I’ve just got my latest bloods back and this confirms I need to reduce my Levothyroxine. It’s a similar result to last time and shows my T4 to be too high. I was on 150mcg T4 only:
TSH: 0.005
Free thyroxine: 33.5 (12-22)
Free T3: 5.88 (3.1-6.8]
Previous bloods from mid July tell the same story…
TSH: 0.005
Free thyroxine: 34.1 (12-22)
Free T3: 5.38 (3.1-6.8]
Both blood tests were done early in the morning, fasting, having not taken any thyroid medication for 24 hours or B vitamins for a week prior. I also stopped taken any iron supplements one week before the first test and didn’t resume taken them so I’ve been off iron supplementation since July.
I have now reduced my Levothyroxine to 125mcg (I’m now on the 3rd day of this 25mcg reduction). I personally feel my T3 conversion isn’t optimal and that I will start to feel more and more hypo. The last time I tried 125mcg T4 only (earlier this year) by day 20 I was needing to sleep during the day for example…
I have Thybon Henning T3 and thinking of trying a very small dose of T3 to see how I get on (5mcg daily, split into two 2.5mcg doses). Feedback on this would be appreciated but I think I ought to try it. If I start to feel too unwell (I don’t have a fantastic track record with T3), then I’ll have to try alternating 125mcg one day & 150mcg the next for 6-8 weeks & then re-test?
I think this proves the first result wasn’t a hyper swing……the question is what do I do to address this that doesn’t make me feel worse!
I’ve also just got my iron panel results back which I did after recommendation on this forum:
CRP HS: 0.65 (0-5)
iron: 26.8 (5.8-34.5)
TIBC: 51.8 (45-81)
UIBC: 25 (24.2-70.1)
Transferrin Saturation: 51.7 (20-50)
Ferritin: 143 (13-150)
The comments that came with the results said my transferrin saturation was high (which I can see) but at this level no concern but not to supplement with iron or reduce if already doing so (which I no longer am).
Thanks for any advice 🙂