Hi, I'm hypo and living on the edge of Glasgow G61. Is there anyone out there interested in meeting up maybe every one/two months? Perhaps in Glasgow or wherever looks sensible geographically.
Glasgow? Support Group: Hi, I'm hypo and living... - Thyroid UK
Glasgow? Support Group

Hi Sandra , I'm actually in cambuslang Glasgow but I'm sure there is still a support group in Glasgow City centre , I am actually going out to docs app just now but I will look when I get back , I have never actually been myself because I've felt I've got a lot of information on here but it would be nice to meet up with other people , if I remember rightly it was the every couple of months and it was st Stephens church in bath street glasgow , I will get back to you soon , Elaine xx
Thanks lainey, I didn't realise. That's great, Sandra xx
Hi, I live in Glasgow G45 area, I am also looking for support group in the area, like yourselfuldn't find support group in Glasgow, so . would be nice to share our thyroid issues. Sally
Hi trudy_07, Maybe we can figure out when/where next week. Have a great weekend everyone
Hi, I'm in Kilmarnock and had been looking for a Glasgow support group -- would love to come along!
Hi All, Louise in Admin, advises re: email that there is an independent TED (Thyroid Eye Disease) group once a month that meet in Silverburn, Glasgow if that is useful for anyone. I was thinking of something more general. I have emailed Louise back about info on how we can set up a general Glasgow group, as she offered info on TUK group if wanted. Looks like there might be enough interest to make a start.
Ok, things to think about. Would we want to meet monthly or bi-monthly? Where? Glasgow somewhere central? A coffee shop type place? to begin with? When - evenings? weekend? time? I suppose it depends on work/family/travel arrangements/'dark nights'. Pitch in any ideas/suggestions and we can see what might work ie first Wednesday? of month 6.45/7.00? - only an example not suggestion.
Hello Sandra, hello all! I thought I would chip in with my views, although I'm flexible. So -- we have two ladies from north of the river and four from the south, including two of us from Ayrshire. Would Glasgow Central Station or perhaps Queen Street Station be a good arrival point? Would anyone be coming by car? I can only think of Burger King that has seating areas at both those stations and that is open until late-ish in the evening, but I can investigate more coffee shop type places in the surrounding area if that would help. Or perhaps somewhere in the Partick/Kelvingrove area? Frequency -- I was thinking it might be nice to be able to meet up, say, at least once before Christmas, but then the festive season will doubtless take over for most or all of us. I'd be happy with monthly or bi-monthly, but perhaps see how it goes after a first couple of meetings? Day -- I can do any day except Wednesday, myself, unless it was a more daytime thing. I work full-time but am self-employed so can in theory come at any time, including weekends, but if it's evenings, would prefer a 7.30 ish start -- but as I say, I'm flexible. Communications -- would it be useful to have a sort of private page on -- I don't know, Facebook? or if we could somehow exchange "instant" messages or emails as a group, say on AIM or Skype? Should we perhaps let Sandra know our individual concerns/issues/what we'd like to discuss, so that we can hit the ground running on first meeting? Sorry, I've gone on a bit! What do others think?
Great ideas SailingBy. I have a job interview on Thursday so can't commit to a day till after then, though expect to be very flexible with perhaps the exception of Thursday evenings. I shall be travelling by car so the area around either station good as there are car parks beside both (though they are a little pricey and other parking within walking distance could be sourced). Burger King is nice and near but confess to a weakness for the odd coffee maybe there's a Costa type place - I'm sure there is one, if no-one minds. I agree about Christmas as the town will become too busy with shoppers. Also I'm flexible with time so whatever suits everyone should work for me. Lets all add our input as to when good for us.
Hello Sandra -- just a quick note to say very best of luck with your job interview today! Let us know how it goes? Perhaps we'll be making it a celebration coffee on our first meeting!
I was thinking, if anyone else would prefer daytime/weekends, as I know Springer would, perhaps we could make it a supermarket coffee shop? That way there would probably be ample free parking. It's a shame there aren't more Waitroses -- there's a lovely one at Newton Mearns, although obviously that would be too far for most of us. Perhaps a Morrisons or M&S somewhere?
I'm in Dumbarton, G82, & would love to meet up in Glasgow area, particularly daytime or weekends.
I'm in Ayrshire and would be interested in meeting people in the same boat, sounds like a great idea.
Hi Sandra, would be great to have a coffee and meet others like ourselves. I'm up for it. Good weekend to all
Hi All
Once you have set a time and date, please feel free to Post about it on here.
Once the group is up and running, TUK is happy to provide some information and/or posters to promote the group and also to feature you in our Support Network list and in our Magazine.

