over a year now since ferritin was found to be low, can’t tolerate oral iron, tried everything. As said before can’t have infusions until HB below 100. So unwell now don’t leave the house alone.
Recent bloods are:T4=15.1(9.1-17.6) , TSH=1.6(0.35-4.9), T3=3.7(2.4-6)
B12=471(187.0-883.0), Ferritin =8(5.0-204.0), Folate=6.2(3.1-20.0) Vit D=85(50-200),
HB=114(115-160) below low reference
Mean cell volume =80.9(84-102) below low reference
Mean cell Haemoglobin =24.5(27-38) below low reference
Mean cell Haemoglobin concentration =303(300-350)
RDW-CV= 15.9(11.15) above
All these indicating iron deficiency, I can see they’re only just out of range but my past experience is I only need to be the slightest bit out of range and it can make an impact on how I feel.
Really at a loss what to do , can’t afford to go private, it could be months before HB drops below 100. Having 2 monthly HB and Ferritin bloods, 6 monthly TFT’s