Results of blood tests: receptionist had told me some of my results were low but GP had advised no treatment required. I am 71 under active thyroid but these results were all fine. At present I’m breathless coping with stairs or slight incline in streets and my hair is really thinning on top. I’m on Hiprex for 3 months because of bladder infections. I’m scared of supplementing iron myself in case it’s the wrong thing to do.
Serum iron level 10 umol/L (13-30) low
Serum transferrin 2.7 g/L (1.8 - 3.8)
Serum ferritin 199 ug/L (13 - 300)
Transferrin saturation index 15 (20 - 45) low
I don’t know if hiprex medication interferes with blood levels and I am not seeing gynae consultant until March. Any advice appreciated.