Hi , new here so hope I've posted this correctly! I'd be extremely grateful for ANY advice/opinion/input! In a nutshell I have been poorly since my son was born three years ago, I am 40 years old, doctors are not much help and I'm getting worse, daily symptoms include - Muscle weakness (feeling like my blood pressure drops) pain in limbs, awful night sweats, hormone problems, extreme tiredness (getting worse) reoccurring infections (chest and bladder or kidney) mystery hospital admissions that always end in me been given a lot of IV fluids, weight loss but hungry all the time, salt cravings, daily migraines and low iron. The reason I'm questioning thyroid problems is because both my aunt and cousin have under active thyroids (and I'm clutching at straws now!!)
An average blood result for me is
SERUM FERRITIN 10ugL. (20.00-291.00ugL)
RBC 3.93/L. (4.20-54010/L)
HAEMATOCRIT 0.357 L/L. (0.37-0.47L/L)
TSH 1.0mu/L (0.55-4.80mu/L)
SERUM FREE T4 11pmol/L. (9.00-23pmol/L)
I was given ferrous Fumarate for my low iron which helps ease my limb pain, but I'm not any the wiser as to what could be causing all other my daily symptoms or why I'm iron deficient (As you can see my thyroid tests are 'within range' but just wanted to check. Thank you very much in advance 😊