Hi all
I am in need of some advice on how to increase my free T3 and T4 without experiencing hyper symptoms.
My tsh is 0.06; free T4 is 1.1 (0.8-1.8); free T3 is 2.6(2.3-4.2)
Tpo is 12(0-34)
Thyroglobulin less than 1.0 (0.0-0.9) ; reverse T3 18.9 (9.2-24.1)
Vit D is 64 (30-100)
Ferritin 126(10-263)
No other health issues other than high antibodies on ebv and cytomegalovirus from past exposure. My naturopath thinks this may have contributed to hypothyroid.
I am 64; been in ndt for 15 years. Currently on compounded liothyronine 15.25/ thyroxine 65.
Due to inability to get ndt.
I was on 20.25/85.5 and feel much better on that dose but feel nervous and can’t sleep.
It completely eliminates any fatigue or depression at that dose.
Any input as to why my free t3 and T4 levels remain low and how to fix?
Many thanks