I have been taking cardicor 1.25 mg for years to help with my overactive thyroid that flares up now and then. Having had the right lobe removed 6 years ago due to neck pressure, I am now facing a complete thyroidectomy because the left lobe had grown so big that it causes swallowing problems. I have been on carbimaxole 2.5mg ( very low dose) for 8 months and since then my Tsh went up from 0. 09 to 1, T4 from 17 to 20 ( range 14-22) and t3 has always been mid-range at 4.5 -4.7 and the reason why doctors did not want to prescribe Carbimazole. They are very surprised that I have responded well to this very low dose, with sweating and anxiety attacks much reduced and sleep somewhat improved. Although feeling better, I am not well, with aching joints, serious digestive problems and now dangerous spikes in blood pressure of over 200/110. The doctor increased cardicor to 2.5 mg and is thinking about adding some other blood pressure pill. I wonder if I should be on propranolol, another beta blocker, that works not only on slowing down the heart but also the thyroid? Any advice would be welcome.
I expect my symptoms will continue until they finally remove my sick thyroid I struggled with all my life (am 72). The surgeon wants me to take Lugol iodide for one week before surgery but I fear it will send my thyroid crazy, as I find iodine-rich foods really upset it. Again, I would be very grateful for any advice.