Iron Saturation (January 2025)
Serum Iron level 23.0 umol/L (9-30.4)
Unbound iron binding 44.4 umol/L
Serum unsaturated iron binding 67.4umol/L
Serum saturated iron binding 34%
(Laboratory note: ‘iron saturation= borderline.communicate with patient)
Serum ferritin
38.6 ug/L (30-337) January 2025
32.5 ug/L (30-337) December 2024
(Laboratory note= satisfactory)
Medichecks iron status June 2024
Iron 25.8 umol/L (10-30)
TIBC 64 umol/L (45-81)
UIBC 38.2 umol/L (25-45)
Transferring saturation 40.3% (25-45)
Ferritin 59.1 ug/L (30-264)
Bilirubin (January 2025)
Total Bilirubin 36 umol/L (0-20) (29 umol/L December)
Conjugated 5.3 umol/L (0-5)
Percentage conjugated 15%
Unconjugated 31 umol/L
Liver function test (January 2025)
Serum alkaline phosphates level (ALP) 54 u/L (30-130)
Serum alanine aminotransferase level 20 u/L (0-30)
(16 u/ L December 2024)
Serum albumin level 41.5 g/L (35-50)
(Results borderline= communicate with patient)
I had some liver tests in December 24 following stomach issues after taking a week’s course of antibiotics and was told my Bilirubin was high. I don’t have jaundice (yellowing) although am quite pale! GP wanted to retest 6-8 weeks later as (unknown to me) my Bilirubin has been elevated in the past. GP has now confirmed I have Gilbert’s Syndrome, which does not require further treatment. There seems to be conflicting advice in my search for information on Gilbert’s and what (if any) supplements might be helpful.
As I was concerned that my ferritin has dropped further since I last checked in June 2024, GP agreed to an iron panel. I am trying hard to raise ferritin through diet ( I’m a pescatarian), but unsure if supplementation would help.
If anyone has knowledge of Gilbert’s with a thyroid condition, or can offer any insights into my iron levels, I would be very grateful!