Any info on how beta blockers affect thyroxine t3 / t4?
I used to be on them for anxiety for years.
I'm now not taking them and had issues trying to get thyroid levels right due to sertaline (no one realised it was affecting it) and low ferritin. IVe actually had thyrotoxicosis I now believe as we were trying to correct things.
I used to be on 125/150 alternate days with beta blockers. Im now on this again however wondering if perhaps it's still too much.
My gp is being very strict about waiting 3 months before testing which I do agree with however this info could help make decisions to check sooner. My ferritin is now good and I don't experience the anaemic fatigue however I'm struggling to gain muscle and in a lot of pain due to hypermobility syndrime - though I'm pretty sure the syndrome part has been exacerbated by the thyroxine issues, hypo then hyper.
I just found a line "affects conversion to t3" on a pharmaceutical website.