Hi guys, I'm back! 4 months ago I asked to go up on my dosage of levothyroxine (I was on 50mcg) but the GP declined. However, I had a blood test again yesterday and my TSH has gone up more, and my T4 dropped more, so they are letting me go onto 75mcg - result! As of the last blood test (yesterday), my TSH is 6.73mIU/L (range 0.38-5.33) and my T4 is 12.4pmol/L (range 8-18.0). I'm going to start the 75mcg tomorrow. My other vitamins and minerals are looking good, and I'm still taking supplements, but my potassium was a bit on the low side (3.5mmol/L with a range 3.5-5.3).
However, I've been taking Mercury pharma 25mcg twice a day - I tried another brand of 50mcg (I can't remember which one!) and broke out in an itchy rash all over my body, so had to take two 25mcg Mercury ones instead. I don't know if I should take three Mercury pharma tablets or get the new 75mcg ones the GP has sent to the pharmacy, as I don't want to get a rash again but taking three tablets is a bit annoying as I also have some joint issues - do people who have taken Mercury get on well with any other brands?
Additionally - lately, I've been having even more symptoms of hypothyroidism (not surprising seeing my TSH getting higher and higher) - extreme fatigue, joint pain, thinning eyebrows, weight gain, high blood pressure (diastolic), but also a hoarse voice and pressure on and around my throat. This pressure is worse when I'm lying down flat on my back. It's been getting worse over the past 6 months or so. Should I ask my GP for a referral for an ultrasound on my thyroid? I don't think I have a goitre or anything. I tested negative for Hashimoto's so I'm not sure why my thyroid is failing. Thank you!