Hi, I'm due to get radioactive iodine soon. Can anyone tell me what to expect and what it will be like in Beatsons?
Bastions Glasgow: Hi, I'm due to get radioactive... - Thyroid UK
Bastions Glasgow

Sorry, autocorrect grrrrf!Beatsons!
I had Radium treatment over 13 years ago but not in Glasgow but Newcastle. I can say that the whole process was very simple and far better than I was worried about. Have they explained it all to you? Really no affects at all. You will be in a seperate area, I had someone next door on the same treatment so someone to talk to. Take plenty to occupy yourself and enjoy the time to chill and fully recover from your treatment so far. Let me know if you have questions.
Hi Helena. I had Graves and had radioactive iodine in Southampton in 2010 and it was a doodle. When I arrived the first thing they did was get me to drink some iodine solution then scan me to see if my thyroid was absorbing the iodine. It was and they then took me into another small room with a plastic cup of radioactive iodine in solution to drink through a straw. After that I waited for a while them was discharged. I wasn't allowed to travel home on public transport and had to sleep in a separate bedroom to my husband. Due to being "radioactive" and not to get within one metre of any childbearing age women my Occ Health Dept wouldn't let me work for a couple of months because I was in an open plan office with lots of childbearing age women. I was a bit miffed at first, but when I got back to work I discovered my colleague that sat next to me in our pod was pregnant. The biggest challenge I had was getting stable on levothyroxine after my thyroid started to stop working. It took two years before I was stable on 125mcg. I had a VERY overactive thyroid. I was 50 and mistook my symptoms for the menopause, so it was a year before it was diagnosed. By that time my hot flushes could have powered a small town and my blood results were literally "off the scale". Therefore, my thyroid was working overtime and it took ages for it to settle. The Endo described it as "like turning round a tanker". Every time I'd get stable my thyroid would reduce it's workload again and I'd go hypo. However, once I was stable I've been stable for 12 years and feel absolutely fine. It was worth the bumpy ride. Hope it goes well.