I was recently told by an Endo that I definitely have Hashimoto's (proven through antibodies blood test, ultrasound scan and fine needle aspiration) but because my TSH levels are 'normal' there is nothing that can be done until the antibodies eventually damage my thyroid so much that I become hypo. He also said my symptoms were caused by stress and that he didn't think the pressure I constantly feel in my neck and the sensation of being strangled and chocked was anything to do with the Hashimoto's!
I then went to see my GP for his opinion on all this and to ask him to do a T4 test but he said the lab would only agree to do that if the TSH level was abnormal and that he couldn't give me any treatment while my levels were 'normal'. After sobbing in his surgery for a few minutes I went home and spent a couple of weeks reading all the info and advice on Thyroid UK and in research papers and books. I then went back to the GP having made the decision that if he still refused to help I would change GPs. As advised by Thyroid UK, I gave him a marked up copy of the hypo symptoms checklist and a copy of my notes, which set out what I'd learnt about Hashis, the unreliability of TSH and reference levels and how my symptoms affect my quality of life. He amazed me by reading them straight away and discussing them with me. He then said he would insist that the lab do a T4 test as well as TSH and he also ordered blood tests for Vit B12/Folate profile, Vit D, Calcium adjusted, C-reactive protein, Ferritin, Full blood count, Liver profile, Lipid, TFT: screen or diagnosis and Urea & electrolyte profile. Finally, he said he would search for an Endo who specialises in Hashimoto's/thryoid problems rather than diabetes, which is what the Endo I had seen specialises in.
The change in his attitude was astonishing and it's all down to Thyroid UK's advice on how to get the most out of GP/Endo appointments and to stick up for yourself. So a huge big thanks to one and all. I still have a long way to go and it makes me very cross that it has to be this way but I feel like I'm back in control now. What I've learnt is that you have to go to your appointments as prepared as you can be and be adamant that they listen to you. Good luck everyone!