I was put on a drip, injected with antibiotics and have taken 40 mg prednisolone for a week to keep coughing under control. My gp has advised me to lower dose by 5mg a day and ween myself off it.My chest is getting better, but i feel really unwell and i am in bed. Anyone else have experience of this?I am concerned that my adrenal glands will finally give up the ghost!!!
Coming off prednisolone, prescribed in A and E ... - Thyroid UK
Coming off prednisolone, prescribed in A and E for bad asthma attac and bronchitis..
Is it defo adrenal related?!
No, i'm just being paranoid!!! The prednisolone steroid is given for asthma attacks and is a necessary evil. I just worry that i have 'low adrenal reserve' at times of stress and illness, because of hypothyroidism. I just wonder if it will take a long time to feel OK again, as i am so spaced out and poorly.

well i just ask cause i know my wheezing/asthma is worse when my adrenals are low. the last two days they ( my temps) have been lower than normal and this brings on sneezing and runny nose in the mornings. I thought i had over-come this one but not the last two mornings!
yes, i really do think my asthma gets worse when adrenals are low. Sorry you have this problem too.I don't think i put my armour up sufficiently to cope with this bad winter.the cold makes it so bad.
Hi janjan - I think it will be fine so long as you wean off the steroids slowly. I had to take prednisolone for several months (admittedly before thyroid problems) and can't remember any problems coming off it. Maybe you could ask your GP if you could wean more slowly to give your adrenals extra time to adjust?
Actually I am currently using prednisolone eye drops and my eye consultant has told me to use them 3 times a day for 2 weeks, twice a day for 2 weeks and then once a day for two weeks. In the past I have even had to go down to using them every other day.
Sorry I am rambling and don't know if this is of much help xx
thanks, this does help. I just feel so spaced out and exhausted with all this and felt really worried.
Why do you take prednisolone for your eyes? jan xx

I suffered from a really horrible condition called Stevens-Johnson syndrome about 20 years ago. It was an autoimmune thing and caused dammage to my eyes. They are very dry and I have lots of ingrowing lashes as well as blepharitis and meibomium gland dysfunction (!). Even though I have punctal plugs in for the dryness, they sometimes become too irritated and the predsol dampens down the inflammation. I feel so much better when taking them but unfortunately it is only a short-term fix and then I have to stop. xx
That sounds really unpleasant, Clare.it really does seem as if one autoimmune condition leads to so many more. Hope your eyes get better. xx