I recently am feeling awful. I am concerned that one of my meds is defective but also I recently tried switching to taking them in the evening. I don’t think I was very compliant with meal spacing and this may have been the cause of the problem. I was doing pretty well for awhile and then 9 days ago just started feeling nauseous, fatigued, had a lot of post-nasal drip and shortness of breath. I may have had some virus in there mixed in with hypo symptomes. Caffeine had very little effect on energy levels. I also just feel odd, not emotionally depressed but physically so. I wake up after 5-6 hours sleep with a rush of cortisol, hard to catch a breath, flushed, anxious, pulsatile tinnitus. I had this in the past in late perimenopause but it has been very controlled with HRT since I found a good balance. I think it is the thyroid being a bit low too long but maybe not. Have also had a lot of job stress and had just came out of a 70 hour work week prior to this flare up.
Decided to raise my Armour Thyroid another ¼ grain 5 days ago and switched back to morning dosing. I felt some improvement but I know I can’t expect full results right away. I usually have a good week and then feel awful for a week or so and then level out.
I am just wondering if I did bad. Too much change at once? Or would others consider that these levels have been subpar for long enough that a little raise in dosage is fairly well indicated?
Appreciate your viewpoints and I have included the recent dosage and lab history below:
June 4, 2024: TSH - .34 mlU/L Free T3 – 2.9 pg/ml Free T4 - .9 ng/dl
In June 2024 I increased my Armour Thryoid 25 mg (1/4 grain)
I was taking 75 mg (1 ¼ grain ) + 75 mcg Synthroid for 6 months and had these results:
July 30, 2024 : TSH - .1 mlU/L Free T3 – 3 pg/ml Free T4 – 1.1 ng/dl
September 20, 2024 : TSH -.14 mlU/L Free T3 – 2.9 pg/ml Free T4 – 1.2 ng/dl
January 3, 2025: TSH - .12 mlU/L Free T3 – 3.3 pg/ml Free T4 – 1.2 ng/dl
January 27 forgot meds on trip, went a day without and switched to evening doses after that when I got the meds. I had wanted to try that and got the meds late so did it then. However, after that, I wasn’t as good about meal spacing as I should have been.
February 17, 2025: TSH : .2 mlU/L Free T3 – 2.9 pg/ml Free T4 – 1.1 ng/dl
T3 Reference Range: 2.3-4.2 pg/mL
T4 Reference Range: 0.8-1.8 ng/dL
Also of note is my ferritin is quite low at 27 ng/ml. Was 16 in 2021. I take supplements but struggle to raise it. (Ferritin Reference Range: 16-232 ng/mL)