Good Morning, I had my Gp ring me telling me on these results I'm overmedicated another long conversation again! I'm under an Endo I've been taking between 5 n 10 mcg with 75mcg Levo cutting a 100mcg tablet up as I don't want my brands changed if I go on 50s n 25s to make the 75mcg what is so annoying is she has written on my notes overmedicated and won't take it off if another GP looks ill have the same conversations it's so exhausting.. My Tsh on T4 only was always low highest being 0.06 Also can anyone explain why my ferritin goes up n down constantly on no supplements and my diet hasn't been great and I don't eat meat. My hair loss has been getting worse but my hairdresser is saying so many are coming into the salon with hairloss they have usually have had covid or had the jabs also like myself I had covid Dec 2020 and had all 3 jabs does anyone think maybe it's related my appetite is now coming back which I'm happy about and I'll go back taking my b complex with my vit d which I still take
New Results: Good Morning, I had my Gp ring me... - Thyroid UK
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I'm under an Endo I've been taking between 5 n 10 mcg with 75mcg Levo cutting a 100mcg tablet up as I don't want my brands changed if I go on 50s n 25s to make the 75mcg
what is so annoying is she has written on my notes overmedicated and won't take it off if another GP looks ill have the same conversations it's so exhausting..
As you are under care of endocrinologist GP shouldn’t even be involved ….let alone pronouncing
Ft4 is 70% through range
Ft3 is 86% through range
Yes I know SlowDragon I've just had another long conversation with her to tell her I'm not over medicated and had to explain about Tsh once again! I'm on T3 and under Endo I said I've had low tsh fo r so long now even on T4 only so to stop her going on I said I have an Echocardiogram next month I have no heart problems just leaky valves
Mitral valve prolapse is common with autoimmune thyroid disease
Yes I was advised on here and read up about it some time ago had a lot of info ThankYou! I'm just annoyed my gp keeps interfering and I keep explaining about my results n low tsh but iam wondering why my ferritin fluctuates so much

Another thing you could do is to ring your endo's office - explain the situation and maybe they could send a letter to the GP explaining that you need to be on what you are on. Then again sometimes doctors don't like correcting another doctor.
Wish it was as easy as that to phone its not its all emails these days

It seems to me that GPs don't really understand how to treat their hypo patients. Mine phoned to state:-
Your TSH is 'too low' your T4 is too low and your T3 is too high.
My response: 'Yes doctor that's how it should be as I take T3 alone.
GP responds: but T3 converts to T4 .
"I'm sorry doctor that's not the case. T4 is supposed to convert to T3."
I know shaws I usually keep to the same lady GP but I still have these same conversations this conversation I said where am I over medicated my t3 t4 in range how can you write on my notes overmedicated I'm not but I just don't want 50s and 25s to make up to the drop to 75mcg as I'll end up with different brands I've been cutting my 100mcg Mercury Pharma up since last year with my t3

Trying to restore your health is becoming a chore and I hope you are able to resolve the difficulties. The medics don't seem to realise that - when hypothyroid - we need our TSH to be 1 or lower and FT4 and FT3 towards the upper ranges. If it is low they then think we're taking too much hormones and alter dose.
Our bodies are good at informing us what it likes or don't like.
Hello Gsd :
Can't add much more and yes, it does get very exhausting, and considering doctors are over worked why your doctor is wasting time when you are under an endocrinologists defies all logic.
Do you have high inflammation as that can be cause ferritin to rise
Do you with Hashimoto's AI disease ?
Sorry - I could look back but then loose this thread ?
Hi There, Yes I have Hashi's that causes immflammation? I've just been baffled why it fluctuates so much more now I used to have take supplements to build it up a good while back my last test in Sept I was 77 it dropped from 160 now shot up again I'm going to get another iron panel done my GP only does ferritin but I'm trying to figure out why so much more hair loss happening now more since I had covid and the jabs it got me thinking 🤔
Re the pesky tablet splitting :Have you considered
3 days 100mcg + 4 days 50mcg = 500mcg /week = 71.4mcg/day
or ,
4 days 100mcg + 3 days 50mcg = 550mcg /week = 78.5mcg /day
actually, on second thoughts that's probably just as pesky ... just thinking out loud
Thank You I have been managing to cut in half then half again with crumbs left sometimes I'd rather that than getting probably 2 different brands although Mercury Pharma do 50s and 25s but took Boots a few times before I actually got my 100mcg without the constant conversations over the changing of brands my results show pretty good ranges
"I feel well on this dose"
GP - that is not the point
GP got what my children call my lazer look.
GP - we will leave it there then.