I hope you can bear with me on this one. Following on from my last post re prep for my GP appointment I was dissapointed with the general way the consultation went (they were new to the GP practice ) Although I didn't expect him to agree to testing my Vit D, Folate, Ferritin I did hope he would agree to my cholesterol. They told me that I would not be eligible for this & would need to go private. They advised that the cholesterol is an annual check on the NHS. & I'd already had my cholesterol checked this year. They questioned the relationship to hypothyroidism. They clearly said that cholesterol was not connected to this condition. I explained it could rise if hypothyroidism is undertreated & due to my thyroxine reduction 6 months previous I would assume it would be checked too. It was 4.9 which he said was not good but I thought if you were under 5 you were ok? There was nothing of concern flagged up on my last test. Has anyone any thoughts on this?He was suggesting that I'd need a further reduction & that I should have been retested 6-8 weeks following the last reduction. I drew his attention to the Endocrinologist letter saying 6 months before retest to allow my body to adjust to new dose. We had a difference of opinion in relation to being overmedicated as my last T3 result was in range ( had dropped slightly following reduction) My T4 was slightly elevated, this was a surprise as I had reduced my thyroxine by 25mg. I had been ill so my result may have been affected in some way. I have now booked a further NHS blood test so we shall see what happens next. They did agree to retesting T4, T3 & TSH so all was not lost.
It's all very frustrating as I did open the appointment by indicating that since my reduction I was now experiencing what I consider to be hypo symptoms e.g cramps, tiredness, weight increase & 2 asthma episodes. They took no notice of my opinion & referred to the Endo letter stating there are risks to bones & heart with overtreatment.
I've now a copy of Dr Tofts Article which I will print off for reference.