help understanding latest blood tests...on only 37mg of levothryoxine and symtoms worse than ever but blood tests (TSH) say am on too much. Has anyone had this? Consultant has said maybe I am also going through perimenopause (have just turned 40). latest bloods show:
TSH 0.01 mI (L 0.27 - 4.20mIU/L)
FREE T3- (RSV) 7.9 (3.1-6.8)
T4 26.9 pmol (L 11.00 - 21.20pmol/L)
Serum Ferritin 50UG (13-150)
Serum creatinine 47 umol/L 47.00 - 99.00umol
Anti-TPO 345 ( < 25 )
Anti-TG 179 H ( < 40 ) IU/mL SH
The ultrasound showed my voume as 2.9 and the thyroid gland is very shrunken and 'may atrophy'
FSH 9.5
Oestradiol 106
my consultant dioes not belive in T3 medication and won't perscribe. any help super appreciated