In 2009 my ferritin was 16 (15-350) so, according to my endo at the time ‘low normal’. Because I don’t tolerate any oral iron well, it took me five years to raise my ferritin level to a respectable 102 in April 2014. Then I reached menopause and I figured I would then be safe to stop wrestling with iron supplements.
Even with ferritin over 100, I still had diffuse hair loss, which was very upsetting for me. That fixed itself when I changed from 150mcg levothyroxine to 2 gr Thyroid S back in February this year. I figure that the hair loss was ultimately a side effect of the levothryoxine.
I’ve recently had a set of blood tests and MCV came back below range, with a flag from the lab suggesting that this was indicative of iron deficiency and I should get my ferritin tested. I did that and this time round MCV is back in range and ferritin is 279(15-350), so it’s gone up 177 points in just over a year!
Of course I’m now worrying:
•Whether my ferritin is now too high and
•Whether it is significant that my Hb, which was always mid-range when my ferritin was low, is now 126 (120-150)
Does anyone have any thoughts?