In February my TSH done by NHS was 0.19 but I'd been feeling increasingly worse again so my dose was increased to 100mg. The doc didn't really think that was the problem and thought it wouldn't help but I thought it was worth a try. I'd last felt really great at about 0.13ish, several months earlier, so thought it was on the up.
Anyway, two months on and I'm not better. In fact, I'm worse, so looks like I was wrong! Must be something else wrong with me. (I'm not having any typical symptoms of being overmedicated though).
Anyway I had NHS blood test which said 0.09. Interestingly, I did a private blood test on the same day, all same conditions except about two hours earlier, and that was 0.18.
I expect the doc will reduce my dose back down which I can't really argue against.
I'm interested in the T3 and T4 though so wondered what you make of these?
FT3 - 4.3 (range 3.1-6.9)
FT4 - 23.9 (range 12-22)
Last time (January) they were
FT3 - 3.9
FT4 - 21.2
So they've both changed and I wonder if that meant anything? Since then I've gone gluten free (about three months I think) and dairy free for 3 weeks. Been taking Vit B, D and Magnesium, and following all the usual rules re taking meds.