is this ok?: thyroid uk saidHi I am assuming... - Thyroid UK

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is this ok?

basten profile image
27 Replies

thyroid uk saidHi

I am assuming that you are not already on treatment.

I can see that your TSH is just above the range which indicates you do have a thyroid problem.

Your FT4 (thyroxine in the blood) is right at the bottom of the range so, again it shows that your thyroid is struggling.

On top of this your T3 is right at the bottom of the range which is probably because you are not producing a good amount of thyroxine.

If you take this test to your GP they may not take it seriously but you can ask them to at least do a TSH test but I would also ask for an FT4 test and thyroid antibody tests. I doubt they will do an FT3 test though.

Make sure that you have an NHS test first thing in the morning as TSH decreases thoughout the day.

Kind regards,

Chief Executive Officer

Thyroid UK

having test Thursday but gp she refused antibody one said, lets just wait and see .do antibody make a difference ?

checking underactive

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basten profile image
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27 Replies
basten profile image

appreciate comments

Jaydee1507 profile image

Welcome to the group.

I would agree with Thyroid UK's comments that you are showing signs of thyroid disease.

Did you also get thyroid antibodies tested and what were the results?

What time of day was this test taken? Recommended to test at 9am or earlier for highest TSH, fast that morning and stop any biotin supplement for 4-7 days before.

I see you're in a few groups here on HU. Low levels of thyroid hormones can cause. multitude of symptoms including sleep problems and raised cholesterol.

Suggest you show this test to your GP and ask them to run their own tests. Do the test as I described above.

When hypo we get low stomach acid which means we cannot absorb vitamins well from our food, regardless of a great diet. For thyroid hormone to work well we need OPTIMAL levels of vitamins.

Have you recently or could you ask your GP to test levels of ferritin, folate, B12 & D3? Private tests are available, see link for companies offering private blood tests & discount codes, some offer a blood draw service at an extra cost.

There is also a new company offering walk in& mail order blood tests in London, Kent, Sussex & Surrey areas. Check to see if there is a blood test company near you.

Only do private tests on a Monday or Tuesday to avoid postal delays.

basten profile image
basten in reply to Jaydee1507

no done at 10 30 am. gp agreed to do one so being done Thursday at 8.50 am. not antibodies so don't know if make a difference . now bad cateracts gotta have removed ..optician said could be one of meds the cause ..someone on fb thyroid group said thyroid can cause cateracts . .have had course b12 injections iron and folate . all ok..vit d bit low so been taking some. eats hiss sometimes get like numb hand have to shake it. 3 utis so been referred to urology . on 2 antidepressants but still depressed .. if thyroid normal i know what the cause is. thanks but cant drive or travel much ears hiss. meantime I've sent for thyroid finger prick test from B Horizon ..i can't afford anything else

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to basten

Insist on thyroid antibodies testing or test privately

You also need vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 levels retested

Low vitamin levels are directly linked to being hypothyroid as this causes low stomach acid and poor nutrient absorption

ALWAYS test thyroid early morning, ideally just before 9am, only drink water between waking and test

This gives highest TSH and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)

UTI also extremely common with hypothyroidism

Cornwaller profile image
Cornwaller in reply to SlowDragon

If b12 course of injections or loading doses this suggests b12 deficiency or possibly PA. Unless the deficiency is resolved eg because of diet then firstly b12 injections should be maintained and secondly retesting of b12 should not be undertaken according to NICE guidelines. Retesting risks a GP announcing b12 deficiency resolved when it is not resolved as the test picks up the residual levels post injection.

basten profile image
basten in reply to Cornwaller

had 6 injections . see my other comments . most gps know little about b12 even if looks normal .,used medichecks and its normal..good gp whose big interest is b12 has left.said Nice guidelines arent always right .was slightly aneamic but after more iron tabs ok. i am going to speak to another gp ftf when he back off hols and will ask re b12 ty

basten profile image
basten in reply to Cornwaller

try telling a gp said no b12s as last on 25 August maybe again november

Cornwaller profile image
Cornwaller in reply to basten

Have you looked at PA site on HU? There is much wisdom and practical advice re b12 there. Best wishes.

basten profile image
basten in reply to Cornwaller

?? im not aneamic only slightly

Cornwaller profile image
Cornwaller in reply to basten

PA is basically b12deficiency rather than anemia. PA is a name really rather than a description, like tennis elbow isn't generally about tennis.

basten profile image
basten in reply to SlowDragon

see my other comments if can from other kind people . yes being done 8.50. i can't afford private . vit d was low so taking high dose.,and k..i have gastritis just take famotidine and gaviscon and meds at night., i will have to save to use medichecks again b12 they said normal.all normal but vit d on low side .i am seeing my new gp again ftf when hes back from hols..ty for replying everyone

basten profile image
basten in reply to SlowDragon

i cant afford private but to make sure ive sent for what throid uk said a blue horizon finger prick..test gp agreed to being done 8.50 Thursday . i didnt show the pic here to her as she was busy ..medichecks did everything and all normal except vit d slightly low and iron slightly low so started vit d and iron tabs .,heamotology rang re bloods for something else . iron was fine.that was Tuesday ..medichecks did it at at 10.30 am. so may have given a false reading ? i phoned surgery today and requested antibodies to be added as gp who doing it said not antibodies wait see..but if gp looks at what she's said i doubt if the will message to say yes now included..i do have gastritis but ppis dont help .just famotidine plus gaviscon at night .trying to speak to gp especially Fridays nightmare .reception said they had 18 to call back .they prioritise .ty

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to basten

Numb hands sounds like B12. How often will you be getting injections?

