Have you been told that you're hyperthyroid, and / or been told that you need to have your thyroid removed – but you're not convinced because your symptoms don't seem to match the diagnosis?
That's exactly where I was nine years ago – and I want to urge you to follow your instincts !
To put it simply I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism back in 2015, but it seemed very odd to me at the time as my actual symptoms were the opposite of the usual for this condition.
I had no energy, low mood, was gaining weight and was struggling to keep my job.
Not knowing what to do and following medical advice I spent a year on anti-thyroid medication, but when they paused the medication to see what happened the thyroid hormone levels went back up again and so the pressure began for me to have 'definitive treatment' - either radiotherapy or a thyroidectomy.
Still feeling unhappy about all of this I refused, stayed on a minimum dose of anti-thyroid medication while I did some research and thanks to the amazing resources on this forum I learned lots about the auto-immune aspect of thyroid disorders.
With a nutritionist's help I changed my diet (cutting out foods that were affecting me) and began working to heal my stomach lining. Blood tests eventually showed that my thyroid levels had stopped fluctuating although I still had poor sleep, a lack of energy and weight gain to deal with.
However, I was still being regularly urged by the hospital to get booked in for the operation – they actually told me I was just 'delaying the inevitable' and that I risked having a major attack of out-of-control heart-rate which could kill me.
Last year, the consultant suggested that as I'd been stable for some months we should try stopping the medication again, to see what happens.
Shortly after that, I got a curt letter informing me that as I did not want to follow their course of treatment (i.e consent to surgery) there was nothing they could do for me and I was being referred back to my GP.
The GP's only comment was that they wouldn't be able to provide blood tests as often as I'd been having (too expensive) and as it turned out, they couldn't get all three tests (T4/T3 and TSH) that I'd been used to having, which meant I'd only have a TSH reading every six months.
So, it seemed I was on my own with this now.
Some months later (levels of thyroid hormone still within range) I've just stumbled on the fact that there are two hormones produced in the brain called dopamine and serotonin. They work together to balance various processes in the body – but if (as quite often happens) they become imbalanced they can cause havoc – most importantly here this can lead to thyroid issues which can look like hyperthyroidism even though it isn't!
And, strangely, the range of symptoms that can occur were an exact match for the symptoms I was actually experiencing since the beginning of all this – the ones which seemed opposite to their pronouncement of hyperthyroid ! This was a huge moment for me - all those years of digging my heels in and refusing the operation were not in vain.
After more research I decided that the most promising supplement to help balance these two hormones would be ginkgo biloba and I've now been taking this for three weeks.
From the first week I've noticed consistent improvements in my general energy levels and I'm sleeping better than I have in years. I've been working for a couple of years to resolve leaky gut issues (bone broth, water kefir etc) and so I'm now even planning to try re-introducing potatoes, tomatoes and beans to my diet soon – I can't tell you how much I've missed these !
I'm feeling very optimistic that I've finally found a way back to better health and I'm relieved and delighted that I stuck to my convictions and didn't agree to the removal of my thyroid.
So, my message is: if you're in any doubt about a diagnosis of hyperthyroid please don't immediately agree to 'definitive treatment' options but take some time to look at all of your options first. Your thyroid gland is a major player in every one of your body's processes – it's definitely worth keeping.