ferritin, B12 and folate well within range, you may notice some improvement in how you feel but you also may notice your TSH go up as you don't seem to have enough thyroid hormone to go around anyway.

I hope your GP agrees to the tests. If he does, please post the results here so we can see if you need to supplement. Don't go by the NHS "normal" ranges. They are very wide and just because you are in the "normal" range doesn't mean you are at the optimal level.

I hope that helps a little (and sorry I didn't see your question earlier!)

Carolyn x

Taffhamster profile image

Thanks, Carolyn, that's really helpful. If I can't get the tests done on the NHS, I'll get them done at Genova and post the results ASAP.

Kind regards,

G xx

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