Does anybody take magnesium supplements? - Thyroid UK

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Does anybody take magnesium supplements?

debjs profile image
13 Replies

I am on calcium and vit D due to hypoparathyroidism following thyroidectomy and very slowly increasing dose of Armour as have had many problems. I have read that continued muscle twitching and chest pain can be due to low magnesium but I am not sure about dosages. I have read that blood levels are not reflective of tissue levels so wondered if anybody has experience of this. Thanks.

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debjs profile image
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13 Replies
shaws profile image

I don't but this is a list of foods which contain magnesium, so it may be a simpler way than taking supplements.

Hi debs I also have hypoparathyroidism to due thyroidectomy, isn't it just a barrel of laughs? ;-) Endo never mentioned magnesium or tested it in seven years. Just six months ago I had it tested privately and it was way, way below range. I had terrible palpitations, ectopic beats, chest pain, muscle twitching. Previously I'd thought the muscle twitching was low calcium but alas no, was low magnesium. I'm unsure of the ratio, it's something like 1:2 Mag to caclcium. So i take 1000mcg calcium (Adcal) and 500mcg magnesium now. I take magnesium chelate, apparantly it's easier absorbed but magnesium taurate is supposed to be good too. I have to say it's made an immense difference.

I mentioned this to my new endo and he said 'oh yes of course, the magnsium and calcium work together and it's important to have good levels'...well why the heck did no one mention this?? It seems that I have far better calcium levels now,, I can sometimes miss out a dose of calcium, just drink more milk and still take the alfacacldol. It's better to get as much calcium as possible from your diet. x

debjs profile image
debjs in reply to

Thanks. I too have continued muscle twitching, chest pain and palpitations and having real problems with my thyroxine which I have read can go together. Have asked to be referred to an endo as seeing physician who said your blood levels are all ok so you should be but I am far from ok. I too take Addcal twice daily and cholecalciferol which I have now read does not work as well as alfacalcidol so another trip to GP I guess. Have been trying to increase calcium and magnesium indiet but difficult with continual nausea!

tingles profile image

I take Epsom salt baths 3 times a week, and def feel the benefit x

editfmrt profile image

Here is a link to info about the serum magenesium test and the more accurate red blood cell magnesium test:

Here is a link to the methods of treating a deficiency:

And finally, if you decide to treat via absobtion through nice foot or bath soaks (takes large quantities) you can buy it by the sackfull from Just a Soap which is recommended by Sarah Myhill:

Their delivery is really quick - the biggest problem was picking up the sack at 25kg!!!

debjs profile image
debjs in reply to editfmrt

Thank you these links are really helpful. Not sure about a sack of Epsom salts - can barely lift myself up the stairs as I am so breathless!

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to debjs

I got a huge sack - the delivery person put it in the hall for me and I just scoop out what I want for the bath.

Jackie profile image

Hi Please make sure you have the specific blood test for magnesium first ( GP) as tiny range and as Magnesium an electrolyte very dangerous,especially can cause cardiac arrests if out of range. It also effect the Potassium ( another electrolyte) which is even more dangerous. If you need magnesium have it on a script with frequent tests, I have weekly magnesium tests as I am on treatment.


I go with the links to Dr Myhills site too.

Strong Epsom salts baths are brilliant, but not convenient (more so as I am disabled and baths are VERY difficult for me!) so for the past couple of years or so I personally use a strong solution of Magnesium Chloride [MgCl] - try eBay! made by using hot water to dissolve it until no more will dissolve, cooled - then I keep it in and use a spray bottle to apply it to my abdomen about once a week or so, after a shower then rubbing it in a little, I leave my shirt off for half an hour or so until it dries - it's not as pleasant feeling as Epsom salts, but needs a lot less, and doesn't leave white marks everywhere! It's a bit sticky for a while until it dries. MgCl is sold in solution as "Magnesium Oil" but it is very expensive bought "ready made"

Like all supplements though, don't go mad with it... although it is not the easiest thing to absorb into the body, (and that's why deficiency is very common, along with lower levels in depleted soils used for growing food!) it is possible to overdose, and it's strong this way, so I would think a couple of sprays every week or two is going to be plenty for most people unless doing blood testing, or if you are proven to be severely deficient. Calcium can be affected too, so be aware.

Look out for possible interactions with drugs too.. eg. some info here:

I have had cramping on a frequent basis since early teens (54 now! As did my Father, and my Mother too) until I started supplementing Mg, and had restless legs for over 15 years too... the RL is still there a little, but very much reduced, and now cramps are a VERY rare thing, I get them as often in a year as I did in say a week or two now, and not had one that is nearly as severe as most used to be :-)

Heloise profile image

Hi Deb, Being menopausal I've taken magnesium for years. It is difficult to absorb and therefore often used as a laxative. I think magnesium glycinate is one of the better absorbed as a pill. I used to take a 500 mg. cal/mag oxide combination and it was good before sleeping. I did that for years although magnesium oxide isn't considered good quality. At the moment I am taking a 200 mg with 153 mg of calcium sometimes twice per day. I think it would be difficult to overdose. I am not sure with your condition if that makes a difference as to the dose but you are correct about serum levels. The cellular level is the one that matters..

This comment is from a medical center:

Finding the RIGHT Magnesium Dosage

If you take oral supplements, it is still OK to take an Epsom salt bath in the evening. If you take too much magnesium, then you will begin to have one of the most common Magnesium Side Effect of loose stools - and you'll know to take a little less. Although there is a possibility of having a Magnesium Overdose, the chance is slim and most people are in no danger- but be sure that you know the signs of overdose and the safe amount to take. Until you know how much magnesium supplementation you will need, you should start out with low dose tablets, or one of the Powdered Supplements that you can easily increase in increments of about 100 mg at a time.

So, follow the RDA above and the first day, start with either 300 mg or 400 mg per day in AT LEAST two divided doses – one in the morning and one in the afternoon or evening. You can take your magnesium either on an empty stomach if it doesn’t bother you, or with food if it does.

debjs profile image

Thank you all this is very helpful. As I am taking calcium and vit D supplements and levels have been unstable I guess I ought to see my GP first though I am sure she is fed up with my 'internet advice and searches' but is willing to consider them.

Laura78 profile image

i was advised by a professional nutritionalist to take liquid magnesium - floradix was the brand recommended and it really helped me especially my monthly cramp pains.

Enzovince profile image

Hi for those of you in the Uk or europe i have used this site to get

Nano Ionic Magnesium - 60ml.. visit the

I would say 95% of the Western Population is low in Magnesium

Magnesium: A Mighty Mineral Indeed! Muscle contraction, glucose metabolism, electrical impulses of the heart, bone formation all rely on this mighty mineral to get the job done! If truth be told, the human body cannot function normally without magnesium.

great stufff

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