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More News re Complaint to GMC re Endocrinologist at Imperial Healthcare

jimh111 profile image
25 Replies

Link to my previous post .

I previously submitted a FOI request , the response included the statement "those who want to continue on their drugs are free to do so". In September 2023 I wrote to PALS at Imperial asking that they write to my GP and "unequivocally confirm that my NHS prescription should be resumed". I didn't get a reply but chased it up about a month ago.

I received a letter sent to my GP from a diabetologist at Imperial, a Prof Y who says he is responding on behalf of Prof X whose "T3 Clinic" I was referred to. It states:

Mr ... contacted the Patient Advice and Liaison service (PALS) regarding his thyroid prescription status. I am responding on behalf of Professor X in my capacity as consultant endocrinologist and clinical director for specialist medicine.

Review of his file suggest that he was not on liothyronine when he was seen in Jan 2021, and so there is no clinical indication to start it. On the 26th Jan 2021, when on no liothyronine and no thyroxine, he had completely normal thyroid function tests, with a TSH of 1.64mU/L, a FT3 of 3.7pmol/L and a FT4 of 12.4pmol/L. All of these are in the relevant reference range, so completely normal thyroid function when on no thyroid hormone replacement at all. We do not have any more recent thyroid function test results.

Based on the information available, it is thus inappropriate for the NHS to be prescribing thyroid hormones of any description, and it is equally inappropriate to be taking any thyroid hormones.

This is of course a pack of lies. The day before my telephone consultation I sent Prof X an email stating that I was currently taking 75 mcg levothyroxine, I had temporarily stopped my liothyronine (I was asking for a TRH stimulation test to which he responded “we can certainly do that”). I’d also included a TFT result from a couple of weeks earlier when I was on 50 mcg levothyroxine, it showed normal TSH with low fT3 and low fT4. This is on my file. They do have more recent TFTs, I sent them, they are on file.

Immediately after my consultation Prof X recorded on my notes that I was taking 75 mcg levothyroxine. The next day he sent a letter to my GP stating that I was on 75 mcg levothyroxine. All this is on record. There is no reference whatsoever in my file that I was not taking thyroid hormone at the time of the TFT. Prof X made that allegation after I reported him to the GMC. I have written to him many times reminding him that I was on 75 mcg levothyroxine.

Prof Y claims he did a “Review of his file” and goes on to state that I was not taking thyroid hormone. Given there is no such reference in my case notes this allegation must have come directly from Prof X.

This shows how Important it is to keep records and occasionally request a copy of your records.

I’ve informed my GP of the above and suggested that they “treat any communication from Prof X with caution - irrespective of which alias he uses”. I’ve also repoorted it to the GMC. I will write to the hospital demanding a correction asking them to not call it an “error” or “mistake” as there’s been more than enough dishonesty. I will request an audit of Prof X’s “T3 clinic” yet again.

The saga continues.

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jimh111 profile image
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25 Replies

Oh Jim. Why am I not surprised at any of this? Back covering is a speciality

You’ll get nowhere in fighting these people and in my experience the CQC has more teeth than GMC who will only show a flicker of interest if negligence is a feature of your complaint.

You haven’t asked for advice but I’d write to CQC and copy in the hospital CEO - not PALS (who are also excellent back coverers). Also copy in Prof X and Prof Y.

jimh111 profile image
jimh111 in reply to

Hadn't thought of CQC, I will check it out. I will be writing to Imperial Healthcare Trust not the hospital, I will check out who their CEO is. Thanks.

lisabax profile image
lisabax in reply tojimh111

And your MP?

in reply tolisabax

I’ve found MPs of little help in dealing with health issues. It depends which side of the fence they’re on. Party politics has no place in progressing complaints or righting wrongs.

arTistapple profile image
arTistapple in reply to

I agree with your statement as fact, in that that’s what happens but in ethos it’s entirely wrong (IMO). Politicians (no matter which political colour) are responsible for all matters of ‘the people being looked after’. We pay our taxes for them to do their jobs. You will find when there are massive amounts of money to be paid out from the tax coffers in medical scandals, they suddenly appear.