Great thanks Louise, we appreciate all the help as this is new to us
hi Sandra , has anyone decided on date / time / day we could meet in Glasgow ? , I haven't been on here for a couple days , just incase I missed it , thankyou Elaine xx

Hi Louise, we're still organising ourselves but have a first meeting tomorrow Tuesday 12th November 7pm at the Waitrose Cafe, Newton Mearns shopping centre. 2 Greenlaw Place, Glasgow G77 6GW.

Hi Louise, I'm still not totally savvy about posting, working on it. We've set a post re: Glasgow Support Group - Tuesday 11th February at 7pm. Waitrose Cafe, Newton Mearns, Glasgow.
Hi Everyone, I'm going to check coffee shops within walking distance of Central Station in Glasgow, as the ones actually in the station are small and cramped. Maybe Buchanan Street/Royal Exchange Sq/Princes Sq area. Maybe a 'Costa-type' place. Someone thought there was a 'Nero's' nearby? Anyway - for the purposes of making a start how about Glasgow Central area on Sunday 10th November at 2pm?
Oh woe -- I'm going to be in Edinburgh the whole of that weekend -- on an intensive Gaelic course of all things! (for my sins!) and also 23--24 November. But I like the sound of the Argyle St M&S (not too far to walk from the station) but the St Enoch shopping centre would be good as well.
Thoughts? coffee shops - Debenhams/St Enoch Centre - M&S Argyle Street (SailingBy suggested maybe an M&S). Bearing in mind no matter where we go it will be a bit busier at this time of year. Sshh! don't say the 'X***' word
Hi again All, do we all have cars? Would Braehead or Silverburn be better to get to - free parking - coffee shops etc. I don't want to exclude anyone. I think we have one car share organised already maybe we can sort out some more, save petrol etc.
Hi All,
A few of us are meeting tomorrow, Tuesday 12th November, at the entrance to the Waitrose cafe in Newton Mearns shopping centre at 7pm incase anyone would like to join in.
Hope it went well!
If you plan to make it a regular thing we would be happy to promote the group.

Hi Louise, there were three of us last night, fourth couldn't manage, the vote was to continue as all agreed meeting up was beneficial. We plan to attempt to meet in December (despite Xmas) as it was felt January seemed a long time off. We will meet at a similar time, probably at Silverburn Shopping centre this time so perhaps might pull in more Glasgow members. We are a bit disorganised to start with, really spent the evening sharing health/knowledge over tea. The vote is to remain informal in the short term, unless we can get the numbers up. Interestingly enough we all had problems getting a diagnosis - guess that's the norm! and shared a lot of similar symptoms/problems - so good to feel support. We will set next date within forthcoming week or two so I'll let you know straightaway.
Kind Regards
Hi Sandra I live in G62 area. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism just over 2 weeks ago and am struggling a bit. Feel it would be beneficial to both of us or as a group to have someone else to talk to.
Hi Be-happy2, we will be arranging a date in December to meet up shortly, probably a Tuesday night at 7pm as before, perhaps at Silverburn. You could travel with me if you like as some of us travel together to make it easy - your call, not obliged. My email is s.darwish@virgin.net if you want to email, I'll reply with my mobile number if you think it useful. It's a bit daunting when first diagnosed but don't worry things will improve, it's half the battle knowing what the problem is, and we can share our health journeys with you. It's been three years since I was first diagnosed and improved quite quickly once I started treatment. You are not alone.
Best Wishes
I'm in Kilmarnock and would be interested in meeting and hopefully bringing some support to others
Great Jose24, we will look forward to meeting you, we'll be setting a date very soon. Sandra
Hi, probable impromtu meeting tonight with a couple of us, short notice I know, down to Xmas staffing rotas. Waitrose cafe Newton Mearns 7pm. My number is 07773 137710 to confirm. Sandra
Hi guys sorry just getting back to you. I will try for tonight but wife is working and I have my son. May see you tonight or defo next time