I am currently taking erfa thyroid and have noticed a significant decline in potency and quality with the batch I got in November 2024. Again in the batch in February 2025. All my low thyroid symptoms have come back like tight chest problems breathing swallowing fatigue feeling so weak and unwell. This is beyond awful. Does anyone take synthroid or other types of thyroid. If so any success. Thank you.
Erfa thyroid not working. Different formulation... - Thyroid UK
Erfa thyroid not working. Different formulation? Bad batch?

I had tried Synthroid in 2015 I had nausea and vomiting symptoms from it and also a pain in the stomach like there was a hole there and too fast heart rate. I was told by the cardiologist that I could not take Synthroid because of the fast heart rate. I tried NP Thyroid and compounded desiccated thyroid and still had the throat closing up, and hard time breathing, same symptoms as what happens when I take the current batches of desiccated thyroid ERFA. There might be issues with all these medications as none of them seem to be balanced from the symptoms that I have experienced. I am also in Canada. I hope things improve and Apotex Canada fixes the issues with the desiccated thyroid ERFA medication batches as there seems to be multiple issues with the ERFA batches since the company was purchased by Apotex Canada two years ago.
I guess we write to them phone them also report to health canada and the media like rebel news this happened in France when they tried altering with synthroid alot of people got really sick even in the u.s. Walmart kept trying to switch people over to the bad new formulation again people became very ill it feels hopeless
I have written several letters to Apotex Canada about the issues with the bad batches of ERFA desiccated thyroid asking them to test the manufacturing process and also check if something has been changed in the medication or if there is contamination. The three letter responses I got back from Apotex Canada state that their manufacturing process has not changed and the medication passes quality control so it's the same as usual so there is nothing wrong with it to cause the type of symptoms that I have of anaphylaxis. As well I reported the bad batches to Health Canada several times and they have done nothing to regulate the issues. The problems of the bad batches of desiccated thyroid medication ERFA are being completely ignored by Apotex Canada and Health Canada like there is nothing wrong with this medication despite complaints that say otherwise.
Well I've done the same today wrote to apotex, my local member of parliament the federal health Minister as well as I have reported to my pharmacy. They have forwarded to the supplier. I am going to see the naturopath tomorrow at 1030 am she has tonnes of thyroid experience and she takes as well she suggested we get the prescription compounded instead of buying the erfa tablets from the pharmacy she felt maybe better potency anyway I see her tomorrow you can always email me privately directly if you want to discuss this in more detail. She also said we can get t4 and t3 compounded as another option.
I would definitely like to email privately and discuss this in more detail. I have sent you a chat message on your profile about the email addresses. My GP had already wrote me a compounded prescription for desiccated thyroid from Medisca and I tried that also had the same issue with experiencing anaphylaxis symptoms as well tried the compounded levothyroxine and had the bad reaction of throat closing up and hard time breathing. I hope these compounded thyroid alternative medications can be helpful to you. I am also in Canada so the compounded meds are manufactured here. Maybe there is something going on with all of these thyroid meds even the compounded ones.
I tried to send you my email but the a.i. in this forum said not to do I guess for people's safety. Not sure what to do it's great to chat with another fellow cabadian that is going through this! What should we do