I was hopeful of a referral from my GP at my last visit in June but I failed to persuade her so I want to do better this time. I have posted various bits of my history at different times but if you can bear with me I'll summarise now.
I was diagnosed as hypo about 7 years ago and was doing OK on 150mg of Levo until last autumn. I started to feel worse so asked for a thyroid blood test in March. It turned out that i had changed from hypo to hyper (TSH 0.137 (0.3 - 5.0) and FT4 25.3 (11-23)) so my dose was reduced to 125 even though I still thought I had symptoms. I was tested again in May and was told that the lowering of the dose hadn't worked yet (TSH 0.09 and FT4 23.2) so I carried on taking 125mg
I was retested in June and results were even more hyper (TSH 0.03 and FT4 24.8) so my dose was reduced to 100mg. I tried to argue that I still felt rough and asked about referral and/or T3. I was told that nothing could be done until my TSH was closer to the range. I have had another blood test today and am due to see my doctor next week.
I have also had FT3 tested via Blue Horizon.
TSH 0.07(0.27 - 4.2)
FT4 23.6 (12-22)
FT3 5 (3.1-6.8)
TSH 0.173 (0.27 - 4.2)
FT4 22.1 (12-22)
FT3 4.3 (3.1 -6.8)
I have also had Vits etc checked and have decided to take B12 supp since I was under 500.
If you are still with me these are my questions-
Can you be hyper if your FT3 is mid to low?
Do you thing the fact that I can't lose weight, feel tired and am losing my brain could be due to something other than thyroid problems?
and most important
what should I say to my doctor next week?
I am so sorry that this is so long winded but I really want to get it right this time. I have been struggling at work for the last six months and really need something to change.
Many thanks in advance for any advice or insight.