Hi everyone ❤️
Just went to my surgery to pick my anticipated thyroid blood results from last Thursday....pause....no thyroid bloods have been done😤
I went specifically to have T4, T3, TSH done along with calcium and renals.
You just can't make this stuff up🙄
But I think the nurse mixed up thyroid with parathyroid 🤷♀️ she asked me what I was having done I said " a full thyroid panel T4, T3, TSH] and renals and calcium , upshot!! she did my PTH instead and its over range again 🙄 calcium is just at mid to high [ PTH....7....RANGE...1.60...6.90].....CALCIUM adj ...2.36..RANGE..2.10...2.60]
SERUM UREA LEVEL...8.3...RANGE..2.50...7.80]
seems like my renals are not to good🙄
I do have primary hyperparathyroidism diagnosed for a second time in 2020 but nhs won't do anything 😡 and no gp as contacted me on these results 🤷♀️ so ....getting my actual thyroid bloods done next Thursday....[wait]....I'll get the print out and it'll be something completely different 🤣
I'm taking a printout of thyroid bloods that need doing for the nurse to study ....just incase 🤭