Hello, I hope everyone is well.
I’d be really grateful for any thoughts on my results following a 3 months trial of T3. I built up slowly to a dose of 20mcg (10mcg in the morning and 10 in the afternoon and have been on full dose for the last month) alongside T4 of 100mcg, taken in the morning. Endo asked me to decrease T4 from 100 to alternate 50mcg one day and 75mcg the next, so I tried to lower a little but felt wiped out, so stayed on 100.
I’ve got hashimotos. Antibodies not tested (I did ask)
Results (with ranges) after trial below:
T4 17.1 (12-22)
T3 6.6 (3.1-6.8)
TSH Less than 0.014 mU/L
They didn’t test ferritin (I did ask them to)
Vitamin D 137 (>50)
B12. 690 (197-771)
Results in Jan BEFORE starting T3:
T4 14 (12-22)
T3 2.5 (3.1-6.8)
TSH 0.38
Ferritin 46 (it’s often been in the 30s, doctors always say it’s fine as in range)
Vitamin D 131.8 (>50)
B12 758 (197-771)
So T4 looking better now and T3 gone from off the bottom of the scale to nearly the top.
I am feeling generally better - a bit more energy, sleeping better and digestion much better - I have SIBO and the bloating has been loads better.
But still massive energy crash at 3pm and struggle in the afternoons. And feel wiped out the day after a lot of exercise (I’m always on the go) and often hungover in the mornings (I rarely drink alcohol)
I am perimenopausal which doesn’t help symptoms! Also have two young kids, so life is very busy. Have brain fog and my mood is generally lower than it used to be.
I suspect endo won’t like my low TSH and high T3, and will want to reduce T3, I don’t mind halving it, but suspect I’m super sensitive to any reductions as I have been in the past. I don’t feel over medicated - some palpitations but I’ve always had those.
Would love your thoughts so I’m prepared for my review with the endo next week.
Thanks so much, I’m so grateful for your advice