MPs, like doctors and jimh111 s efforts in this case, are responsible for their action or inaction. My MP whom I consider to be at least interested in their job, I got no reply from when I complained about public abuse of disabled hypothyroid patients. Still if I ever need to refer to it I have it on file.

in reply toarTistapple

I’m afraid many MPs (including mine) are guilty of ignoring their constituents - and not just in regard to health issues.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to

Except at re-election time, then they are conspicuously present everywhere. Funny that.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply tolisabax

Politicians - not just MPs but Senedd and Scottish Parliament and NI members - should be approached.

Most of the time, their involvement and interest might be close to zero. But it brings before their eyes that there are issues. Stops them falling entirely into the world of assuming that all is well.

in reply tohelvella

You mean all is not well?


jimh111 profile image
jimh111 in reply tolisabax

My MP has helped out over the years but unfortunately we were moved into a new parliamentary boundary this year so he can't help any more. I've yet to approach the new MP, can't remember who he is!

Hay2016 profile image

That’s dreadful. Would it be worth also contacting their SIRO (I think)as this surely contravenes data protection and GDPR that all records should be accurate and relevant.

in reply toHay2016

GDPR has become a bit of a joke in NHS.

I posted recently about querying inaccurate records with my surgery. They were very helpful and apologetic and edited the errors - but the original entries could not be removed

arTistapple profile image
arTistapple in reply to

It’s like a ‘state within a state’. It’s just so wrong. Like something from the Cold War days.

jimh111 profile image
jimh111 in reply toHay2016

There is a right to rectification . I will be asking the Trust to send a correction to my GP. I don't care if they keep the old letter, it's convenient evidence for my complaint.

in reply tojimh111

But this is annoying Jim. It’s not right! I had an apology and an ‘edit’ (their word) of my details but they couldn’t remove the inaccurate information. Crazy!

It’s like having two prices on a car in a showroom (Sorry. I know it’s a rubbish analogy. Best I could come up with atm 🙈)

in reply tojimh111

Just had a quick look at Section 60 - not in public interest. Odds on they’ll try to use that as a get out.

arTistapple profile image

Again sterling work jimh111. Your dogged work is progressing more or less as you predicted. Hidden has made an excellent suggestion re: the CQC. They always seem to be trying to help although unsure if even their excellent work is paid due attention by the government itself.

On TV, parliamentary committees where they are involved, show remarkable levels of knowledge - I think and understanding of the patient’s views.

in reply toarTistapple

My experience of CQC is positive. The C for ‘Care’ is there for a reason.

HandS profile image

hi - and thank you for updating us.

You are correct: record everything, check your patient records, and Minute every phone call, emailing content to the other person if possible, but at least keep for your own records.

I have had long calls with the CQC in recent months, and uploaded multiple documents to their “concerns@“ email address. The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints, and even in serious safety incidents do nothing unless there is loss of life. Ditto the Parliamentary Health Ombudsman - who do nothing until an internal investigation is complete..

I recently submitted FOI request to CQC and they have dodged it saying the person who needed to answer was off work. Honestly!

Have you done a SAR request for your records from Imperial?

I am pursuing a serious medical negligence/safety incident on behalf of my adult daughter and can tell you that that both statutory and professional Duty of Candour that was enshrined in law in 2014 is routinely ignored without consequence. The PHO have announced a review of why Statutory DoC is not working……….

As if it isn’t obvious. How many Inquiries do they need ?

I hope your work continues - don’t give up. They trip themselves up eventually, is my experience.

Best wishes

jimh111 profile image
jimh111 in reply toHandS

Yes I requested a copy of my records. I will do another one at a later date just in case anything has been added.

in reply toHandS

You’re quite right that they won’t get involved in individual complaints, but comments uploaded will inform their next inspection.

In my experience, copying these comments to the miscreants in this saga will wake their ideas up.

BattlingBS profile image

Thanks for the update Jim. No surprises only more disappointment from prof x. Keep up the good fight. I wish you every success.

wellness1 profile image

How dispiriting. I admire your stamina and persistence in the face of it and wish you success going forward.

jimh111 profile image
jimh111 in reply towellness1

They don't seem to realise it's less work to sort it out first time.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply tojimh111

Yes, try your MP too.

Thank heavens you kept records. It is unbelievable isn’t it.

Keep going - look on sorting them out as a ‘new hobby’ and keep going. They won’t like it, I mean - the cheek of you ‘a mere patient’ having the nerve to challenge a Professor! How dare you! It’s a bit David and Goliath isn’t it. Very best of luck jimh111

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