Exactly what were your folate & iron/ferritin results?

How much vit D are you taking & does it also have K2 to help it go to your bones? Most people need 3,000iu minimum.

The blue horizon test might tell you if you have antibodies. You could save that for a few months time to see if your levels have changed.

I've not heard of hypo causing cataracts.

Has GP tested you for coeliac, if not then ask them to.

Nomad12 profile image
Nomad12 in reply to basten

The Randox test is not too expensive and includes the antibodies -

basten profile image
basten in reply to Nomad12

have done a blue horizon sent today..wish id known about randox as cheaper ..i have so many issues happening i really on 2 antidepressants and still depressed 😢

basten profile image
basten in reply to Jaydee1507

i am on statins and 2 bp meds and waiting heart monitor . the lady i spoke to said stop statins .didnt feel any different .

Jaydee1507 profile image
Jaydee1507Administrator in reply to basten

If you've started a 3,000iu D3 supplement now then thats great.

Once you finish foolic acid from GP then start a B complex to help balance out your B's.

B complex suggestions: Slightly cheaper options with inactive B6:

Contains B6 as P5P an active form:

Explanation about the different forms of B6:

B complex comparison spreadsheet:

Start a new post with GP results.

You are legally entitled to a printed copy of your results, ask at GP reception. In England you can get the NHS app and ask for permission to see your blood results on that by asking at GP’s reception.

basten profile image
basten in reply to Jaydee1507

done mid July

basten profile image
basten in reply to basten

lady said

basten profile image
basten in reply to basten


basten profile image
basten in reply to basten

from b12 lady

basten profile image

6 b12 injections . was taking iron tabs and folate. heamotology rang re something else i have checked every year iron is ok. good gp whose special interest in b12 has left. said even if looks normal on docs records doesn't mean absorbing .also spoke to head volenteeer of b12 society , gp said she could teach doctors a thing or two. had medichecks and b12 ok. don't know exact levels of folate but was taking too.vit d bit low so taking high dose 6000 or 3000 have k2 ad well . yes i know numb hand can be b12 . seeing new gp whose on hols ftf when back .dont have celiac .Studies have shown that hypothyroidism increases oxidative stress, which influences the apoptosis of structural cells and inflammatory cells and alters the cytokine microenvironment balance, thereby contributing to the pathogenesis of cataract.

Iv got cataracts too

from a man on thyroid group. but could be one of meds im on optician said. looked at b12 uk society web page anf list of hypo symptoms . tingly numb hands is on there . as gp said no to antibodies i sent for test as mentioned B Horizon..i could be borderline and gps ignore .most know little re b12 and am sad good one has left.

DippyDame profile image

Clear signs of hypothyroidism requiring thyroid hormone replacement....starting dose 50mcg to be tested again after 6/8 weeks with dose increased by 25mcg. Repeat test/ increase/ wait until you feel better and Frees rise to somewhere approaching 75% through the reference range

Quick calculator...

For example -

Your FT4 result. 3.3 (3.1 - 6.8) is only 5.41% through the ref seriuosly low with treatment required

Symptoms of hypothyroidism, as you can see any or all parts of the body can be afected!

High thyroid antibodies indicate Thyroid Autoimmune disease / Hashimoto's a common cause of hypothyroidism. A gluten free diet usually helps if positive for Hashi's

Low FT4 means that your system will not be able to produce adequate FT3 by way or T4 to T3 conversion.

For good health every cell in the body must be flooded with T3 by way of an adequate and constant supply....this is not happening with you.

To support thyroid function it is vital to optimise vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin

So, just a brief summary...

and, to answer your question.....

No! Your results are not OK so discuss this with your GP with a view to initiating levothyroxine treatment

basten profile image
basten in reply to DippyDame

thanks. was on hqd 6b12 injections .iron and folic acid . medichecks said b12 ok and heamotology spoke to Tuesday for bloods i have done every year irom is fineseeing my new gp ftf when he back off hols

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to basten

You will note I was referring to your thyroid hormone levels which require attention....good you are working on nutrients.

basten profile image
basten in reply to DippyDame

text from gp today blood test you requested is on system .i dont know if she's added antibodies now thats all shr said or whether she's just referring to one already on system . sorry i dont understand any of it when i go for test ill ask if antibodies included now .thanks very tired now

basten profile image

done July


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