Hi, just after some advice re increasing my t3. On paper my results look good, but I am still so fatigued! (Vitamins, ferretin levels all good as private bloods checked regularly)
I'm also taking HRT, recent test revealed oestrogen raised, (twice highest recommended level) so reducing my intake in case its that.
So I take 125mcg levo and 12.5mcg t3 daily, latest results
Free Thyroxine 22.2 (12-22)
Free T3 4.6 (3.1-6.8)
TSH 0.01 (0.27-4.2)
I also take d3+vit k (4000)
Selenium and zinc
Vit b complex (stopped 2 weeks before)
Advice on raising t3 without raising t4 please.
Thank you in advance